Lactose intolerance

I didn´t change either.

I copied and pasted the exact quotes what you typed.

It mean is that no sodium add (written) on the label. You should say that "Yes, it written soduim in the list on the label.
The Nutrition Facts list total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat, monosaturated fat, cholesteral, sodium, potassium, total carbs, dietary fiber, sugars, and protein, EVEN IF THE CONTENT IS ZERO GRAMS. They still have to list every category.

My milk label includes trans fat, polyunsaturated fat, monosaturated fat, and dietary fiber even though there is ZERO PERCENT in the milk. The law requires showing even the ZERO PERCENTS.
Whatever... I only shared what I READ the difference labels between Germany and America. I brought 2 American cereals, candies and some cookies with me because I like them which here in Germany don´t have. I read both labels and must say that American soduim is high than Germany. I would suggest you to read the link, I provided yesterday at my thread "Germany Culture".
What does that prove? I'm not talking about the difference in products. I'm talking about the difference in labeling systems. Please follow the topic.

I already stated in my previous posts that canned foods do have soduim or salt, don´t I? ;)
So? What does that have to do with my explanation of labeling? Please stay on track.

No, those link you provided about milk "The milk story" is from Australia. ;)
One that I used was from England, and another from Australia. I posted the content of the one that was a clearer format for you to read. At least I thought it was easier.

And other link about Milk: Cow, Fat-Free, Skim - we don´t have like this here in Germany. ;)
I thought you preferred fat-free milk. What percentage fat do you prefer? I'll look the nutrition for that percentage so you can see the exact list.
I don't, generally speaking, drink (cow's) milk or any other animal's milk because I think the cow was raped in order to obtain it. Would you ladies like to be raped and have your . . . ?? Need I continue? :ugh3: Furthermore, eating meat is eating flesh and I've gotten away from that. A lot of Christians are "Pro Life" so why do they eat meat? It's from a dead being. Sounds like an oxymoron to say one is prolife and they eat flesh.


Completely agree with you here. I think milk just as much cruelty as meat eating.

First of all the cow is artificially insaminated. That means she doesn't even get to 'do it' naturally.

Then when the baby is born that baby gets taken away which is very stressful for the mother cow as cows are quite intelligent and form bonds with their baby.

Then they are given hormones to make them produce more milk then they would naturally which must be quite painful for them.

Then while they are still producing milk they are made pregnant again by the same brutal method. So they are pregnant and also producing milk at the SAME time.

It's a hard life being a dairy cow. It's not as if milk was even good for you as it isn't.
Sorry but this simply doesn't exist. Even skimmed milk includes saturated fat.
I was just referring to her post #25:

"Unfortunlately yes, I re-read those label of skim milk with fat-free... and cannot beleive when I re-read it."


"Starting Jan. 1, 1998, the labeling of fat-reduced milk products will have to follow the same requirements the Food and Drug Administration established almost five years ago for the labeling of just about every other food reduced in fat. From now on:

* 2 percent milk will become known, for example, as "reduced fat" or "less fat" instead of "low fat";
* 1 percent milk will remain "low fat" or become, for example, "little fat"; and
* skim will retain its name or be called, for example, "fat-free", "zero-fat", or "no-fat" milk. "

Fat-Reduced Milk Products Join the Food Labeling Fol

Skim milk has to be less than 0.5 g fat.
Well, I have seen few different milks when I overnighted at Hotel. I spot Fat-Free Skim milk and reduced fat 2% and decided for reduced fat 2% milk.
What does that prove? I'm not talking about the difference in products. I'm talking about the difference in labeling systems. Please follow the topic.

Is it forbid to share with anyone what I view the difference?

So? What does that have to do with my explanation of labeling? Please stay on track.

I only responsed an exact what you said about canned tomatoes. So?

One that I used was from England, and another from Australia. I posted the content of the one that was a clearer format for you to read. At least I thought it was easier.

You claimed in first place that it´s Europe but I correct you. ;)

I thought you preferred fat-free milk. What percentage fat do you prefer? I'll look the nutrition for that percentage so you can see the exact list.

Huh? Who says that I prefer fat-free milk? I never say one word... I told you in previous posts that we don´t have fat-free milk here in Germany. I did posted how many % fat, we bought is 1,5% and 3,5% fat milk at my post#52 and bought 3,8% milk from farmer sometimes. We have only 0,1%, 1,5%, 3,5% and 3,8% fat milks everywhere here in Germany.
Is it forbid to share with anyone what I view the difference?
No, it's not "forbidden"; AD is not a totalitarian state. Don't over-react. I would just appreciate staying on topic so as not to muddy the waters.

I only responsed an exact what you said about canned tomatoes. So?
Fine. Your response had nothing to do with my point about labeling but you can post whatever you want.

US FDA/CFSAN: How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label

You claimed in first place that it´s Europe but I correct you. ;)
OK. I posted the link to the Aussie site instead of the English one. My mistake. I was trying to keep it simple without duplicating information.

I've been searching for a German or Euro milk site but I can't find one. If you can provide one that explains (in English) the nutrition labeling requirements for Germany, I would appreciate it.

Huh? Who says that I prefer fat-free milk? I never say one word... I told you in previous posts that we don´t have fat-free milk here in Germany.
I thought you drank some while visiting America. My mistake.
The role of milk in nature is to nourish and provide immunological protection for the mammalian young. Milk has been a food source for humans since prehistoric times; from human, goat, buffalo, sheep, yak, to the focus of this section - domesticated cow milk (genus Bos). Milk and honey are the only articles of diet whose sole function in nature is food. It is not surprising, therefore, that the nutritional value of milk is high. Milk is also a very complex food with over 100,000 different molecular species found. There are many factors that can affect milk composition such as breed variations (see introduction, cow to cow variations, herd to herd variations - including management and feed considerations, seasonal variations, and geographic variations. With all this in mind, only an approximate composition of milk can be given:

* 87.3% water (range of 85.5% - 88.7%)
* 3.9 % milkfat (range of 2.4% - 5.5%)
* 8.8% solids-not-fat (range of 7.9 - 10.0%):
o protein 3.25% (3/4 casein)
o lactose 4.6%
o minerals 0.65% - Ca, P, citrate, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Cl, Fe, Cu, sulfate, bicarbonate, many others
o acids 0.18% - citrate, formate, acetate, lactate, oxalate
o enzymes - peroxidase, catalase, phosphatase, lipase
o gases - oxygen, nitrogen
o vitamins - A, C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, others

All 22 minerals considered to be essential to the human diet are present in milk. These include three families of salts:

1. Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Chloride (Cl):These free ions are negatively correlated to lactose to maintain osmotic equilibrium of milk with blood.

Lactose is a disaccharide (2 sugars) made up of glucose and galactose (which are both monosaccharides).


It comprises 4.8 to 5.2% of milk, 52% of milk SNF, and 70% of whey solids. It is not as sweet as sucrose. When lactose is hydrolyzed by ß -D-galactosidase (lactase), an enzyme that splits these monosaccharides, the result is increased sweetness, and depressed freezing point.

One of its most important functions is its utilization as a fermentation substrate. Lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid from lactose, which is the beginning of many fermented dairy products. Because of their ability to metabolize lactose, they have a competitive advantage over many pathogenic and spoilage organisms.

Some people suffer from lactose intolerance; they lack the lactase enzyme, hence they cannot digest lactose, or dairy products containing lactose. Crystallization of lactose occurs in an alpha form which commonly takes a tomahawk shape. This results in the defect called sandiness. Lactose is relatively insoluble which is a problem in many dairy products, ice cream, sweetened condensed milk. In addition to lactose, fresh milk contains other carbohydrates in small amounts, including glucose, galactose, and oligosaccharides.

More info at:

chemistry and physics
No, it's not "forbidden"; AD is not a totalitarian state. Don't over-react. I would just appreciate staying on topic so as not to muddy the waters.

:confused: I really don´t have any idea why you claimed that I am over-react since I shared my experience in my first post of first thread simple way accord my post #21... All what I see is you can´t accept my experience on the difference... Who over-react?

Fine. Your response had nothing to do with my point about labeling but you can post whatever you want.

US FDA/CFSAN: How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label

I already created a thread about food label...

OK. I posted the link to the Aussie site instead of the English one. My mistake. I was trying to keep it simple without duplicating information.

You claimed that those link is Europe. I correct you because Aussie is not belong to Europe.

You said on your own word...

"BTW, the website that I used for the list of milk nutrients was NOT from America; it was from Europe."

I've been searching for a German or Euro milk site but I can't find one. If you can provide one that explains (in English) the nutrition labeling requirements for Germany, I would appreciate it.

I copied what my 2 milk 1,5% and 3,5% fat milk written accord my post #52. You can´t accept or don´t beleive my word but link... fine! I will try to look for milk at German website or google to copy milk where I bought.

I thought you drank some while visiting America. My mistake.

I already stated in my first post of first thread about my experience on milk in USA, don´t I?

Your own word
I thought you preferred fat-free milk. What percentage fat do you prefer? I'll look the nutrition for that percentage so you can see the exact list.

Where have I say in my first post of first thread that I prefer fat-free milk? I never say but only stated about my experience on the difference and what I have read. Don´t twist my word and claim that you thought that I prefered fat-free milk.

I answered your question which % fat I prefer and show you my post #52 what kind of milk I prefer to drink accord your question What percentage fat do you prefer?. We don´t have fat-free milk here in Germany but in America. Don´t twist my word that you are mistake because you thought I prefer fat-free that´s because I drank fat-free milk. *shake my head*. I accept with no complaint what I eat or drink what the host have in their house because I am their guest. All what I find interesting that milk has fat-free because I never see like this before and experience the taste, that´s all. I wasn´t realized that you made an over-react over my experience on the difference. You cannot accept my view on the difference milk between Germany and America. That´s problem.
Is it sometimes fried green?

You got it Reba !! :)

I tried to be polite but my patience has run out.

If anybody here is ignorant, it's YOU.

You think because you went to SOME health conferences, some spas (??? I go to spa to have a facial and relax. I don't consider spa to be a good source of knowledge) you are now an expert on nutrition?

oh please.

When you read the label. it's clear to me you don't understand FULLY what it means.

And when I wrote "I don't remember all from my high school chemistry" I meant I wouldn't be able now to explain the complex properties and interaction between chemicals, but I still have the general basics and principle of it, thank you!
I doubt you ever understood chemistry, ever. Also, my education didn't stopped since I fnished school, no- like you, I continue my education in other ways except that I choose to read serious SCIENCE and Doctors articles and programs, not "spa" and fashion magazines.

You have asked a farmer about sodium? lolol..
geee, I didn't knew German farmers finished university on biology, chemistry and nutritions before they went to raise cows... yeah, smart man you choose to ask!

Just so you know, and for the last time, accept that you were wrong on carbs in milk and so you and your funny farmer is wrong on the sodium in milk:

Sodium: Are you getting too much? -

Sodium occurs naturally in small amounts in fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed animal products.

How does the calcium shows in cow's milk? Does the famer feed it Calcium? How does the sugar shows in cow's milk? again, the cows are feed sugar?

You are ignorant Liebling, not me. At least, I am aware about biology, chemistry, what do you know?

You think just because you read that too much salt and or sodium is bad for our health, you know EVERYTHING?
You don't even understand the difference between

You think it's the same. IT is NOT!!
Not only me, other people tried to explain to you what is the difference.

I have before me the carton of Canadian milk.
This is what it says:

per 1 cup (250ml)

on the left -mg, the amount, on the right -% of daily value

Calories 160
Fat - 8g -13% (saturated 5g + trans 0.2g -26%
Cholesterol 30 mg -10%
Sodium-125 mg- 5%
Carbohydrates 12g -4% (fibre 0g -0%, sugars 12g)
Protein -8g
Vit A - 10%
Vit C 0&
Calcium 30%
Iron -0%
Vit D 45&



The only thing that was ADDED to the milk was Vit D!!!

Learn biology, chemistry, the difference between Nutritional Values and Ingredients, and then we may productively discuss the difference between American and German milk.

You got it Reba !! :)

I tried to be polite but my patience has run out

This is not my problem, but your. You should accept my experience on the difference, not tried to correct me or whatever... I am not here to make a debate but SHARE my own experience. If you don´t like it then bad. :)
Don´t you read my simple post #21 without debate post... Just share my experience on the difference... I wasn´t realized that you made a panic over my simple post over my experience and taste between America & Germany. It´s my own POV. It´s bad you cannot accept it.

If anybody here is ignorant, it's YOU.

No, you started to jump with your nasty remark after my first and simple post in first thread over my experience. I choose to ignore your nasty remark but quote others because of their polite manner. Unfortunlately you didn´t give up and jumped again for twice... You should respect my difference and experience instead of correct my post or whatever. Who ignorant and disrespect... Of course YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

You think because you went to SOME health conferences, some spas (??? I go to spa to have a facial and relax. I don't consider spa to be a good source of knowledge)

No, you are wrong... Everyone here know I went Spa for 5 weeks last year... It´s not what you claim. I would suggest you search my thread about Spa from my profile then you will understand more. I feel you owe me an apology for jump on wrong conulusion when you learn the reason why I was at 5 weeks spa... That´s how I learn a lot of tips etc there for 5 weeks. It shows yourself is an ignorant either.

you are now an expert on nutrition?

oh please.

I am proud to say YES... :) that´s because I am very interesting and depend on nutrition a lot and know how to aviod, stay positive, etc.. . That´s why I visit Health school, etc... time to time. It´s bad if you don´t like it.

When you read the label. it's clear to me you don't understand FULLY what it means.

If you still beleive that I don´t understand then is your problem, not mine.

And when I wrote "I don't remember all from my high school chemistry" I meant I wouldn't be able now to explain the complex properties and interaction between chemicals, but I still have the general basics and principle of it, thank you!
I doubt you ever understood chemistry, ever. Also, my education didn't stopped since I fnished school, no- like you, I continue my education in other ways except that I choose to read serious SCIENCE and Doctors articles and programs, not "spa" and fashion magazines.

Okay, this is your choice what you think and beleive in is your moviation. I have different moviation as you is interesting to learn something new in everyday. I am not here to correct you but accept your choice and what you beleive in but why can´t you do the same to me as well, then?

You have asked a farmer about sodium? lolol..
geee, I didn't knew German farmers finished university on biology, chemistry and nutritions before they went to raise cows... yeah, smart man you choose to ask!

wow, Are you Miss Know-All? Do you mean that the farmers are uneducation or what? wow, I can´t beleive after read your post... wow... Don´t you know what the respect is about? It´s him who own many cows and milk them and their farm experience, not us... Right? It´s him, I bought the milk from. Its about respect... I am not prove him wrong but respect him.

Just so you know, and for the last time, accept that you were wrong on carbs in milk and so you and your funny farmer is wrong on the sodium in milk:

I wasn´t realized that you made a problem that´s because I admit my ONE mistake over carbs in milk. Do you mean that you NEVER made a mistake in your life or what? Is it harm to admit one mistake? I typed and copied from my 2 milk accord my post #52.. .NO soduim... If you still can´t accept it then I can´t help you.

I know that we need to limit soduim or salt in our body... I already stated in other thread. What´s your point?

How does the calcium shows in cow's milk? Does the famer feed it Calcium? How does the sugar shows in cow's milk? again, the cows are feed sugar?

:confused: Your post make no sense to me.

You are ignorant Liebling, not me. At least, I am aware about biology, chemistry, what do you know?

No, you has the problem to accept my difference and experience. I am not here to make the problem but share my experience and difference. Did you know what the respect is? The problem is your ignorant and refused to accept it.

You think just because you read that too much salt and or sodium is bad for our health, you know EVERYTHING?
You don't even understand the difference between

For your information, I KNOW the difference between nutrition facts and ingredients BECAUSE we do have like this here in Germany, too... The list of label they write and then add what ingredients, they add to... What I said is remain. I would scan to show you the label and ingredients but my 3-in-one is repair. I am not here to debate over those subject but share my experience and difference. I only show you my knowledge since you didn´t give up and think you know everything. Please accept that we have different knowledge on which country we live in. What I received the experiences from anyone who experience the difference. I gave them right... It´s bad that you don´t like it.

You think it's the same. IT is NOT!!
Not only me, other people tried to explain to you what is the difference.

I never say that they are same... I know the difference.

I have before me the carton of Canadian milk.
This is what it says:

per 1 cup (250ml)

on the left -mg, the amount, on the right -% of daily value

Calories 160
Fat - 8g -13% (saturated 5g + trans 0.2g -26%
Cholesterol 30 mg -10%
Sodium-125 mg- 5%
Carbohydrates 12g -4% (fibre 0g -0%, sugars 12g)
Protein -8g
Vit A - 10%
Vit C 0&
Calcium 30%
Iron -0%
Vit D 45&



The only thing that was ADDED to the milk was Vit D!!!

Learn biology, chemistry, the difference between Nutritional Values and Ingredients, and then we may productively discuss the difference between American and German milk.


I already posted about milk at post#52.

Here again... for 100 ml
calories - 46
Protein - 3,4 g
carbs - 4,8 g
Fat - 1,5 g

and then no ingredients... because they did not add anything in milk... let us know that milk have vitamins, calcuim, etc. that´s all.

Cottage cheese:

NUTRITION FACTS for 100 gram

calories - 72
Protein - 15,5 g
Carbs - 1,6 g
Fat - 0,4 g

Cottage cheese with 30% Joghurt and salt.

I am asking you to accept the differences.

Thank you.

Last edited:

Completely agree with you here. I think milk just as much cruelty as meat eating.

First of all the cow is artificially insaminated. That means she doesn't even get to 'do it' naturally.

Then when the baby is born that baby gets taken away which is very stressful for the mother cow as cows are quite intelligent and form bonds with their baby.

Then they are given hormones to make them produce more milk then they would naturally which must be quite painful for them.

Then while they are still producing milk they are made pregnant again by the same brutal method. So they are pregnant and also producing milk at the SAME time.

It's a hard life being a dairy cow. It's not as if milk was even good for you as it isn't.

I respect your post but I would like to ask you question bit since I know you are a vegetarin.

Are you British? I noticed from your avator "England"?... I want to have a double check with you first because "England" is also in Canada as well.

You are against milk. Do you mean that you don´t drink or eat any dairy products because of this? What kind of foods and drink, you use as dairy product replacement if you are against dairy products that´s because they made of milk?
:confused: I really don´t have any idea why you claimed that I am over-react since I shared my experience in my first post of first thread simple way accord my post #21... All what I see is you can´t accept my experience on the difference... Who over-react?
By "over-react" I mean just because I ask you stay on track you ask me if your post is "FORBIDDEN." :eek3:

You claimed that those link is Europe. I correct you because Aussie is not belong to Europe.
Yes, I know. I already explained my mistake. I know that Australia does not belong to Europe. I had two sites, one Aussie, one Brit, that I researched, and I posted the the Aussie one instead of the Brit one. I thought that I posted the Brit one but I was wrong. Is that satisfactory? :bowdown:

You said on your own word...
Yes, and I explained my mistake twice. Either way, I was trying to find a non-American source because I didn't want to be biased toward American sites only.

I copied what my 2 milk 1,5% and 3,5% fat milk written accord my post #52. You can´t accept or don´t beleive my word but link... fine! I will try to look for milk at German website or google to copy milk where I bought.
I believe you. I just want to know what the German labeling requirements are. I showed you the requirements and explanations for the USA FDA. I just wanted to see something similar about German labeling, where it explains what is included and how to interpret the listing. I'm not doubting that you copied the information from the milk container. I just want an explanation about the rest of the data that wasn't included.

I already stated in my first post of first thread about my experience on milk in USA, don´t I?

Your own word
I thought you preferred fat-free milk. What percentage fat do you prefer? I'll look the nutrition for that percentage so you can see the exact list.

Where have I say in my first post of first thread that I prefer fat-free milk? I never say but only stated about my experience on the difference and what I have read. Don´t twist my word and claim that you thought that I prefered fat-free milk.
I'm sorry that I haven't yet reached the same level of perfection that you have. I already stated that it was my mistake that I thought you drank some skim milk while in America. I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I'm very sorry that I said that I thought you preferred fat-free milk. It was an honest mistake but you can :whip: me if it helps.

... I accept with no complaint what I eat or drink what the host have in their house because I am their guest.
:confused: I never said anything about complaining to your host.

All what I find interesting that milk has fat-free because I never see like this before and experience the taste, that´s all. I wasn´t realized that you made an over-react over my experience on the difference. You cannot accept my view on the difference milk between Germany and America. That´s problem.
I don't care about your "view". I do care about the truth. If you make false accusations about American products, then I will correct them. I'm not saying that you made the accusation intentionally. You just didn't understand the American system of nutrition labeling.

unfortunately I see you are too stubborn to see you do NOT GET what you are supposed to get. You are SO wrong, and you don't even see it, that is so sad... and irritating.. and sad...

First of all this thread was about Lactose Intolerance, so why jump in with your "gee, I preffer natural German milk, blah blah blah" ?
do you have any clue what Lactose is, Lactase is, and what Lactose Intolerance is? we weren't discussing nutritional values of milk, we discussed milk digestion problems. So WHY did you jump in with your opinions?

I know why - you are transparent to me, I can see thru you easily. But I won't say it aloud...

You should accept my experience on the difference, not tried to correct me or whatever...

How can I accept something that is FLAT OUT WRONG??
What I have to do here - I have to correct you to stop you from misleading other people, who trust you and believe you but sadly don't know how wrong you are..

am proud to say YES... that´s because I am very interesting and depend on nutrition a lot and know how to aviod, stay positive, etc.. . That´s why I visit Health school, etc... time to time. It´s bad if you don´t like it.

unfortunately, I can see you don't understand a lot of it :(

I wasn´t realized that you made a problem that´s because I admit my ONE mistake over carbs in milk

again, it is SERIOUS mistake if you claim you know nutrition and YET you prove WRONG. Don't forget for you "carbohydrates" weren't sugars, milk has no sugar in your opinion, (that is how I know your nutrition knowledge has holes)
and all that was 'chemicals" added to American unnatural milk, lolol. Turns out, German milk has carbs too! halleluja!

rest assured, regular American milk has exactly the same stuff regular German milk does.

We proved you were wrong about one thing, and since you were wrong about this one thing couldn't you be possibly wrong about more?
I know for a FACT you ARE !!!!

they try to explaing to you what you can't see, but you are not listening
I know that we need to limit soduim or salt in our body... I already stated in other thread. What´s your point?

but why, and who should? should we all? or just some of us?
Sodium is very much needed to our bodies, without it we might be very sick
Did you knew that? I doubt it. And this:

I know that we need to limit soduim or salt in our body...

is obviously ALL you know... that is not much, see.

How does the calcium shows in cow's milk? Does the famer feed it Calcium? How does the sugar shows in cow's milk? again, the cows are feed sugar?

Your post make no sense to me.

of course not :)

but you asked where would the sodium come from in cow's milk, didn't you?
so I said - from the same source calcium and carbs come form.

For your information, I KNOW the difference between nutrition facts and ingredients

here's proof:

already posted about milk at post#52.

Here again... for 100 ml
calories - 46
Protein - 3,4 g
carbs - 4,8 g
Fat - 1,5 g

and then no ingredients... because they did not add anything in milk... let us know that milk have vitamins, calcuim, etc. that´s all

sweetie, MILK is an ingredient. MILK IS AN INGREDIENT.

Here again... for 100 ml
calories - 46
Protein - 3,4 g
carbs - 4,8 g
Fat - 1,5 g

is nutritional fact sheet. It's not same. Get it, already.

I don't care about your "view". I do care about the truth. If you make false accusations about American products, then I will correct them. I'm not saying that you made the accusation intentionally. You just didn't understand the American system of nutrition labeling.

A-MEN ~!!!


ps I'll go further and say it's the same system of labelling.
Calories, proteins, fat - it's milk nutritional values, not ingredients.
almost everything has some calories, fat, proteins, vitamins, etc . at most the number will be 0.
By "over-react" I mean just because I ask you stay on track you ask me if your post is "FORBIDDEN." :eek3:

Yes, I know. I already explained my mistake. I know that Australia does not belong to Europe. I had two sites, one Aussie, one Brit, that I researched, and I posted the the Aussie one instead of the Brit one. I thought that I posted the Brit one but I was wrong. Is that satisfactory? :bowdown:

Yes, and I explained my mistake twice. Either way, I was trying to find a non-American source because I didn't want to be biased toward American sites only.

You didn´t admit your mistake in your posts but twist and misinterpret my posts... Look at example of my post... I did ADMIT my one mistake instead of twist or misinterpret my post.

I believe you. I just want to know what the German labeling requirements are. I showed you the requirements and explanations for the USA FDA. I just wanted to see something similar about German labeling, where it explains what is included and how to interpret the listing. I'm not doubting that you copied the information from the milk container. I just want an explanation about the rest of the data that wasn't included.

Did I said No?

I said fine, you will have it. If not, then I will scan the label etc where I have and translate the list. (Unfortunlately, my one-in-three machine is at repair.)

I'm sorry that I haven't yet reached the same level of perfection that you have. I already stated that it was my mistake that I thought you drank some skim milk while in America. I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I'm very sorry that I said that I thought you preferred fat-free milk. It was an honest mistake but you can :whip: me if it helps.

:confused: I repeat my preference in previous posts.

:confused: I never said anything about complaining to your host.

:confused: Can you show me where I said that you said anything about complaining to my host?

No, you said that you thought I prefer fat-free milk because I drank it... I explain you that I accept anything with no complaint what the host have in their house. Please don´t try to misinterpret my post... Please stick what I said.

I don't care about your "view". I do care about the truth. If you make false accusations about American products, then I will correct them. I'm not saying that you made the accusation intentionally. You just didn't understand the American system of nutrition labeling.

If you don´t care or accept about my view and experience then don´t post.

What I experience because I compare both is the fact. They DO written soduim in the back of label. I was surprised that they written soduim on the back of label which Germany doesn´t but they only written if soduim is in. This is so... I COMPARED the American cereal, I brought with to German cereal. Their soduim is more than German soduim. They also written sugar as well in the label... I taste American foods - their is much sweet and soduim than Germany. It´s fact. I linked at my thread "German culture" few days ago. A lot of people said the same thing and view and experience as me. There´re no false accusations but the fact. I am sure that you remember some ADers said in previous threads, too.

unfortunately I see you are too stubborn to see you do NOT GET what you are supposed to get. You are SO wrong, and you don't even see it, that is so sad... and irritating.. and sad...

First of all this thread was about Lactose Intolerance, so why jump in with your "gee, I preffer natural German milk, blah blah blah" ?
do you have any clue what Lactose is, Lactase is, and what Lactose Intolerance is? we weren't discussing nutritional values of milk, we discussed milk digestion problems. So WHY did you jump in with your opinions?

I know why - you are transparent to me, I can see thru you easily. But I won't say it aloud...

me and stubborn... No YOU!!!!!!!!!! You didn´t know me but ADers in real life know me... :) All what I see thru you is your ignorant, disrespect and stubborn...

All what I see in you is bitter!

How can I accept something that is FLAT OUT WRONG??
What I have to do here - I have to correct you to stop you from misleading other people, who trust you and believe you but sadly don't know how wrong you are..

Are you accussed me for misleading other people? :eek3: Then from now I ignored you. Sadly, I finally know what you are... sad.. sad... sad...

unfortunately, I can see you don't understand a lot of it :(

I can see that you don´t understand either... You thought every countries are same which it´s not.

again, it is SERIOUS mistake if you claim you know nutrition and YET you prove WRONG.

Why didn´t you say anything the same to Reba who made mistake for claim that the website is from Europe? :roll: We are only human who make mistake... Oh my heavens... you are tooooooo PREFECT..... and never make mistakes in your life.... ohhhhh :bowdown:

Don't forget for you "carbohydrates" weren't sugars, milk has no sugar in your opinion, (that is how I know your nutrition knowledge has holes)
and all that was 'chemicals" added to American unnatural milk, lolol. Turns out, German milk has carbs too! halleluja!

What you think is not my problem... All what I taste the difference... Alot of Americans and Europeans said the same thing as me as well... The problem is you and Reba cannot accept it.

rest assured, regular American milk has exactly the same stuff regular German milk does.

No They have different tastes. The milk I taste is not same as German milk. Everyone knows except you. I don´t want to repeat it. What I said in my previous posts is enough.

We proved you were wrong about one thing, and since you were wrong about this one thing couldn't you be possibly wrong about more?
I know for a FACT you ARE !!!!

Is it harm to share my experience and view what I taste the difference and what I read?... :roll:

they try to explaing to you what you can't see, but you are not listening

but why, and who should? should we all? or just some of us?
Sodium is very much needed to our bodies, without it we might be very sick
Did you knew that? I doubt it. And this:

You are wrong, soduim is not VERY much needed but LIMIT in our bodies.

is obviously ALL you know... that is not much, see.

I said the same about you either.

of course not :)

but you asked where would the sodium come from in cow's milk, didn't you?
so I said - from the same source calcium and carbs come form.

Go and back to re-read my post. I never said that soduim come from cow... It´s Reba who says that natural soduim in cow. I SUGGEST her that it could be that they feed cow with foods in soduim... I has no idea why you make up extra than just soduim. Reba explained and I questioned her.

here's proof:

sweetie, MILK is an ingredient. MILK IS AN INGREDIENT.

Do you think German don´t write "MILK" on the bottles or packet? :rofl: Of course they do...

Ingredient mean is what they add in... They add nothing which mean is JUST milk like the front of bottle/packet of milk...

is nutritional fact sheet. It's not same. Get it, already.


I already explained... I am sorry that it doesn´t meet your satisfaction. I am also sorry that you can´t accept the difference, we experience in different countries.
You know Liebling I might not be always a very nice person, I know that, but at least I am a HONEST person. What you see, it's what I am.

You, on the other hand, ever since I came to AD, I realised very quickly you are a wolf in sheep skin. I don't have to know you in person to know that.

You are a master manipulator, you have uncanny skill to twist and turn everything a second it becomes uncovenient for you.
I am not saying you are a bad person - I am saying I don't trust you.

FYI just last summer I went to Europe, I been to Germany as well,
and let me tell you this. Yes the milk has slightly different taste there but IT DOESN'T MEAN it has different properties and your cows does not produce carbs or SODIUM in milk.

Yes the taste might be different but you claimed that is because American milk is full of chemicals whereas German is not. NOT SO.

But that, is simply spreading false information, and that is misleading.

Also, for the umpteenth time, yes SODIUM is a natural chemical, produced in cow's body, one out of many other chemicals in milk.
Yes, German cow's bodies does produce sodium.... even if your farmer doesn't know about that.

Sodium, not TABLE SALT !!
a single chemical, Na, that is also found naturally in veggies, and meat. organic or not.
do you understand naturally?

Is it harm to share my experience and view what I taste the difference and what I read?...

No. There is no harm in telling "your milk tastes differently than ours to me".

But saying "that's because gee, your milk has a lot of chemicals in it, for example Sodium and Carbohydrates" - is NOT.

It is NOT because
a/ it is not because of carbs, sodium etc,
b/ all milk has it naturally
c/it also proves you don't understand what are you talking about.
because carbohydrates and Sodium is simply what all milk is made of - a normal, natural part of milk everywhere. even organic milk.

those are NOT some artificial additives like you thought.

You are wrong, soduim is not VERY much needed but LIMIT in our bodies.

Did I said A LOT OF SODIUM? I said ""very much needed"", not a lot of IT needed,
which means if our body doesn't have ANY sodium we could even die.

see here:

Hyponatremia -- what is it?
Hyponatremia means a low concentration of sodium in the blood. When it occurs in triathletes, it usually happens during long or ultra-distance races in the heat but may occur anytime. It is estimated that approximately 30% of the finishers of the Hawaii Ironman are both hyponatremic and dehydrated. The longer the race, the greater the risk of hyponatremia.

At least four marathon runners have died from hyponatremia-related trauma in the last decade, Running the Risk of Too Much Water

Do you think German don´t write "MILK" on the bottles or packet? Of course they do...

what are you laughing at? once again you just completely misunderstood what I am talking about.

Did I say
""German don´t write "MILK" on the bottles or packet" ????

no, I said YOU don't know that milk is an indgredient ITSELF.
Protein, fat, calories- is an information about milk's nutritional value, milk is an ingredient in the package of milk.
