Kids suspended from school for playing in their own yard

what airsoft pistal (know air gun and they are wrong)bb gun, NRA and peen gun.Have to disagree Reba about knife never allowed kids play with them ..i never heard of mumbly peg but played similar thing with paper or stones..
I though Fox news bit iffy
what airsoft pistal (know air gun and they are wrong)bb gun, NRA and peen gun.Have to disagree Reba about knife never allowed kids play with them ..i never heard of mumbly peg but played similar thing with paper or stones..
I though Fox news bit iffy
My dad gave us the knives. I was about 10 and my brother was almost 8 years old. Mine had a white mother of pearl handle/case, and his was ebony black. I also used mine to carve and whittle with.

Airsoft "ammo" are tiny little soft plastic beads.

I never had a real air gun. I had a rifle that I would stick the end of the barrel in soft dirt. Then, I would "shoot" the dirt out. It made a neat "poof" of dust but that's all.
Makes me wonder if anyone has done a study on the mass murders to see if they were allowed to play with guns when they were little. Perhaps being denied the play guns, some will turn to real guns when they're older and become murderers.
As I see it, this another BAD case of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" scenario. This country seems to have tossed out common sense and reason and essentially become the proverbial "crazy lynch mob". It's like the mass hysteria and fear of the "Burning Times". Except now we are teaching our children to live in fear of everything and to be anything EXCEPT children.

Playing pretend guns and or anything like kids would normally play seems to be cause for severe punishment, but hey, I guess it's ok to teach our kids how to dress, look and act like hoochie mamas for these kiddie beauty pageants like they do on that 'Toddlers and Tiaras' show. Ugh.
I loved all those games! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I definitely played with guns and knives and I haven't killed anyone yet! It would be an interesting study for sure.... Not saying there aren't people that I just want to slap common sense into..... but no murders thus far. :D

As I see it, this another BAD case of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" scenario. This country seems to have tossed out common sense and reason and essentially become the proverbial "crazy lynch mob". It's like the mass hysteria and fear of the "Burning Times". Except now we are teaching our children to live in fear of everything and to be anything EXCEPT children.

Playing pretend guns and or anything like kids would normally play seems to be cause for severe punishment, but hey, I guess it's ok to teach our kids how to dress, look and act like hoochie mamas for these kiddie beauty pageants like they do on that 'Toddlers and Tiaras' show. Ugh.

Hell yeah that's what I'm talkin' about! :D

Those were a little before my time - I am looking for the soldier type GI guns I used to play with. I even had a cap hand grenade.

It was like this one:


Oh! Oh! Oh! I remember these too :)


I was too busy playing with this when I was like, Oh maybe 5? You loaded the strip in it and it made real banging / pop noises ( from what I could hear :P ) and it smoked and smelled like gun powder almost! This thing was AWESOME! :D
I had the same one :giggle:

Well, I had 4 of them, and I wore them in 4 holsters. I was "one eyed Jack" the 4 holstered fastest hand in the West. Those imaginary bank robbers never stood a chance ...
I had the same one :giggle:

Well, I had 4 of them, and I wore them in 4 holsters. I was "one eyed Jack" the 4 holstered fastest hand in the West. Those imaginary bank robbers never stood a chance ...

:laugh2: I don't remember who I was shooting at... though I remember getting attacked by a bee once I shot at... The bee won... :tears:
I read the article once again. They were suspended because they were playing around shooting near school bus stop. The school pointed out that the students who waited at the bus stop could get hurt.

In a letter obtained by, school principal Matthew Delaney found that the "children were firing pellet guns at each other, and at people near the bus stop." Delaney states in the letter that one child "was only 10 feet from the bus stop, and ran from the shots being fired, but was still hit."

Oh well...
They must have shooting something more high powered than my airsoft pellets. At about 20 feet even little squirrels barely notice the impact.

I'm sorry, but the kids reporting this are kinda wussie. Have they never been struck at dodge ball, or skinned a knee while skating? When I was kid, I don't think a week went by that I didn't have a Mercurochrome covered scab on me.


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They must have shooting something more high powered than my airsoft pellets. At about 20 feet even little squirrels barely notice the impact.

I'm sorry, but the kids reporting this are kinda wussie. Have they never been struck at dodge ball, or skinned a knee while skating? When I was kid, I don't think a week went by that I didn't have a Mercurochrome covered scab on me.

i had that one because i used my oldest sister's skate. lol.
The toy gun they used was an airsoft gun, not a pellet gun. And, according to the article, it does not appear that any kids reported this ... it was a the school bus driver.
I had the same one :giggle:

Well, I had 4 of them, and I wore them in 4 holsters. I was "one eyed Jack" the 4 holstered fastest hand in the West. Those imaginary bank robbers never stood a chance ...

Me too! I loved my gun and holster . I would watch cowboys shows all the time as a kid. I could not stand fairy tales or Dingdong School at my younger sister wanted to watch .
They must have shooting something more high powered than my airsoft pellets. At about 20 feet even little squirrels barely notice the impact.

I'm sorry, but the kids reporting this are kinda wussie. Have they never been struck at dodge ball, or skinned a knee while skating? When I was kid, I don't think a week went by that I didn't have a Mercurochrome covered scab on me.

I believe it was an adult that called 911. Or get hit by their dad . When my dad kicked my younger sister I told her not to cry as that would made it worst. I would not cry when my dad slapped me in the face and I was only a small child . Kids are pampered a lot today.