"Like" is back! :D

But it makes no mention of WHO likes a given post. Remember there used to be a line that said XX and YY and you like this post (just an example).

On my screen, the name of the person(s) who "Liked" something of mine appears in the area below the post; the numbers in the avatar are just the accumulations......
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How do you tell which comment of your got a 'like' ? Before we could do this, I am not seeing a way to do it now.
How do you tell which comment of your got a 'like' ? Before we could do this, I am not seeing a way to do it now.
:dunno: To be honest, I've never checked on likes I got. I just give 'em.
bring one more button ; for "Boo", please !!! LOL, no seriously, please do
I don't think Alex meant to take it away. It was part of the forum updates that it got changed. I appreciate he found a way to get it back in even if it's different.
Ahh... where's the "unlike" button when you need one? ;)

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Ahh... where's the "unlike" button when you need one? ;)

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

After you click "Like", you can then click "Unlike", of course....:lol:
After you click "Like", you can then click "Unlike", of course....:lol:

Maybe VamPyroX was actually thinking of what I would call "Don't like" rather than "Unlike". Saying you "Don't like" to begin with rather than changing your mind and "Unlike" it.