Just wondering, what is the suitable jobs for deaf hearing impaired??

I can understand Redhairgrrl's question. It sounds like that funny_guy thinks deaf people are "abnormal" as in opposite of "normal" hearing people.

I am sure he did not mean to offend. English is not his native language.
I just came from the Alabama department of rehabilitation services, (every state has one) and they did tests on me both mentally and hearing and they came up with the idea of clinical laboratory technician, like solving cases by doing forensics, sampling and testing substances both human and otherwise and requires minimal interaction with others. I start classes this fall.
I will be attending school for Social Work.... I may get my masters and work as a counselor either for special needs children/families or the deaf.

I'm also considering getting my CDI licensure.
Can you tell me why? I am a professional in a health care setting so am curious to know why you feel that hospitals are not for hard of hearing and deaf.

It's cuz communication is based on speech at my hospital. They simply ignore my disability in most cases.
I am sure he did not mean to offend. English is not his native language.

I am sure he didn't meant to offend anyone. He is not the first I have heard using the word 'normal' for hearing people. I just see that he is trying to come up with a right word.
I am sure he didn't meant to offend anyone. He is not the first I have heard using the word 'normal' for hearing people. I just see that he is trying to come up with a right word.

He is right about "Normal", some of us are not normal maybe unique in some ways lol
I would have to agree about Viable. We do interviews for our business using their "vision" product. It is AWESOME. we use our webcam and computer instead of VP. Works really well and they seem like a great company to work for. We have a few people we are in contact with who work there I think. Also, HOVRS.com

not sure what either of these companies pay but the people we come in contact with seem to like these companies.

Hope that helps.
I need to disagree here respectfully. Why limit yourself to this kind of thinking?

Well this quote of mine was through my experience with 4 different jobs in my lifetime.

Let me tell you about my experience, I worked as disheswasher at Burger King, then as a carrier for The Columbian newspapers around Vancouver, Washington, and then I worked at Timber Fox Trader as cashier with my parents who own the business, and then lastly as a janitor in Portland, Oregon.

So I am going ask myself, which is the worst job I ever worked? Why?

I would say it's the cashier at Timber Fox Trader. That is the worst position I ever worked, even though it was my parent's business, because I am really tired of writing all the times, holding the calcuator and paper/pen with me all the times while I was walking around behind the counter, I was kept trying to convience my parents to put me in different position that does not have to talk so it would be easier for me and other customers so that they don't have to deal with my disablitity problem, but my parents don't have much other position for me to work except for cashier. The customers who I helped were often being rude to me or acting snob against me because I asked them to write on the paper, or sometimes they would just talk and expect me to understand eveything what they said.

Also it is kinda annoying when my parents ask me to help working at their store. Working at that store, dealing with the hearing customers is just a put-down feelings for me..

But I don't feel that way with other 3 jobs, carrier, disheswasher, or janitor. While I was working as newspaper carrier, all I do is just go picking up the newspaper and put in my car, then driving around the residents throwing the newspaper on their porch or driveways or in the box, then I am off to home. No communication required that much at that job.

When I working as disheswasher, all I do is just washing the dishes, sometimes if things get slow down, I just go washing the tables around the resturant and stocking the sodas, straws, etc. The manager doesn't really have much thing to talk with me so no communication required that much at that job.

When I worked as janitor, I just cleaning dozens of classrooms and then mopping the hallways, locking the building and I am off to home. No communication required much at that job.

See the difference if I was working in any position that don't have to talk that much are more easier for me AND to the customers too. There is pentlifully jobs available that does not have to talk that much.

It is easier on the deaf person that way.

Well this quote of mine was through my experience with 4 different jobs in my lifetime.

Let me tell you about my experience, I worked as disheswasher at Burger King, then as a carrier for The Columbian newspapers around Vancouver, Washington, and then I worked at Timber Fox Trader as cashier with my parents who own the business, and then lastly as a janitor in Portland, Oregon.

So I am going ask myself, which is the worst job I ever worked? Why?

I would say it's the cashier at Timber Fox Trader. That is the worst position I ever worked, even though it was my parent's business, because I am really tired of writing all the times, holding the calcuator and paper/pen with me all the times while I was walking around behind the counter, I was kept trying to convience my parents to put me in different position that does not have to talk so it would be easier for me and other customers so that they don't have to deal with my disablitity problem, but my parents don't have much other position for me to work except for cashier. The customers who I helped were often being rude to me or acting snob against me because I asked them to write on the paper, or sometimes they would just talk and expect me to understand eveything what they said.

Also it is kinda annoying when my parents ask me to help working at their store. Working at that store, dealing with the hearing customers is just a put-down feelings for me..

But I don't feel that way with other 3 jobs, carrier, disheswasher, or janitor. While I was working as newspaper carrier, all I do is just go picking up the newspaper and put in my car, then driving around the residents throwing the newspaper on their porch or driveways or in the box, then I am off to home. No communication required that much at that job.

When I working as disheswasher, all I do is just washing the dishes, sometimes if things get slow down, I just go washing the tables around the resturant and stocking the sodas, straws, etc. The manager doesn't really have much thing to talk with me so no communication required that much at that job.

When I worked as janitor, I just cleaning dozens of classrooms and then mopping the hallways, locking the building and I am off to home. No communication required much at that job.

See the difference if I was working in any position that don't have to talk that much are more easier for me AND to the customers too. There is pentlifully jobs available that does not have to talk that much.


Yes, those menial jobs are easier for the deaf person as no need for any communication. The trouble is those menial jobs are very low paying jobs, very unfullfilled and no promotions. That's why I went for computer programming. I worked with computers all day and only need to talk to other people to make sure I understand what the program needs to be doing. It is not menial and it doesn't required much talking.
Yes, those menial jobs are easier for the deaf person as no need for any communication. The trouble is those menial jobs are very low paying jobs, very unfullfilled and no promotions. That's why I went for computer programming. I worked with computers all day and only need to talk to other people to make sure I understand what the program needs to be doing. It is not menial and it doesn't required much talking.

Yupp true, alot of jobs that doesn't have to talk usually are lower in the paychecks, even possible lack of hours...
Just butting in here for a minute. As a long time counselor and provider of deaf services, I have always wondered why the deaf did not look into two things: Picture framing. (If you land in the right town where retired artists live, you will have more business than you can handle!) Picture framing is a g r e a t business and usually the deaf have fine skills and taste in doing such things.

Another one is pet grooming. We have a groomer nearby that babysits our parrot whenever we go out of town, and she has more business than she can handle! The pet grooming business would be very good for the hearing impaired.

And another one(just tho throw in here), is BAKING. At one time when my children were small and my husband could not work bec of a bad case of Scarlet Fever, I went to work in a local restaurant as their baker. It was a wonderful job and very fullfilling. and could have led to ownership of my own bakery.

This is just a few, but there are MANY and I have had the time to think about it.

Lantana's Latitudes
I do apologize for intervening with this topic, but I just can't help asking a question of my own. It addressed to anyone who works in IT and has hearing poor enough not to be able to talk on the telephone. So, how do you cope with screening interviews on the phone? I am seeking a job in software testing right now and the number of companies who choose to perform a screenphone prior to inviting to a personal interview is to say the least discouraging... is there a foolproof way to work around this problem? I will greatly appreciate any suggestions.
In response to IT screening interviews. (Assynt)

My Case is probably different from yours. I lost my hearing in my early 30's due to illness so I grew up as a normal hearing person and I speak well despite my profound hearing loss. When I speak on the phone to recruiters and others I use the following method so they can hear that I speak normally. You need two phone lines to accomplish this but with VOIP services like vonage, this is very economical these days. You also need a two line phone that will let you conference the two lines together. Using AT&T relay services via AIM instant messaging, I have the relay calling assistant (CA) call me on one line. I tell the CA this is going to be a two line voice carryover (2LVCO) call and that I am going to put them on hold while I call the third party who is to be relayed back to me and bring them into the phone call. I make sure the CA understands, most do. Then I just call the person and and conference them into my connection with the CA so the CA can hear and relay what the other person is saying. I make sure that my third party knows what is happening so when there are long pauses while I am getting the transcription of what is being said to me they understand what is happening. I tell them to expect long pauses and I will often speak to them to let them know I am waiting for the completion of the transcription to make sure I fully understand what they have said. With that said, after 3 years i am still looking for work despite having all the qualifications for the jobs I have had the opportunity to use this method for the pre-screenings by recruiters and occasionally by the hiring company. It IS very discouraging, but keep getting up, brushing yourself off and trying again. I do have a menial job that I continue to work at while trying to find a "Real" job again. Good luck and feel free to ask more questions if you like.
Do take note that multimedia work will require you to grow a thick skin, and fast. It's one thing to excel in the structure of a classroom with one "boss", the instructor, and one "job", your class assignment, but quite a different environment in the multimedia world.

Don't be fooled into thinking that computer work allows you to sit at your screen in quiet solitude for the day. Deadlines are quick, and your client's needs for changes are quicker, they won't be politely emailing or IM'ing you - THEY'LL CALL. There's no ADA laws against clients or vendors not accommodating you, you'll have to pick up the slack or grab your nearest co-worker for help. And there are many layers to a business, as you will also be contacted by the marketing department, the accounting department, the production department, the administrative department - many more people relying on you for information.

Co-workers in your industry will most likely be egotistical a**holes, who also picked multimedia in hopes they wouldn't have to deal with people either, for reasons not relating to deafness but rather of the personality disorder variety. Avoid relying on co-workers to help you out too much, they'll just piss and moan to the boss about you being the weakest link as revenge.

You will be asked to participate in meetings, which can be exhausting. You'll spend much energy lipreading what is 90% brownnosing filler conversation and 10% actual work details. Forget about asking for a terp - most meetings are scheduled on the fly and last less than an hour.

Do make sure your computer station is situated so you're facing whomever may approach your desk. Being startled right out of your "mental zone" by a co-worker shouting your name behind your seat is quite annoying.

I'd offer more truth, but I am not looking to scare you off of your studies. Just wanted to share with a fellow deafie that multimedia isn't going to shield you from communicating with people - quite the opposite and more intense. I wish someone had given me that forewarning, I learned it the hard way and bear many battle scars.
Just butting in here for a minute. As a long time counselor and provider of deaf services, I have always wondered why the deaf did not look into two things: Picture framing. (If you land in the right town where retired artists live, you will have more business than you can handle!) Picture framing is a g r e a t business and usually the deaf have fine skills and taste in doing such things.

Picture framing is one of the most volatile retail services out there. Do you know how many shops have gone out of business since the Great Recession? The 99% are not spending their discretionary income on custom framing, it is quite overpriced and undervalued. I worked as a framer in high school and college. Both places are out of business.
Just wondering...what is the suitable job for the deaf impaired hearing?
I really wonder sometimes.

Possibly plumber. Don't laugh. Check out this blog post.

How to Become a Kickass Plumber – with PEX | Mr. Money Mustache

Maybe Internet Technology.

Maybe buying rental real estate and paying a manager 10% to manage the properties and deal with the hearies while you continue looking for more properties to buy.

Maybe copywriting. You might be able to deal with clients via email, etc. You need good command of writing conversational-style English.
Welding is in huge demand in the US right now and in fact, it's the second most in demand labour in alabama because of the oil pipelines. And it pays very very well.

In Canada, after completing the welding course, one's first welding job would be about 30$/hr. Not too shabby!

If one does their research and finds out what employers most demand in the state they live in, then they can aim to learn a trade or skill that would fulfill that demand.

My brother started off as a humble mechanic but after learning about how highly paid helicopter mechanics are, he went to community college (which was very brave becaue he's severely dyslexic, if it weren't for his wife, he would never have gone) and really roughed it out in the bush for 10 years up North and now he's a very well paid manager of a helicopter plant.

He did what many people should do - which was find out what's in demand then get the training to fulfill that demand.
Hi everyone :) I'm not deaf but have been losing my hearing in the last 10 years. Deemed hereditary since my Dad lost most of his hearing when he was younger. Within the last year the progression has been significant. Due to that fact I applied for Disability was denied and told to look for a "quiet" job. So a bit baffled by that. Had my hearing retested on November 22 nd. Going to ask for a copy cause I'm not sure where my hearing loss is at in decibels. Think that is right. I have trouble with words one word can sound one way and the same word can sound different to me. A lot of times i cannot hearing the beginning or end of sentences. Usually takes at least 3 or more times of repeating for me to understand. Talking on the phone is extremely hard,drive thrus, drive ins etc. Hearing aids due to the cost would not be viable or provide any signigicant improvement to justify cost as well.

My previous jobs were always customer service, warehouse, factory. All requiring to be able to hear. At my last job it was demeaning that my hearing was brought up often and I was left out of things due to it. Have to been to countless interviews but it is clear my hearing loss is to hard for others to overcome :)

So my question is where to go to get help for a job. What agencies? Or even for school to help me learn something for a "quiet" job. Are there places that can help me? I have been without a job for almost 4 years . I understand I am able to work despite my hearing loss. Don't want a demeaning job life is hard enough when you can't hear don't want to add hating my job as well lol

Thanks for any help :)