If a child banged a shopping cart into my shins, I'd pour something onto his head. I dunno what I'd do in reality, but that kid is a brat.
No, the kid is NOT.
First of all, it was the mother who belly pushed the kid (the cart followed) into a man.
After a few nano-seconds the surprised kid realized it's a joke and went way further, is all.
then he looked up and he happily laughed. it was supposed be a barrel of fun since it was his mom who pushed him into doing that.
The man is actually an idiot who should know better - the adult never ever treat a child like that.
The adult teaches a child it's a no-no in a polite, MATURE way.
Like stopping the cart and saying
STOP, please! and explaining why he shouldn't be doing it.
Certainly NOT by falsely calmly taking out a cartoon of milk from a cart, taking quite a time to open it, then spilling its contains onto a bewildered child head, particularly a child whose first of all, MOTHER started the whole thing.
I strongly suspect his mother wasn't aware either what a jerk she is talking to, too.
I believe she simply wanted to tease both man and a kid, create a playful interaction with them.
And oh well, just because she didn't think this through (as getting hit by a cart does badly hurt, especially in the shins)
doesn't mean it is okay to respond like a humongous jackass.
Especially to a child, EVER.