Just wondering, what is the suitable jobs for deaf hearing impaired??


I have been deaf in my right ear since birth ... but until now my hearing hasn't really held me back or bothered me (never knew any different) ... the reason I’m posting is I’m having trouble coping with the fact that it has held me back in my careers and opportunities and I would like to see what other options are available towards careers ... not just a job . . . I’m not the type to fly a desk .. very active ... I’m a licensed paramedic/ emt ... have trained with multiple fire departments and have had swat training though I am not on any departments . . Active in fitness competitions ... when I was 18 went to enlist in the usmc and was turned away at the recruiters office . . am unable to get onto any fire departments (though I haven’t been directly told because of my hearing) and have trouble with the noise in the emergency rooms though I love working there ... I currently own and run my own construction company but my hearing is keeping me from really being able to market and sell ... approaching me on the street you would never know I was deaf but in areas with any kind of noise I rely on reading lips more and more . . and I don’t know asl . . I’m 26 and kinda lost ... any suggestions would be appreciated
I think this is a very individual question.
Hospitals are not a good place for deaf people to work in, yet a very good friend of mine chose to work in one. Actually he had to fight for it, because he is deaf, but the work really suits him. He works as a paramedic, too, the first deaf paramedic in the country (Austria).
I think you have to find something that you truly love and with that you can work out everything else!