Let me Rant, Please?

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Here is my sugesstion: shut up and stop whining about how horrbile your life. Life is not perfect and you have to suck it up! no guys want you because your annyoing about everything. do us a favor grow up and get a life and work hard to get ur dream and your not doing anything about it because ur sitting on the cpu moaning abt everything

I want Nozobo to get off my case... stop harassing me.

Oh my god - - this is getting ridiculous.

I am not sure who you are but your posts drip of self pity and self-entitlement.

It is one thing to be down on your luck for a year or two, but there is always that forward momentum to get back on your feet, you havent even taken the first step yet.

I dont appreciate freeloaders, moochers, and anything of those sorts. Even though these people think they are living cheaply, they are not, infact they are the MOST EXPENSIVE person to live with. I should know, my ex-husband was one.

15b hours a day on the Internet - you need help.

Pulling the fire alarms for reasons NOT associated with an actual fire? I am surprised they did not haul your butt to jail sooner. Thats the kind of stuff that a 3 year old does, not an 18 year old college student.

You may be in your twenties and legally of age, but you dont function on that level. You live like a 14 year old. Your'e not ready to stand on your own yet, you lack the maturity and the stability.

Your best bet is to move back home with your parents and get a job - any job. Something that will keep you out of the house off the internet and earning your own paycheck. Once you find out that you can earn your own paycheck - - you will feel much better about yourself knowing your being a productive citizen and not a freeloading mooch. Work 40 hours a week, save up the money for something you really want such as a nice car or something. Once you've shown yourself you can maintain a financial stability besides an SSI check every month (meaning youve kept a job for a year or more, the same job that is) then you can move into an apartment near your parents, this will allow you a bit more freedom and you can learn in baby steps how to maintain a lifestyle that you want. You dont have to work with celebrities to be happy.

I work at a crap-ola job, but it pays fairly well and I am stashing cash in the bank for a downpayment on a truck I hope to buy this fall. And using whatever other money I make to stash back for a house later on. In a couple of years when my DD starts Kindergarten, then I can put my butt back through school for a 2 year degree. It wont make me rich but it's something I can use to find a better job with a bit more financial freedom.

Right now, you need to focus on getting yourself well mentally. You really need to get in touch with a Psychiatrist that can prescribe you medications as well as offer counseling sessions so you can vent your frustrations out. If you're thinking of killing yourself, you need to contact the suicide hotline and talk to someone there. Do not stay here and drown in self pity. It is not helping anyone, especially yourself.

lol cute icon "banned!" haha :lol:
Hi The*Empress

The*Empress --

...Wow. Your life is actually worser than mine.

I remembered I was in 5th grader at deaf school and there were a lot of bullies. They treated me differently like a shit. I only had two friends. I was very bearable for (non-straightly) 6 years because I was claimed by others that I was not beautiful enough, my clothes were not so fashion style. They picked on me almost everyday, even spit at me, pulling my hair, push me, yelling, and blahh..
Through, I was not a talkive person, passive, and easily to shut myself out... I started to hate myself, even beat myself up. I was became to be anti-self... I hate myself at all the time. Everyday, I always did go to take a nap after school because I was extremely depressing and to take a lot of food before a nap. eat, eat, eat, eat... (Funny, that was should be normal for girls to not eat many food if girls were depressing but i was NOT.)
I hurt myself few times in my early teen age and was tried to kill myself a several times and go on. I lost some weight from 120 to 103 lbs. I did not give a fuck, really.. Because I had just a harder time in my life. I was barely invisible student to others, a such loner, and my personality got dried up and a little colder.

However, thanks to someone that I am very admired to her who helped me a lot, I started to self-taught to improve my life. I started to love myself again... BUT - I did not realize how painful it is because if you want to love yourself again and it will be hurt a lottttt. Because I was being anti-self for so longer time.

Honsetly, I almost have no feeling at all, maybe no emotions because of that. In the fact, I did cry a lot because I realized how was the painful if I love myself while my hear denied it fully. I COULD NOT open my heart. YET...

So difficult to recover myself.

Thankfully, I stopped to hate myself almost two or a year and half year(s) ago. Because it's not very health for my own taste. Sadly, I still cant feel anything sometimes. It's like -- I want to feel it but my heart denied it except my own mind. FOR explain -- I can say "I love you" on my mind but I am only giving my family or friends a little love. It's really so hard to heal myself.. Yes, being anti-self is NOT healthy at all. O_O I almost wish I never do that at the first place. *shrugs* ^_^

BUT! At the least, I finally get my life back and to start all over for now. I am still thankfully relief that I fixed my own problem and get move on. MY life is getting better and better a lotttt.. I only need one more thing is: to improve my feeling and my emotions because I am not able to feel it or to show my true emotion because I held in all emotions inside to not show others how i feel for years and years. It was the same with an anti-self person, myself. It's really hard to heal.. ugh

BUT, you are NOT alone that I dont want you to think you are. I'm in your shoes and totally understandable. So, just dont be upset, okay? To worry about the past is not worthy to remember. YOU *never* know when is there amazing days come to you anytime. Because look at me! I did it! I gain a lot of better life so I dont need to look back at those days or to worry about them. :) I graduated successfully, I got my job, and my health is going back to normal again. Everthing is MUCH IMPROVEING lately. I'm pretty sure that you will HAVE many wonderful days in your life soon or anytime! :) :)


Oh, yes... wanna hear a joke? Hmm? :D
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Oh my god - - this is getting ridiculous.

I am not sure who you are but your posts drip of self pity and self-entitlement.

It is one thing to be down on your luck for a year or two, but there is always that forward momentum to get back on your feet, you havent even taken the first step yet.

I dont appreciate freeloaders, moochers, and anything of those sorts. Even though these people think they are living cheaply, they are not, infact they are the MOST EXPENSIVE person to live with. I should know, my ex-husband was one.

15b hours a day on the Internet - you need help.

Pulling the fire alarms for reasons NOT associated with an actual fire? I am surprised they did not haul your butt to jail sooner. Thats the kind of stuff that a 3 year old does, not an 18 year old college student.

You may be in your twenties and legally of age, but you dont function on that level. You live like a 14 year old. Your'e not ready to stand on your own yet, you lack the maturity and the stability.

Your best bet is to move back home with your parents and get a job - any job. Something that will keep you out of the house off the internet and earning your own paycheck. Once you find out that you can earn your own paycheck - - you will feel much better about yourself knowing your being a productive citizen and not a freeloading mooch. Work 40 hours a week, save up the money for something you really want such as a nice car or something. Once you've shown yourself you can maintain a financial stability besides an SSI check every month (meaning youve kept a job for a year or more, the same job that is) then you can move into an apartment near your parents, this will allow you a bit more freedom and you can learn in baby steps how to maintain a lifestyle that you want. You dont have to work with celebrities to be happy.

I work at a crap-ola job, but it pays fairly well and I am stashing cash in the bank for a downpayment on a truck I hope to buy this fall. And using whatever other money I make to stash back for a house later on. In a couple of years when my DD starts Kindergarten, then I can put my butt back through school for a 2 year degree. It wont make me rich but it's something I can use to find a better job with a bit more financial freedom.

Right now, you need to focus on getting yourself well mentally. You really need to get in touch with a Psychiatrist that can prescribe you medications as well as offer counseling sessions so you can vent your frustrations out. If you're thinking of killing yourself, you need to contact the suicide hotline and talk to someone there. Do not stay here and drown in self pity. It is not helping anyone, especially yourself.

There is nothing wrong with my MIND.

I don't need any medication for my mind..

Why people think it is my mind?

I don't need a mind doctor, I just NEED the best FACE doctor in the world
to fix my face up.... to make me look normal...
So that I can be HAPPY!!!!!! Be happy with myself...

If a man isn't happy being a man, and want to be a woman...
People think there is something wrong with his mind... So
did he go to a mind doctor??? No.
He had sex change.... and after that he, now she is very very happy.

Same thing with fat people, they are unhappy with the way they look,
do they take medication??? No. They lose weight and be
in a good diet program. And after that they are HAPPY.

All I want to do is be HAPPY, and I wish to look good...
No psychologist or psycholotrist can't fix my face.
Nobody can fix your face Miss P .. you have to accept yourself.. look me ,they say I am handsome but it didn't help me at all .

Love yourself and get a life.

If you are really that worried about your face instead of whining about it consult a doctor in your area that can point you in the right direction for facial reconstruction, but here is the kicker, the state will not pay for it unless it is life threatening, debilitating, or causes alot of physical pain.

But there are people out there with disfigured faces and they get along fine. They have good jobs, make a living, and they are happy people.

I understand the concept that seeing yourself beautiful on the outside can make you feel better on the inside, but you shouldn't rely on looks alone for happiness.

There are times I wish I could fix my monkey looking face but I dont constantly worry about it. I just go on with my life and realize its the face God's given me and not alot I can do about it. My face doesnt make me happy or sad, its just my face.

But as for mental health problems, your posts drip of it. I dont say that to be mean, I say it because your posts worry alot of people here. You want help, but yet your not willing to take that first step towards getting help.

This is something I can't hold your hand doing otherwise you will expect me to do everything for you. I can't.

Alot of people's problems can be solved with a little willpower and some elbow grease. There are only 3 problems in this world - sin, sorrow, and grief.

Yours can be solved with the same solution - willpower and elbow grease. Remember God helps those that help themselves.
There is nothing wrong with my MIND.

I don't need any medication for my mind..

Why people think it is my mind?

I don't need a mind doctor, I just NEED the best FACE doctor in the world
to fix my face up.... to make me look normal...
So that I can be HAPPY!!!!!! Be happy with myself...

If a man isn't happy being a man, and want to be a woman...
People think there is something wrong with his mind... So
did he go to a mind doctor??? No.
He had sex change.... and after that he, now she is very very happy.

Same thing with fat people, they are unhappy with the way they look,
do they take medication??? No. They lose weight and be
in a good diet program. And after that they are HAPPY.

All I want to do is be HAPPY, and I wish to look good...
No psychologist or psycholotrist can't fix my face.

Ever heard of "self acceptance"? YOU don't need the perfect face or body to be happy.. you Just have to accept that you are not perfect, Nobody in this world is perfect. Just accept it, and move on. Your negative attitude is not gonna help you. :pissed:
Heh.. while funny, I think that's a little mean. You guys might actually push her to do it one day then 2 men in blue are at your door with a subpoena to drag you to court =p.
I came home today from Los Angeles and my dog is gone... my mom let her ran away.

My life is so empty now.
I’m very sorry to hear about your dog, Trish. I’m not being sarcastic—I really am sympathetic. I hope it’s OK and you find it soon.
Complaining on a forum won't help find your dog. Go look for it and put up reward papers. You'll offer generiously if you miss your dog enough. 100 bucks to 500 should do it. It's actually hard to take you seriously with that post but whatever.
That's assuming of course, that her dog really did run away. It could very easily be another one of her endless attention-getting ploys.
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