Sex can be defined as "either the male or female division of a species." Hence, the reason why I was talking about how if one is born a male, that individual will always be a male no matter how he tries to act/look like a female.
You may think what you do doesn't/shouldn't affect the lives of others, but in actuality, our actions do affect others! When people do things against nature, people will see that and be affected by it. They will then either question it or go after those things out of sheer curiosity.
You may not care if others smoke tobacco/cigarettes, drink alcohol, and so on. But I do care because these things are not what makes one truly happy in life as they diminish the value of life. If someone is doing unhealthy and we care about that person, we would encourage that person to stop doing that certain action that is unhealthy. Simply because we want to help that person have a better life health-wise.
I was actually using this phrase throughout this thread: "...against nature..." This means according to the online dictionary something nature unnatural or immoral. I was discussing the inherent characteristics of a human being biological-wise. For example, I have stated that if one person is biologically a male, then by nature, this person is a male. Now, if this male dresses/looks like a female then he is going against nature!
Again, sex is found between the legs, which means a penis or vagina. Gender is not to be confused with sex. I also feel you missed my point, you, like many other moral crusaders don't truly understand the issue and you really can't, because you're experience is philosophical and not experience in the sense that you're experiencing it by living it (You know, that pesky thing called first hand experience).
You are aware sex can be changed to match one's gender, in case your world is so closed off from this kind of information, allow me to link it anyway.
Sex reassignment surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can also provide pictures if you'd like?
What I do with my life only affects me, and if I'm wrong, how does it affect you? Does it suddenly and instantly turn you gay or something? I think it just scares you that people don't have to be restricted to living with a birth defect.
So you can measure happiness of others now? What orifice of your body did you pull that crystal ball from? Do you believe in a truly free society? If so, then you can't make a valid argument for forcing people to do things they don't want, to include things that are unhealthy. Again it's their life, not yours, it's their choice, not yours.. Unless you are in fact authoritarian, because screw freedom, when you know what's best for everyone.
Life sucks for many people, maybe if you want people to of their own free will to be healthier, we can start with helping people along the path they would like in life, not create a path and a set of arbitrary rules for them to blindly follow.
One last thing before I'm done with this thread, **** your definition of nature and your strict interpretation of how we should live by it. I'm legally female, living life as female and working toward further measures. I'm already against your definition of nature, so what are you going to do in your idealised world, kill me in the name of some bullshit naturalist purity?
Don't even bother replying to me, I'm out of here. Way to hijack a thread and totally derail it. How an admin or moderator hasn't corrected this yet, I cannot fathom.