Long time ago, I got summoned from the court and opened the big envople.. *shocked*.. wonder why they send me wrong forms.. Am I blind?? There have briale... *huh* I went over to the court house and asked why they send me this form of briale ?(sp) They lady looked down the form and got big embrassement whoever send me wrong ones.. I was spoked staff and what is it ? She tells me, This is seriouis form for murder crime and you may have to shown up as juror. I said, "What?, how can they willing bring provide me an interpreter in the courtroom"? She gulped and turned into the red face. In my mind, puzzled why she is turns into RED FACE?? She asked me, Can you have a seat for moment and will speak directly the judge about this issues. I say, uh, um, okay I can wait.. Few minutes later, She came back and tells me, you're waived and not necessary to come the court because you're Deaf." I stood up, Are you trying to being polite talking and something up to part of discrimiation againist Deaf person who come and become juror for murder the case? She turned into emotions and rage angrily at me, and said, NO, IM NOT HERE DEBATE THIS. I was kind not pleasant with this.. and decide to stay and stubborn because my rights need to know what going on. Finally the Officer of supervisior for court room and tell me come in the office. Nice man!, He discuss with me this matter of issues. I understand that they were not aware of me being DEAF, and wasn't prepared for court and to get an interpreter near within a week. Isn't proprite processing and long to get an interpreter because of shortage an interpreter in my hometown. So I say okay sure, no problem. He gave me nice cheque that you came here and made for nothing. Sound like "graudite" (sp) I have no idea why he gave me cheque... When I was 21 yrs old.