Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Bans Cruises for Welfare Recipients in Sweeping Crackdo


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Apr 22, 2007
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Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed legislation on Thursday banning welfare recipients from spending their public assistance money on cruises, tattoo parlors, lingerie stores, movie theaters and a long list of other businesses. House Bill 2258, also known as the HOPE Act, will go into effect on Jul. 1, and contains other measures designed encourage “more responsibility” by toughening regulations on how families spend government assistance dollars.

“We know that the most charitable act is not handing someone a check but helping that person get a job that sustains them and their families for generations to come,” said Gov. Brownback on Thursday. “Our focus is on helping people develop the skills to find and keep a job. Instead of focusing on a war against poverty, we will focus on fighting for the poor among us by offering them hope and opportunity.”

Currently the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides recipients with EBT cards, which they can use as debit cards to make purchases. With imminent restrictions, some more controversial than others, TANF beneficiaries will soon be unable to withdraw more than $25 per day in cash. However, they will still able to obtain money orders to pay for necessities such as rent.

The bill has come under fire from numerous organizations and people who claim that it stigmatizes low-income people and places achieving self-sufficiency even more out of reach for them.

"By signing this bill into law, Gov. Brownback has added to the burden that the poorest Kansans already carry," said Kansas Action for Children in a statement. "It's always been hard to be poor in Kansas. Now, it's going to be a lot harder."

The bill has others simply scratching their heads.

“People on public assistance shouldn’t be spending what little money they have on things like cruises,” said Miriam Krehbiel, the chief executive of the United Way chapter, to KCUR. “But what I don’t get is how we think that someone on public assistance – as little as it is – would ever be able to save up enough money to be on a cruise ship?”

At least 23 other states have passed laws that restrict how public benefits such as TANF can be used, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

In Alabama, recipients cannot use their cards on body piercings or psychics.

Kansans will also not be able to use their EBT cards for dog and horse racing facilities, spas, and alcohol, but will still be able to spend welfare dollars in gun stores, CNN noted.

The amount of Kansans receiving TANF benefits has declined from 38,900 per month in 2011 to 15,000 in 2015 under Brownback’s governance. However, the amount of food stamp recipients in Kansas increased by about 5,000 to 300,000 during the same time, according to the Topeka Capital-Journal.

While the number of TANF beneficiaries have gone down, many Democrats warn that legislators should not take this as a sign that the anti-poverty measures are working, just that more families are falling through the cracks. According to Annie McKay of the Kansas Center for Economic Growth, many former welfare recipients fill jobs that pay poverty wages and that 25 percent of working Kansans needing some sort of public assistance.

Its misleading..
How many welfare went on cruises Paid for with welfAre? Its a sinple question im sure if the gov banned such a thing surely it has good data on the numbers..Im curious..or is this just thE gov taking cheap shots at the poor? as for tats...what ever...get some indian ink, a niddle, some thread, a little spit...snd your set...
You know its always been illegal to buy illegal drugs with welfsre,,,,mmmmmm
Funny that ban doesnt seem not work, i wonder....
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I was under the impression the cruises were referring to riverboat/lake cruises. We have many like that around here and they cost like $25 for a day trip and lunch. Maybe that's the sort of stuff being banned in this particular bill.
I was under the impression the cruises were referring to riverboat/lake cruises. We have many like that around here and they cost like $25 for a day trip and lunch. Maybe that's the sort of stuff being banned in this particular bill.

In the middle of Kansas!? No way! :lol:
Having lived in Kansas all my life, I can say with certainty that there are not any riverboats, or lake cruises here. You want to get on the water, you gotta supply the boat. I'm in full support of this bill as there are too many people abusing their welfare privileges.
Having lived in Kansas all my life, I can say with certainty that there are not any riverboats, or lake cruises here. You want to get on the water, you gotta supply the boat. I'm in full support of this bill as there are too many people abusing their welfare privileges.

By taking cruises in kansas no less..
Having lived in Kansas all my life, I can say with certainty that there are not any riverboats, or lake cruises here. You want to get on the water, you gotta supply the boat. I'm in full support of this bill as there are too many people abusing their welfare privileges.

Ok sorry. I could have sworn I took a riverboat cruise that also had a casino onboard. I'm trying to think of the name of the boat, but i was sure it was in Kansas. Kansas City maybe.
Its misleading..
How many welfare went on cruises Paid for with welfAre? Its a sinple question im sure if the gov banned such a thing surely it has good data on the numbers..Im curious..or is this just thE gov taking cheap shots at the poor? as for tats...what ever...get some indian ink, a niddle, some thread, a little spit...snd your set...
You know its always been illegal to buy illegal drugs with welfsre,,,,mmmmmm
Funny that ban doesnt seem not work, i wonder....

from the article

“We know that the most charitable act is not handing someone a check but helping that person get a job that sustains them and their families for generations to come,” said Gov. Brownback on Thursday. “Our focus is on helping people develop the skills to find and keep a job. Instead of focusing on a war against poverty, we will focus on fighting for the poor among us by offering them hope and opportunity.”
Ok sorry. I could have sworn I took a riverboat cruise that also had a casino onboard. I'm trying to think of the name of the boat, but i was sure it was in Kansas. Kansas City maybe.

There are casinos in Kansas City on the Missouri side that are labeled as riverboats, but they are far from it. Back when they were built, there was a law that prevented them from building on land. I can't remember the law specifically or if it is still in effect, but by building them on the water they were legal. They don't cruise anywhere, they're firmly attached to the bank.
from the article

Sure, and one is left wondering what it all has to do with mythical grand kansas cruises.
Note the title of the article, its not helping poor get jobs,and lifting poor out of poverty. when the gov bans something its assumed that thing bieng banned was actually occuring right?
Im just curious how the gov knows those on welfare were taking cruises in kansas...
Or is it really just a cheap shot as in misinfromation? Just curious
Sure, and one is left wondering what it all has to do with mythical grand kansas cruises.
Note the title of the article, its not helping poor get jobs,and lifting poor out of poverty. when the gov bans something its assumed that thing bieng banned was actually occuring right?
Im just curious how the gov knows those on welfare were taking cruises in kansas...
Or is it really just a cheap shot as in misinfromation? Just curious

That's a pretty good point. But on the flipside to that, why should governors use taxpayer money to go on cruises and family vacations?
Honestly, who cares how people spend their welfare money? This bill obviously doesn't care about people paying rent, because many pay in cash and they can only take out 25 bucks a day from an ATM. Not everyone can get to a bank easily. Not everyone can have enough credit to have a checking account so they can't write checks.
Honestly, who cares how people spend their welfare money? This bill obviously doesn't care about people paying rent, because many pay in cash and they can only take out 25 bucks a day from an ATM. Not everyone can get to a bank easily. Not everyone can have enough credit to have a checking account so they can't write checks.
I dunno about kansas,but since when do atms even give 25$
Last time i csmd across an atm releasing 5$ has to be over 15 years...
Money orders also cost money. Some places do it for free for the first one or two, but these people are now being penalized even more for paying larger bills. It's total bull****.
What's the solution? Should the welfare agencies make direct electronic payments on behalf of their clients to the landlords and mortgage companies, and make direct hand-outs of food at special food pantries and surplus cheese warehouses? :dunno:

Welfare (not long-term disability) funds are supposed to provide a temporary "safety net," not a way of life, correct?
Honestly, who cares how people spend their welfare money? ....
I care because it's my tax-payer money, and there's only so much money in the welfare pot. We need to be careful about how that's allocated so that we don't run out of money for that pot. I don't want that money paying for cruises (or other frills) and then not having enough for a family that needs rent money or food.