TCS, I read about this the other day.
I am trying to understand how the school feels they have "jurisdiction" (for lack of a better word) in this situation.
If the bus driver pulled up, and witnessed a child being bullied at the bus stop, even if the bus stop was on private property - then yes, I would want the bus driver to intervene.
However, we - the public - have seen an actual real fight break out (as opposed to the "playing" in the article you posted) ON a bus, and the bus driver did not intervene and we - the public - were told that it was the right action for him to take by the school administrator's.
Driver says he did all he could during Florida school bus beating -
So, why is it okay for "private property" to be the jurisdiction of a school, or an extension of school property when it is a bus stop, and okay for a bus driver to intervene in the OP, but not okay for a school bus driver to intervene when an actual fight breaks on a bus (which is actual physical property of the school and not an imaginary extension of school property)?
Kids playing should never, ever, ever be punished unless someone is getting hurt. Boys will play with toy guns, toy swords, etc. etc. and if these toy guns are taken away, they will make up imaginary ones. Boys will be boys.
Playing with toy guns does not equate to a future adult that will be a mass murderer. These school administrators that think this way need to be ... FIRED!!!
No if's, and's, or but's ... just outright terminated. No public apology is necessary.