Any way a person looks at it and/or forms an opinion about the death penalty, there has to be order within any society. To have this requires a set of rules carried out and enforced by an authority. Nevertheless, the whole of society must participate in the process from beginning to wend. This is why some states do and some don't have the death penalty, the people of those states have made their opinions known. The Federal system already has the death penalty within itself but states are left to their own (i.e. State rights).
I, myself, have no doubt that if the whole population of votes in America were allow to vote on the issue of the death penalty being allowed to be vindicated as one form of justice punishment, the voters will pass it to allow such. Of course, the system of the court is due for an over-haul but that is a separate issue.
There are those who have the opinion that innocent people are on death row..Let me make it clear here.......there are NONE! A jury of ordinary citizens went through hell to come to a decision about a criminal and a crime. They came to a decision that the crime is so heinous and terrible that the criminal should get the death penalty as a fair punishment of justice for the victim of that crime. They used the evidence and testified statements to come to their decision. Does that mean no mistakes were made? Possible so, but not assumed as many have a firm belief that it the American justice system has the most check-and-balance of any system in the world. Ours is a system with the most generous amount of time for automatics appeals. There are even safe guards from the beginning to prevent certain criminals from even being considered for the death penalty (i.e. the mental ill, youth). So, much is done to have an as-close-to-perfect system as possibles. Anyone who follows the news knows the last day of a criminal is all seriousness. The system goes into over-drive to make sure the punishment is fair. Once that punishment is carried out, we need to realize that we did all we could to be fair.
To make the death penalty something other than its intended purpose, punishment, is a disservice to society. As stated from the beginning, the population has decided that it will be a PUNISHMENT ONLY. It can not and must not be allowed to be anything other than punishment. Since it is the supreme punishment, to dilute it for any reason would dilute all other punishments and the results would be a system that looks like a train wreak.
In closing, I'm not
saying there are NOT people in prison who do not belong there. They may be under a sentence other than the death penalty. But, I'm saying that after the punishment ids handed down by our own citizens, much, if not all, is done to be sure WE, yes you and I, did the right thing. Would you rather live elsewhere where there is no mercy and/or excellent appeal process?