Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Bans Cruises for Welfare Recipients in Sweeping Crackdo

What's the solution? Should the welfare agencies make direct electronic payments on behalf of their clients to the landlords and mortgage companies, and make direct hand-outs of food at special food pantries and surplus cheese warehouses? :dunno:

Welfare (not long-term disability) funds are supposed to provide a temporary "safety net," not a way of life, correct?

Direct payment from welfare to landlords does occure in some places. Even by law.
a different country but b.c. welfare pays landlord.direct, then left over is what the recipient gets. In ontario thats by choice. But in b.c i believe its by law.
I dont think You.can get wefare if with a morgage..
But whats the above a solution for? All it solves is landlords getting paid...which indeed is importAnt. All i know ther Wont be a single sololtion. And mean spirited laws like the kansas one wont do mufh at all to adress the plm.
It seems to me this banning mytbical kansas cruises or concoRd jet flights to the moon (roll eyes) is just the powers thst be patting themselves on the back....nothing more...