Know when and when not do play a prank on someone

everything's ok except the idiot who spilled the milk on the child :(

everything's ok except the idiot who spilled the milk on the child :(


If a child banged a shopping cart into my shins, I'd pour something onto his head. I dunno what I'd do in reality, but that kid is a brat.
If a child banged a shopping cart into my shins, I'd pour something onto his head. I dunno what I'd do in reality, but that kid is a brat.

No, the kid is NOT.
First of all, it was the mother who belly pushed the kid (the cart followed) into a man.
After a few nano-seconds the surprised kid realized it's a joke and went way further, is all.
then he looked up and he happily laughed. it was supposed be a barrel of fun since it was his mom who pushed him into doing that.

The man is actually an idiot who should know better - the adult never ever treat a child like that.
The adult teaches a child it's a no-no in a polite, MATURE way.
Like stopping the cart and saying STOP, please! and explaining why he shouldn't be doing it.
Certainly NOT by falsely calmly taking out a cartoon of milk from a cart, taking quite a time to open it, then spilling its contains onto a bewildered child head, particularly a child whose first of all, MOTHER started the whole thing.

I strongly suspect his mother wasn't aware either what a jerk she is talking to, too.
I believe she simply wanted to tease both man and a kid, create a playful interaction with them.
And oh well, just because she didn't think this through (as getting hit by a cart does badly hurt, especially in the shins)
doesn't mean it is okay to respond like a humongous jackass.
Especially to a child, EVER.

The last three videos were not good way to show what is funny or not funny. Those three are not funny. This is serious violence on why pranks can go wrong. The girl should have realized that she should not put the horn against the man's ear and he did the reflex by punching her out. She would have no way to escaped from him knowing that she is in great trouble from him. Punching is no-no. As for the little kid who hit him with his child cart. That would hurt his shin or knee. That is not the way to make pranks. You have to come up with a safely pranks without being hurt. :(
Ouch! The last GIF looks painful!

Well he asked for it.You don't throw something at a big guy. Even you're joking think its funny.But its not funny when he punches you out.Just think about that.I think i made this thread because they're lessons to be learn from this.
I did not see the first top of the video where the guy was at the table and he was being hit or touched by the guy next to him or by someone near him. He took off the white shirt and went over to the back table and hit him so hard. That is awful. :(

kudos for the knight in shining ..umm.... hat who bravely faced the "supernatural beast" to save his milady :laugh2:
this time, lights really went out for the poor ghost prankster.

#2 - if only he paid attention at school, he'd knew about physics...


Well he asked for it.You don't throw something at a big guy. Even you're joking think its funny.But its not funny when he punches you out.Just think about that.I think i made this thread because they're lessons to be learn from this.

no. it's never ok. it's exactly same as saying "well hey... a girl wearing tight mini-skirt is just asking to get raped."
no. it's never ok. it's exactly same as saying "well hey... a girl wearing tight mini-skirt is just asking to get raped."

Why is it okay and funny when the target of a prank screams and is humiliated in public but when they fight back it is not okay?
There are lessons in this if you are open to them...
Why is it okay and funny when the target of a prank screams and is humiliated in public but when they fight back it is not okay?
There are lessons in this if you are open to them...

no that's not the case.

I'm talking about the joker's reasoning - "well hey they asked for it" as a justification to hit someone.
no that's not the case.

I'm talking about the joker's reasoning - "well hey they asked for it" as a justification to hit someone.

... isn't there justification to hit back if someone has hit you with something?
yes if your life is in danger.

Okay... So you believe the kid should just walk past, thus putting his back to someone who has already attacked him unprovoked and without retaliation?
Okay... So you believe the kid should just walk past, thus putting his back to someone who has already attacked him unprovoked and without retaliation?

you are aware of school's zero tolerance policy, no? and you are aware that he too will face legal repercussions? my friend fought in self-defense cuz he got ganged up by 3 coworkers at after-work party... as the result, he lost his job and faced a jail possibility as he got arrested and charged with aggravated assault. I got him an excellent lawyer and in the end.. all he got was a probation.

again... is that person's life in danger? no. then just walk away and take a high road. sometimes life's not fair. there are far far far too many people who ended up just like him.
you are aware of school's zero tolerance policy, no? and you are aware that he too will face legal repercussions? my friend fought in self-defense cuz he got ganged up by 3 coworkers at after-work party... as the result, he lost his job and faced a jail possibility as he got arrested and charged with aggravated assault. I got him an excellent lawyer and in the end.. all he got was a probation.

again... is that person's life in danger? no. then just walk away and take a high road. sometimes life's not fair. there are far far far too many people who ended up just like him.

Perfectly aware of it...but policy does not mean much when nothing is done...if someone confronted people instead of hiding behind cameras less would this kid will not throw things at him and stupidity wait for his butt to be hit....
My policy is simple and care not for what someone thinks I should do... I would never leave a threat at my back and encourage my kids the same.... Sorry if they seem a threat then take them out do not leave them at your back... Will you get expelled or loss your job possible. But you will still be alive and kicking for those to happen. .... If someone is willing to throw something at you, then yes your life is in danger.
you are aware of school's zero tolerance policy, no? and you are aware that he too will face legal repercussions? my friend fought in self-defense cuz he got ganged up by 3 coworkers at after-work party... as the result, he lost his job and faced a jail possibility as he got arrested and charged with aggravated assault. I got him an excellent lawyer and in the end.. all he got was a probation.

again... is that person's life in danger? no. then just walk away and take a high road. sometimes life's not fair. there are far far far too many people who ended up just like him.

something stinks here.... if his life really was in danger, and he really fought in self defense, there would be proof, and those three would be charged not him.
Most likely he threw punches first, that's why.


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