Your Highness -great comedy set in the Middle Ages
The Whore - great revenge film, again set in the Middle Ages but made in Germany, not as epic as The Count of Monte Cristo, but it has a very good depth in law and germanic culture of the time (for a movie). I really like it.
This girl finds out she has 2 months to live and doesn't tell her family (she has two girls and a husband and so on) well it's basically about her taking her last two months to "live" her life. Parts of it I don't agree with (she decides to have an affair and I don't care if I know I am dying or not that wouldn't happen) but it is just a story and I get it. Anyways there is a part in the movie where she sits in her car and records birthday messages for her girls for all of their birthdays until they turn 18 and I lose it like a baby monster face every time. It is really sad.