Leptospirosis Disease in Dogs


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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Leptospirosis (Canine) | Petside

Marty loves to eat rabbit poop, I hope he can't get Leptospirosis Disease from this! I try to keep Marty from eating the poop but it hard to see at night and he find it before I do! I never heard of this before.
Then make sure Marty is vaccinated. I don't like it that it can spread to humans.
No, nothing like rabies. It's not fatal (usually). It can be treated with antibiotics.

There is some controversy within the vet and the dog-owning community as to the value of vaccinations. As the article states, the vaccine does not necessarily protect against all possible strains of lepto.

If your dog is mostly an inside dog (and you stop him from eating rabbit poop!!), lives a clean life, does not roam where wildlife is, is not running around in the fields like a hunting dog would be, the risk of getting lepto is quite small. Conversely, if you have hunting dogs, or dogs that roam around wildlife quite a bit (like working dogs on a farm), you live in an area with stagnant water and/or flooding, then the risk is higher.

Discuss it with your vet as to whether Marty should be vaccinated or not. Probably he lives a pretty confined life, so it might not be necessary.
liked your reply, Beach Girl:wave:

I don't vaccinate for lepto and actually do a very minimal vacc. protocol, based on what I've learned from Dr. Ron Schultz and my own holistic vets.

here is a some of a basic summary regarding Dr. Schultz and vaccines - part of a larger commentary which involved an individual's testimony regarding vaccine disclosure:
Kris Christine
couple more things about vaccines for anybody reading-

-avoid those 5-6-or 7-in one vaccines <one injection with multiple vaccines in it>

-do not let the vet vaccinate because the dog happens to be there for another procedure<spay, dental>

-don't combine Bord. with anything even though generally the nasal spray is given now

- Giardia and Corona are not recommended

my youngest recently had her 3-yr. Rabies vaccine <go Rabies Challenge Fund!> and for a week before and a week after I also de-toxed her using a protocol from my holistic vet.
there is a risk of over-vaccination - research for yourself about Leptospirosis and see what YOU think - don't let the vets determine the vaccines for you-
Leptospirosis (Canine) | Petside

Marty loves to eat rabbit poop, I hope he can't get Leptospirosis Disease from this! I try to keep Marty from eating the poop but it hard to see at night and he find it before I do! I never heard of this before.

You need to use the Ceasar's Way methodology on your dog. There is no reason a dog should be doing and it's your job to make sure he doesn't.
No, nothing like rabies. It's not fatal (usually). It can be treated with antibiotics.

There is some controversy within the vet and the dog-owning community as to the value of vaccinations. As the article states, the vaccine does not necessarily protect against all possible strains of lepto.

If your dog is mostly an inside dog (and you stop him from eating rabbit poop!!), lives a clean life, does not roam where wildlife is, is not running around in the fields like a hunting dog would be, the risk of getting lepto is quite small. Conversely, if you have hunting dogs, or dogs that roam around wildlife quite a bit (like working dogs on a farm), you live in an area with stagnant water and/or flooding, then the risk is higher.

Discuss it with your vet as to whether Marty should be vaccinated or not. Probably he lives a pretty confined life, so it might not be necessary.

No Marty does NOT live a confined life , he goes to the park or woods everyday for about a hour. And he plays or 'hunt' in our backyard . He loves to poke his little nose into the holes chipmunk made. His nose fit in the holes perfectly! I try to stop him from eating the poop but like I said at night it really hard to see the poop and Marty is so close to the ground he right on top of the poop! We have a lot of wild rabbits and not enough natural predators. I do not allow Marty to swim the duck pond , the water is really gross!

I write this as a dog trainer- Ceaser's method's are outdated, based on inaccurate information and behaviorally in-appropriate. At worst, they are also abusive. I can suggest alternatives if anyone is interested.


My girls do sometimes come across rabbit poop in the yard and the youngest does eat it- never had an issue. I also feed raw meat and bones.

not saying Lepto is not an issue anywhere at all, but realize that the drug industry in both vet and human medicine is a very powerful lobby and they want us to use those products. Too much in medicine has been done due to precedent and money, not because those things were really medically indicated.

I write this as a dog trainer- Ceaser's method's are outdated, based on inaccurate information and behaviorally in-appropriate. At worst, they are also abusive. I can suggest alternatives if anyone is interested.


My girls do sometimes come across rabbit poop in the yard and the youngest does eat it- never had an issue. I also feed raw meat and bones.

not saying Lepto is not an issue anywhere at all, but realize that the drug industry in both vet and human medicine is a very powerful lobby and they want us to use those products. Too much in medicine has been done due to precedent and money, not because those things were really medically indicated.

You can try to use the alternative methods, but this is not a jumping on the couch problem. If he is letting the dog out side by itself, pleasure training is not going to work.

I've seen both sides of the training debate and I'm not against either method, but given the situation, time of of the essence here.
I guess I don't believe time is of the essence here.

am glad you're aware of both sides, most people aren't.
I guess I don't believe time is of the essence here.

am glad you're aware of both sides, most people aren't.

Yes, there is a great debate about it on the net. It's really very interesting. The official stance by the overseers of dog trainers is to not to endorse Caesar's methods and (I agree) his view of dogs and wolves is wrong. However, the official institutions are also not taking a stance of how to stop dogs from attacking people either, they don't answer the tough questions or take a position on them. While his methods are not non-confrontational, they pale compared to how dogs where trained 20 years ago. I should really start another thread about this.

Still, in this case, it's not healthy for a dog to eat poop and he will continue to eat it every day until he is corrected, IMO.

I write this as a dog trainer- Ceaser's method's are outdated, based on inaccurate information and behaviorally in-appropriate. At worst, they are also abusive. I can suggest alternatives if anyone is interested.


My girls do sometimes come across rabbit poop in the yard and the youngest does eat it- never had an issue. I also feed raw meat and bones.

not saying Lepto is not an issue anywhere at all, but realize that the drug industry in both vet and human medicine is a very powerful lobby and they want us to use those products. Too much in medicine has been done due to precedent and money, not because those things were really medically indicated.
I hate having to give Marty more drugs because he was on antibiotic for a over a month when he was really sick. I do tell Marty to' leave it' when he start to eat the poop , he know what 'leave it' means. Marty was an abused
dog and it took him time to really bound with me. He is bounding with me now and I need to train him in a way that fun and not threaten. He is a small dog and a very smart dog and know this made him easier to be hurt because of his size.
I am interested hearing about your alternatives methods . I took Marty to a dog training class to observe the dog trainer. When it same time to train a dog that was not heeling for his owner the dog trainer put on a choker
collar that had spikes on it on the dog neck to get the dog to heel! There was no way I was going to use that dog trainer, I am against using choker collars and never put one of them on my dogs!
:)yeah, VacationGuy, another thread is a good idea-

whatdidyousay, am glad you're thinking about other ways of training besides threatening or physically responding tothe dog, especially if Marty comes from an abusive situation.

I can understand that you're worried about Marty eating the rabbit turds - and since they're often so small and hidden, it can be hard to catch him eating them every time.
do you have any interest in looking for a holistic vet to work with you and your current vet?

here's couple other articles on Lepto:


this was written by a vet
when i worked in a vets office, we always tried to get people to vaccinate for lepto.

most of the cases we got of lepto, the poor dogs were so far along it was hard to get them back to health again. it was very hard for the clients (most of them any way) and staff to see the poor animals in so much pain.... and i won't even mention the money aspect for treatment.

i think you getting your dog vaccinated also depends on the area you live in. i know baltimore md isn't a good area for dogs to not be vaccinated in. so i would try to find statistics for your area if you can.
Dogmom, what detox protocol do you use prior to the rabies shots? Poor Pippin gets sort of sick from these shots, vomiting a bit and appears to be sore and stiff for as much as a couple weeks afterward.

He is getting up in years now (probably about 8 to 10 years old). I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not; we have only had him for four years so I don't know how he reacted when he was younger.
:wave: Beach Girl

I use Animals Apawthecary Detox Blend - the largest size bottle - and she gets several drops <not downstairs where specific directions are> BID for a week before and a week after. About two hours before on the day of appt., I also give her two Benedryls <THINK 25 mg. per tablet, but do not base anything you would do on my math<!>...check for one's own dog first>.

The Rabies vaccine is a thorny problem...it's possible to get a waiver from a holistic or more open-minded vet IF you ask for one and if your dog has a compromised immune system due to age or disease, or documented history of adverse reactions. However, the waiver does not prevent one from any kind of civil or municipal action if there would ever be an issue.

If you don't already have one and are interested, I could post a link to where you could find a holistic vet, BG, unless your own vet is already at least open-minded. We have three vets - one holistic only, who is an international teaching vet - then another who works from both perspectives and another, the original and primary- who is very conventional about food <we agree to disagree> but open-minded about other things.
I write this as a dog trainer- Ceaser's method's are outdated, based on inaccurate information and behaviorally in-appropriate. At worst, they are also abusive.

I disagree. Cesar takes in most hardcore, most aggressive dogs
and other most severe cases into his care which needs to be deal with with discipline and consistence,
and that's why his treatment may seem to be "abusive" to some but it really isn't.

If you observe carefully, you will see that so-called physical "violence" that many accuse Cesar of is not violence at all,
but merely a technique he uses
to DE - FOCUS the dog from too intense a fixation he puts himself into. A frenzy, really.

Furthermore, what almost everyone who accuse Millan of any wrongdoing conveniently misses, too is the fact that during the TV show
the time frame is very constricted.
But the truth is what really happen during the dog's rehabilitation on TV usually takes hours, days, months before there is a change for the better. The TV show takes barely 45 minutes without commercials. Not everything is shown, of course due to editing.

Cesar saves dogs that other behaviorist and veterinarian declared unfit to LIVE
and marked to be euthanized as dangerous to people and other dogs.

His methods are not outdated, and he is not using an inappropriate ones.

Just because some of other behaviorist doesn't agree with Milan,
doesn't mean they are right or he isn't - it means they all just doesn't agree,
is all.

Last but not least - I appreciate the fact that you are a dog trainer,
but with all due respect please heed the words I wrote earlier-
"Cesar saves dogs that were rejected by other behaviorists and veterinarians as unsaved-able".

If such highly educated professionals were unable to manage the dogs which Cesar could,
then with all due respect, but a mere dog trainer does not exactly instil a lot of confidence in me.
Please don't take it personally - I am saying this about dog trainers in general, not about you.
Because what I had in mind exactly, was the movie "Marley and Me"
where the professional dog trainer played by Kathleen Turner was unable to train Marley.
So, no, in my book- the dog trainers don't know everything.
