Lactose intolerance

Why is milk so full of nutrients? Basically, milk is the first food a baby mammal has. . . the milk which comes after colostrum, is also rich in vitamins and minerals. It is almost a complete food. So what's in milk? Well, 87% of milk is actually water and 13% is solids. These solids are made up of: protein, fat, carbohydrate and other solids. The proportion of these vary as different feeds, breeds and seasons will affect them. Milk contains many vitamins: A (now called retinol), B (including riboflavin, niacin and thiamine), C, D, E and K, which are all essential for good health.

Milk also contains many minerals: calcium and phosphorus are two of the most important ones, but potassium, sodium, sulphur, chlorine, iron and magnesium are others. Milk is the best source of calcium for humans. Calcium builds healthy bones and teeth, so it is very important for growing children. Calcium can help to stop your bones becoming brittle in old age, so you need to make sure you start having enough now! . . . You need about 3 serves of dairy products a day (some people need more). Milk also contains a carbohydrate (lactose) and fats. These are both sources of energy, but milk fat is a concentrated source and contains twice as much energy as carbohydrate. You use energy to do things, but children also need energy just to grow. Milk fats are very simple and easily digested. They also hold some very important vitamins (A, D, E and K).

Milk has 3 main proteins which are not found in other foods: casein, lactoglobulin and lactalbumin. . . . Proteins are made up of lots of 'building blocks' called amino acids. Humans need many types of these amino acids, but our bodies can't make them all. Milk contains all of the essential ones, so is an important source of the ones our bodies can't make. Proteins build all the growing parts of our bodies: muscles, nerves, skin and hair, so without them, your muscles wouldn't be as strong, your nerves as quick or your hair as shiny! Casein also helps to protect teeth against dental decay . . .

To get the same amount of calcium as you do from one glass of milk, you would have to eat 1 kilogram of broccoli or 18 cups of chopped spinach or 2 cups of white sesame seeds.

Milk: The Mini Meal

Yes everyone knows about this. It written in the milk and then label to says that it´s natural with no chemical added.

Milk, we have is only fat and protein including calcium and vitmains, no carbohydrate and soduim.

Yes everyone knows about this. It written in the milk and then label to says that it´s natural with no chemical added.

Milk, we have is only fat and protein including calcium and vitmains, no carbohydrate and soduim.

ALL milk has carbohydrates and sodium. It doesn't matter which country. It's not added to the milk. It's naturally occurring in the milk, straight out of the cow.

...Milk also contains many minerals: calcium and phosphorus are two of the most important ones, but potassium, sodium, sulphur, chlorine, iron and magnesium are others...Milk also contains a carbohydrate (lactose) and fats...

In America, all food products must list all the categories, even if the percentage is 0. Apparently, in Germany, they aren't required to list every category.
You said in earlier post that you don´t have sodium in your milk. Now you said here differently :confused:
Remember, I said that sodium is not listed as an added ingredient. I didn't say there was no natural sodium in the milk.

You said:

" ...was like wow when I read back of milk label when I was in USA. They add soduim in milk..."

I replied:

"The milk that we buy doesn't have sodium added. ...."

We don´t have soduim in any milk here in Germany. The label what they added to is obligation because of allergic, the people suffer... that´s why the label is important for us to know what they add to... No soduim in milk.
Are you saying that the natural sodium is removed from the milk?
Look Liebling, with a lot of due respect, this response:

Milk, we have is only fat and protein including calcium and vitmains, no carbohydrate and soduim.

just shows me that these courses on nutrition and diets you claim you went to didn't teach you some fundamental chemistry, or, sorry to say, perhaps you got sick and you missed some classes.
I admit I myself don't remember a lot after 30 years of finishing high school but at least basic chemistry I do know.

CARBOHYDRATES are simply starch, fiber and sugars, and some if it occurs in milk naturally. What do you think Lactose is?
as for Sodium, or salt, yes it is usually added after to enhance the taste but hey, you might be surprised to know that even human milk may contain sodium in small quantities.

So YES, German milk most definitely does have SOME carbohydrates. Every milk does.
As for carbohydrates itself , it's just a general name for a very large chain of certain chemical that consist mainly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.


Like Reba was earlier explaining to you, what YOU think are ingredients on the milk label is in fact not something that was added AFTER the cow was milked but this actually what the milk is MADE of by a COW.
If something was added it would say "enriched with" or "added".

I am not convinced you know chemistry at all.
Because of it, I find it unsettled you are trying to tell other people the differences between the German and American milk.
German's better, healthier? I beg to differ. It's the same. with or without Sodium.

rest assured- the German milk is exactly the same way as ours. Just because it's label is shorter it does NOT mean it has less of "ingredients".

Just because it does not say SODIUM on the package,
does not mean it doesn't have it.
Your country may have different laws and regulations regarding food labeling, and the company producing milk simply may not have to do it - simply may not be obligated to PRINT all the "ingredients" - for example label may not have to include Sodium. It may, however be obligated to tell you the truth if you call them and ASK personally.

Bear in mind, also, that here in USA and Canada you can also buy milk called "organic" or "natural" everywhere, and the milk you chose to give us as example is NOT the only milk we have. We also have "low sodium" option. You have a variety of options, and you choose.

May I suggest study first what PROTEINS is, what AMINO ACIDS is, what is CARBOHYDRATES, FATTY ACIDS and many more,
and then tell people whether or not your milk is more healthy.

Another thing, you say:

Interesting, we don´t have any soduim in fresh and organic vegetables and fruits... or organic meats... because they don´t use chemical spray on them.

Well, what do you think "organic" means?
Do you think USA organic produce is chemically sprayed?

also, I didn't even know Sodium is being used in chemical sprays - is it, really? Could you please tell me the names of these sprays, some links?
I'd like to know these sprays.

There´re many chemcial name for salt.

For the table (common) salt is only one - Sodium Chloride.
Sodium chloride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You just proved to me you don't really know, see. If you knew, you would tell me right away "it's..."

There might be other chemicals that belong to the Salt group, but they are all different as for their use and chemical ingredients.

Salt (chemistry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And a question for everyone, guess what it is.
It's round and red. Do you think it's natural, or with additives?
remember, tell what you think, no cheating please- looking up Google. Juts off the bat, your gut feeling please :)

Carbohydrates 4 g
- Sugars 2.6 g
- Dietary fiber 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin C 13 mg 22%
Water 95 g

Hey, Reba here proved once and for all that Sodium, probably as a single ingredient (not compound like a table salt),
may very well occur in milk naturally:

Milk also contains many minerals: calcium and phosphorus are two of the most important ones, but potassium, sodium, sulphur, chlorine, iron and magnesium are others. Milk is the best source of calcium for humans.

And a question for everyone, guess what it is.
It's round and red. Do you think it's natural, or with additives?
remember, tell what you think, no cheating please- looking up Google. Juts off the bat, your gut feeling please :)

Carbohydrates 4 g
- Sugars 2.6 g
- Dietary fiber 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin C 13 mg 22%
Water 95 g

Umm, is it sometimes green, and also sometimes blamed (falsely) for our fall from grace. ;)
I don't, generally speaking, drink (cow's) milk or any other animal's milk because I think the cow was raped in order to obtain it. Would you ladies like to be raped and have your . . . ?? Need I continue? :ugh3: Furthermore, eating meat is eating flesh and I've gotten away from that. A lot of Christians are "Pro Life" so why do they eat meat? It's from a dead being. Sounds like an oxymoron to say one is prolife and they eat flesh.

Running a cattle truck off the road -- it does a body good! :nana: :cool2::thumb:
Remember, I said that sodium is not listed as an added ingredient. I didn't say there was no natural sodium in the milk.

You said:

" ...was like wow when I read back of milk label when I was in USA. They add soduim in milk..."

I replied:

"The milk that we buy doesn't have sodium added. ...."

Are you saying that the natural sodium is removed from the milk?

Don´t try to change something what you said in earlier. What I said ADD which mean is WRITTEN on the label. Got it?
ALL milk has carbohydrates and sodium. It doesn't matter which country. It's not added to the milk. It's naturally occurring in the milk, straight out of the cow.

In America, all food products must list all the categories, even if the percentage is 0. Apparently, in Germany, they aren't required to list every category.

What I said is remain... NO, period....

Here in Germany, they write ingredients what they added in milk, period. They are obligate to write on the label what they add in any foods etc accord law and let us know what vitamins, etc they have... what good health for us.... then add something in ingredients how and what they add in.
Reba- good try but it's not it :)
I'll give a hint- it's a fruit, but your don't eat it as a fruit..

Pek 1 - your reply atonishes me. Cow's raped in order to get milk???
Do you know that actually full udders are very painful to the cow,
and if she is not milked she might get seriously sick from the stale milk and even die?

Look Liebling, with a lot of due respect, this response:

I would say the same thing about you as well. I experienced both here in Germany and America, not you. I has to give the right to a lot of Americans including Europeans, my Dad & brother who view the difference milk between Europe and America because they experienced the difference. I tasted America milk and have to give them right about the difference. What I taste American milk is not full milk but half water with "chemical" favor.

just shows me that these courses on nutrition and diets you claim you went to didn't teach you some fundamental chemistry, or, sorry to say, perhaps you got sick and you missed some classes.

wow, I am going to ingore your part of post here.

I admit I myself don't remember a lot after 30 years of finishing high school but at least basic chemistry I do know.

See yourself that you didn´t visit school for 30 years... It show yourself is an ignorant. I frequent visit health school, spa resorts, conference, etc... for years... that´s why I know a lot about chemistry, etc... how we aviod etc...

CARBOHYDRATES are simply starch, fiber and sugars, and some if it occurs in milk naturally. What do you think Lactose is?

Do you think I don´t know about carbohydrates? Of course I know a lot what good and bad carbohydrates is about. Did you know what good and bad carbohydrates is? I would suggest you to search my threads from my profile of last year. It´s not just simple starch, fiber and sugar but you need to watch what good or bad carbohydrates, it´s the same thing with good and bad fat as well.

as for Sodium, or salt, yes it is usually added after to enhance the taste but hey, you might be surprised to know that even human milk may contain sodium in small quantities.

Here in Germany, No. No soduim and carbohydrates in milk. I tasted American milk... It do taste like "chemical" favor, not real milk like Germany.

So YES, German milk most definitely does have SOME carbohydrates. Every milk does.


Like Reba was earlier explaining to you, what YOU think are ingredients on the milk label is in fact not something that was added AFTER the cow was milked but this actually what the milk is MADE of by a COW.
If something was added it would say "enriched with" or "added".

Maybe, the farmer feed the cows with soduim? That´s why you got soduim in milk?

I am not convinced you know chemistry at all.

Then I feel sorry for you and your ingorant.

Because of it, I find it unsettled you are trying to tell other people the differences between the German and American milk.

Why not? Is it forbid to share my experience on difference then? That´s just because it´s FACT!!!! A lot of Americans including Europeans and my Dad/brother said the same thing when they experienced American and European milk. I exprienced it MYSELF and must say that they are RIGHT.

German's better, healthier? I beg to differ. It's the same. with or without Sodium.


rest assured- the German milk is exactly the same way as ours. Just because it's label is shorter it does NOT mean it has less of "ingredients".

No, I experienced both milks... they are total different!!!!

Just because it does not say SODIUM on the package,
does not mean it doesn't have it.
Your country may have different laws and regulations regarding food labeling, and the company producing milk simply may not have to do it - simply may not be obligated to PRINT all the "ingredients" - for example label may not have to include Sodium. It may, however be obligated to tell you the truth if you call them and ASK personally.

My hubby laughed when I told him what you said here. Accord German law, they are obligate to write on the label what they add or what natural ......

May I suggest study first what PROTEINS is, what AMINO ACIDS is, what is CARBOHYDRATES, FATTY ACIDS and many more,
and then tell people whether or not your milk is more healthy.

Another thing, you say:

I know what it is about... I do not need your lescure because you last visit school was at 30 years ago, thank you. I wasn´t realized that you made a big that´s because I share what I had an experience, that´s all.

Well, what do you think "organic" means?

Yes, search yourself on my threads in my profile.

Do you think USA organic produce is chemically sprayed?

Where have I say that chemically spray on organic produce? No, I never say... I only suggest Reba that it could be that they use chemical spray on fresh vegetables and fruits because Reba said that fresh vegetable do have natural soduim.

also, I didn't even know Sodium is being used in chemical sprays - is it, really? Could you please tell me the names of these sprays, some links?
I'd like to know these sprays.

Oh, everyone knows that chemical spray on vegetables and fruits.... I am surprised that you didn´t know about this. I would suggest you to visit health school often and search the google to find out yourself. I suggest Reba that it could be soduim add in chemical spray ???? because Reba said that fresh vegetables do have soduim natural.

For the table (common) salt is only one - Sodium Chloride.
Sodium chloride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You just proved to me you don't really know, see. If you knew, you would tell me right away "it's..."

I already explained about Soduim in other thread. I don´t want to repeat it.

There might be other chemicals that belong to the Salt group, but they are all different as for their use and chemical ingredients.

Salt (chemistry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, there´re many different chemicals for "salt"...

And a question for everyone, guess what it is.
It's round and red. Do you think it's natural, or with additives?
remember, tell what you think, no cheating please- looking up Google. Juts off the bat, your gut feeling please :)

Carbohydrates 4 g
- Sugars 2.6 g
- Dietary fiber 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin C 13 mg 22%
Water 95 g


I know the difference between salt and soduim and know what salt is about... so?
I went to shopping with my hubby today and check back label of different milks and must say that you are correct about carbohydrates in milk but not soduim or salt. Sorry for my one mistake over carbohydrate but I´m correct about soduim or salt.

I check back label of 2 different milks, I bought.

For 100 ml milk
Protein - 3,3g
carbohydrate - 4,8g
Fat - 3,5g


For 100 ml milk
Protein - 3,4g
carbohydrate - 4,8g
Fat - 1,5g

No salt or soduim written in the label or ingredients but describe what natural vitimains etc including....

There´re different cottage cheeses...

That one, I alway bought is salt, no soduim like other cottage cheeses.

We also check with the farmer in area where we live, too. (We bought milk from him). He laughed about "natural" soduim and said that cow´s health would be destory if he feed foods with soduim or salt to them. He beleive that soduim or salt could be add in milk after finish milk the cow. He said that it never, never, never add soduim or salt in milk or never heard about "natural" soduim.
Don´t try to change something what you said in earlier. What I said ADD which mean is WRITTEN on the label. Got it?
I didn't change anything. I copied and pasted the exact quotes. You (and everyone else here) can see the original posts. I changed nothing.
I don't, generally speaking, drink (cow's) milk or any other animal's milk because I think the cow was raped in order to obtain it. Would you ladies like to be raped and have your . . . ?? Need I continue? :ugh3: Furthermore, eating meat is eating flesh and I've gotten away from that. A lot of Christians are "Pro Life" so why do they eat meat? It's from a dead being. Sounds like an oxymoron to say one is prolife and they eat flesh.

Running a cattle truck off the road -- it does a body good! :nana: :cool2::thumb:

:lol: that´s why I accept the fact in previous threads that I am pro-choice... :D
What I said is remain... NO, period....

Here in Germany, they write ingredients what they added in milk, period. They are obligate to write on the label what they add in any foods etc accord law and let us know what vitamins, etc they have... what good health for us.... then add something in ingredients how and what they add in.
In America, there are two different sections on a label.

One section shows the nutritional values of the entire product. That's where the calcium, sodium, carbs, etc., is listed. It doesn't matter if it's natural organic or junk food. They all get the same nutrition list.

The other section shows the ingredients. For example, a package of cookies would list "flour, sugar, butter, peanuts", etc. A package of fresh tomatoes would list "tomatoes." A can of tomato sauce would list "pureed tomatoes, salt, basil, various herbs", etc.

BTW, the website that I used for the list of milk nutrients was NOT from America; it was from Europe. :D
I didn't change anything. I copied and pasted the exact quotes. You (and everyone else here) can see the original posts. I changed nothing.

I didn´t change either.

I copied and pasted the exact quotes what you typed.

That's weird. The milk that we buy doesn't have sodium added. I just checked the label.

It mean is that no sodium add (written) on the label. You should say that "Yes, it written soduim in the list on the label.
...We also check with the farmer in area where we live, too. (We bought milk from him). He laughed about "natural" soduim and said that cow´s health would be destory if he feed foods with soduim or salt to them. He beleive that soduim or salt could be add in milk after finish milk the cow. He said that it never, never, never add soduim or salt in milk or never heard about "natural" soduim.
I never said that sodium was fed to the cows to produce salty milk.

Yes, milk in each area can taste different because cows in each region eat different feeds, drink different water, and are different breeds. The milk is sold in different kinds of containers (plastic, glass, waxed cardboard), which can also effect the taste. Even the glass that is used for drinking can effect the taste (glass, plastic, paper, metal), or the detergent with which the glass or cup is washed. But taste is not the same as chemical analysis.
In America, there are two different sections on a label.

One section shows the nutritional values of the entire product. That's where the calcium, sodium, carbs, etc., is listed. It doesn't matter if it's natural organic or junk food. They all get the same nutrition list.

The other section shows the ingredients. For example, a package of cookies would list "flour, sugar, butter, peanuts", etc. A package of fresh tomatoes would list "tomatoes."

Whatever... I only shared what I READ the difference labels between Germany and America. I brought 2 American cereals, candies and some cookies with me because I like them which here in Germany don´t have. I read both labels and must say that American soduim is high than Germany. I would suggest you to read the link, I provided yesterday at my thread "Germany Culture".

A can of tomato sauce would list "pureed tomatoes, salt, basil, various herbs", etc.

I already stated in my previous posts that canned foods do have soduim or salt, don´t I? ;)

BTW, the website that I used for the list of milk nutrients was NOT from America; it was from Europe. :D

No, those link you provided about milk "The milk story" is from Australia. ;)

And other link about Milk: Cow, Fat-Free, Skim - we don´t have like this here in Germany. ;)

I never said that sodium was fed to the cows to produce salty milk.

I do not see anything that I accussed you to say this but suggest you that it could be that the farmer feed the cows with foods including soduim or salt since you said that it´s natural soduim.

Yes, milk in each area can taste different because cows in each region eat different feeds, drink different water, and are different breeds. The milk is sold in different kinds of containers (plastic, glass, waxed cardboard), which can also effect the taste. Even the glass that is used for drinking can effect the taste (glass, plastic, paper, metal), or the detergent with which the glass or cup is washed. But taste is not the same as chemical analysis.

Yes, I guess it could be true but I would like to share you about Germany law about feed cows, sheeps, etc... They are stricter about the right foods, they should feed them since happened at Mad Cow. What about US law to feed animals like this in your country?