Last Movie You Watched?

Knowing- It was good... sad at the end..... and it reminds me of Adam & Eve
It's definitely aimed for more adult audience and that's nice. It's rare to find a movie based on a comic book this character/political driven. The only beef I have is I'm still not for sure who possessed what ability, if any. The heroes are just more of your average Joes with enhanced strength and agility. No real mutant abilities, etc.
Darkman - Sam Raimi's 1990 superhero flick
I read somewhere he wanted to do The Shawdow but was able due to rights so he simply created his own hero from scratch. The results Darkman

Solid film
Darkman - Sam Raimi's 1990 superhero flick
I read somewhere he wanted to do The Shawdow but was able due to rights so he simply created his own hero from scratch. The results Darkman

Solid film
Yeah. It's a good movie. Can't say the same though for the sequels.
It is. Verrrrry good ending toooo :)

2nd Night at the museum is such a good movie, I agree

Harry Potter comes tomorrow night at midnight...Hmmmm don't know if I'll just wait till a matine the next day- my mom is pretty desparate to go tomorrow at midnight. Staying awake wont be a problem cuz we both work graves, I just don't know when I'll go, not that Im really wanting to hook it up.
Yeah. That's what I was saying in my previous post... where I had a similar discussion with my friends years ago. :)

Would love to have your discussion with me about it as well. I am curious of what you think of all this and also, what's the outcome of people's destinies. I am so sure that it is goin' to be very interestin'! :)
just finished Revolutionary Road..... it's kinda wtf at the end..... it's not that good.

it was deliberately done in this way, to give a sense of loss/confusion (his wife died from bloodloss in an attempted self-induced abortion at pregnancy stage way past the safe duration- she died. He is forced to bvring up their children and moved on with the new job and elsewhere. This dream was lost, along with his late wife, it haunts him. Another way looking is that 'society won', against their battles to chasing alternative freedom (to go to France) as you can see, the whole film revolves around the struggles to shake loose the society's expectations to be a consumer-driven citizen in which is dull and unstimulating for the pursuit to happiness. The mathematician was an excellent character - that back in those days to talk of 'freedom' the entrapment of society would indeed raise people's concerns to a point that they will throw (and have) him into a mental institution for 'correction' he's on pills for 'balance'whatever they thought back then but it didnt really alter the maths professor guy to see thru and understood the couples eagerness/struggle with society and meaning of life (away from the artificality of suburbia dreams) he even understood relationships despite what everyone thought of him.
So basically the conclusion of the film was one of confusion, haunted feelings, and being lost to the 'war against society' hell, he wasnt even re-married nor in another relationship. The film is clever, as even at the very end, there was no way he'd be given approval for the second relationship/marriage and had to bear the burden because the 'wholeness' according to society back then was all about conformity, western civilisation was well developed and hasnt yet began to fragment.
but i do agree some films, the ending is cut short, like an afterthought (budget dictating?) but not this one, it was done on purpose.
Would love to have your discussion with me about it as well. I am curious of what you think of all this and also, what's the outcome of people's destinies. I am so sure that it is goin' to be very interestin'! :)

The Book of Ezekiel in my opinion plays a keyrole in Knowing. What exactly where the "strangers/whispering men". Extraterrestrials? Angels? Both? Ezkekiels "chariot vision" (seen in the film in a drawing) has been analyzed for centuries but just most recently are people discussing whether or not, Ezekiel's encounter was a UFO sighting. Watch any UFO documentary's on Sci-fi or even Discover channel and almost always Ezekiel is mentioned simply because his encounter is so well-detailed. I'm actually surprised the book remained part of the bible because a lot of other text similar was removed. I.E. The Book of Enoch, which is Apocrypha scripture, has been said to also prove that aliens exist. According to Biblical scripture, other then Elijah, Enoch was taken into Heaven where he then "walked with God". The book goes to great lengths to depict everything he witnessed while there. The book also mentions Nephilim excessively. Nephilim are offspring of fallen angels (known as watchers) and human women. Yet some people categorize them as Aliens as well. Things of this sort are not discussed at Church for obvious reasons.

1:5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

^^ If I'm correct, when the 'whispering men' took the children into their craft, there were exactly 4! Coincidence? Maybe I'm wrong about this though. I'm going to re-watch the ending to clarify this.

There is a theory that aliens brought life to Earth. The ending to Knowing, in a sense, supports this.