Josh Duggar admit on porn addiction and he didn't tell his wife and parents

Sometimes not everyday on tv during weekend I'm been hide from my parents and my family I'm adult my decision to watch I wouldn't allowed tell anyone on Facebook period!!

Lol! Watching porn is taboo most everywhere! Nobody admits to it unless they've been caught red handed! :naughty: Even teen boys won't admit to it.

Back in the pre-internet days, many boys used to pin up the Playboy centrefolds on the walls in their bedrooms. Is that porn? I would say its soft. Very soft.
Embarrassed to tell it on FB....or your family and parents.....but OK to tell it to AD?....:lol:....:hmm:....what do you get out of watching Porn?...Does it make you horney?....Do you have a blow up male doll?....:lol:

Anyhow...since you are an Adult it is your business...BUT...if you are living with your parents and they do not like it and found out what you are doing....what's gonna happen?....Get a spanking?....get thrown out of the house?...Not letting you watch TV on the weekends?....Do tell!

Sara, in case, if you get kicked out so you can go to homeless shelter.

Your life isn't over if you get kicked out by parents.
Sometimes not everyday on tv during weekend I'm been hide from my parents and my family I'm adult my decision to watch I wouldn't allowed tell anyone on Facebook period!!

Josh Dugger treated Fb like confessional booth. Smh if i was him, i would ask them pray for me but not confess to people just to make problems or get attention. He's selfish and centered.
Why are you talking about parents?

You are adult so you need to stop worry about parents.

That's right!...Cut the TV on and watch Porn...if your parents see you watching it...tough!...If they don't like it, they can move out....:giggle:
That's right!...Cut the TV on and watch Porn...if your parents see you watching it...tough!...If they don't like it, they can move out....:giggle:

It is very likely that she will end up in group home. :aw:
A few the weird Gothard cult that Duggar belongs to, they make no distinction between watching porn and being addicted to porn. If you watch porn more than once, and especially if you watch it regularly, they consider it an addiction. Just watching porn doesn't mean you're addicted. So even though Josh is saying he's addicted, he could just be watching it normally the way anyone would watch it.

Also, they can consider his watching porn being unfaithful. He may not have actually physically cheated on her. He may have just been excited by the idea of some sexual experiences he never had and never would have because of his religion. One of the things he wrote on the Ashley Madison site was that he wanted a woman who would take charge. That's a big taboo in his religion, as the men are supposed to be the heads of household in every way. It doesn't surprise me at all that he'd get aroused or at the very least be interested by a woman in charge. a woman in charge.
A few the weird Gothard cult that Duggar belongs to, they make no distinction between watching porn and being addicted to porn. If you watch porn more than once, and especially if you watch it regularly, they consider it an addiction. Just watching porn doesn't mean you're addicted. So even though Josh is saying he's addicted, he could just be watching it normally the way anyone would watch it.
Normally? There is a normal way to view porn?

Sorry, not everyone considers viewing porn to be normal or healthy.

Duggar saying that he's addicted to porn means that he's still not taking full responsibility for what he's done.

Also, they can consider his watching porn being unfaithful. He may not have actually physically cheated on her. He may have just been excited by the idea of some sexual experiences he never had and never would have because of his religion. One of the things he wrote on the Ashley Madison site was that he wanted a woman who would take charge. That's a big taboo in his religion, as the men are supposed to be the heads of household in every way. It doesn't surprise me at all that he'd get aroused or at the very least be interested by a woman in charge. a woman in charge.
I don't know what was going on in Duggar's mind but for a married man to view porn that is showing lack of respect and fidelity to his wife.
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Porn addiction is very real, so is sex addiction. Given how negative his behavoure has been on his life, and he continued to use it (porn), against his very ideals,fsith,morality, his continued use despite the costs and negative effects. I see no issue in him admiting to his addiction. He clesrlyfits the mould.
Addiction to pornis a.very real addiction to many on the level of addiction to drugs, dismissing what the man says, only betrays a bias really
Addmitting to addiction, in what ever form, isnt avoidng taking responsablity, its actually for all 12 step groups, the first step in recovery.
He needs treatment...and support, or like any addiction, he will get worse.
Addiction treatmentis a huge money maker. Im sure theres a program or 20 designed to meet the spacific needs of his affliction out there,
Calling it an addiction is making it seem like a disease that they caught rather than a sinful behavior that has to be confronted.

Twelve-step programs leave the source of the problem (alcohol, drugs, sex) in control--the steps only manage the problem, they don't get rid of it.

It's like cancer--do you want to manage it or do you want to get rid of it?

Twelve-step participants exchange their dependence for a substance or behavior for a dependence on the program. That's not taking care of the real problem.

Duggar is a slave to his sexual sins. He doesn't need sin management. He needs to be set free from the enslavement and power of his sins.

It won't be easy, and making everything public gives it an aura of a perverse kind of glamour.

I think we're seeing now the results of not having dealt with his sexual problems early on. They only got worse and more entrenched.
I think addicted to porn is healthy for single guys. Would you want to see single guys have blue balls?

In Europe when a guy need a good relief, they visit red light houses, and we don't have that in America.

That's how porn industries are million dollar company in America.
Porn addiction is very real, so is sex addiction. Given how negative his behavoure has been on his life, and he continued to use it (porn), against his very ideals,fsith,morality, his continued use despite the costs and negative effects. I see no issue in him admiting to his addiction. He clesrlyfits the mould.
Addiction to pornis a.very real addiction to many on the level of addiction to drugs, dismissing what the man says, only betrays a bias really
Addmitting to addiction, in what ever form, isnt avoidng taking responsablity, its actually for all 12 step groups, the first step in recovery.
He needs treatment...and support, or like any addiction, he will get worse.
Addiction treatmentis a huge money maker. Im sure theres a program or 20 designed to meet the spacific needs of his affliction out there,

Many addictions around...nicotine addiction...OCD...drugs...Internet....and when you realize you are addicted...getting help is the first step. Admitting it to someone close and that you trust..most people are embarrassed about any addiction. Understandable....surely they don't go around with a bullhorn admitting it to people on the street, the Internet...TV...etc. (some do) Josh Duggar did.....

Even I, if I had an addiction, I'm not about to broadcast it...As if everybody wants to know!...They don't....What's the motive of him admitting Porn addiction to the Public?....Not caring how his religious family, wife & children must feel?....Get real here....he's disgracing his own family for the hell of it.....when he knows that Porn addiction is a bad addiction....and dragging his family into the mud.....

Calling it an addiction is making it seem like a disease that
they caught rather than a sinful behavior that has to be confronted.ed.

I dont think anyone can doubt some individuals become addicted to pornography. Its a very real addiction, which explains the huge amount of loot generated by it, as well as the ruined families. Im open to being shown how porn isnt addicting, if you want to show me.
Addiction isnt something you catch, not all diseases are. Im not even a supporter of using disease to describe the behavoir of addiction, it certainly is a negative behavour individuals have very very great difficullty overcomming. Porn effects the same chemicals in the brain deugs like crank do, i dont find it hard to acceot porn can be for many very addicting. Not all addictions are chemical based. Gambling is another that ruins lifes and few will stte gambling for many is not addicting.

Twelve-step programs leave the source of the problem (alcohol, drugs, sex) in control--the steps only manage the problem, they don't get rid of it.

It's like cancer--do you want to manage it or do you want to get rid of it?

Twelve-step participants exchange their dependence for a substance or behavior for a dependence on the program. That's not taking care of the real problem. ed.

Im nota fan of the 12 steps, i only dropped it in the discussion as they are the most known.having stated addiction treatment of any kind will not start with first admiting your an addict and need help, its almost benal,, but one needs to first at the bare minumum admit one has a plm in order to then get treatment for it.

Duggar is a slave to his sexual sins. He doesn't need sin management. He needs to be set free from the enslavement and power of his sins.

Yes,and addiction is indeed a very real form of slavery

It won't be easy, and making everything public gives it an aura of a perverse kind of glamour.

I think we're seeing now the results of not having dealt with his sexual problems early on. They only got worse and more entrenched.

As all addictions do, i really dont see this as surpising,
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Many addictions around...nicotine addiction...OCD...drugs...Internet....and when you realize you are addicted...getting help is the first step. Admitting it to someone close and that you trust..most people are embarrassed about any addiction. Understandable....surely they don't go around with a bullhorn admitting it to people on the street, the Internet...TV...etc. (some do) Josh Duggar did.......

So because he plastered it all over the net, its not sencere...
But your just betraying your bias. Plenty of poeple ctually do this, the 12 steps are notorious for would be any self help type of even take turns in front of strangers, admitting, some meetings are huge, and some even have podiums, a stage, you go up....." hello, im....(fill in name). And im ad sayback.."hi"...and share the most god awfull things in front of did...i remember more then one cleaned up cuttie tsking the podium, a terp would sign it everything, some of these terps wished they didnt have to hear young women spill the details of being a working girl and depending on where in the month working a john for a maasly 10 bucks, as long as they got the high first , or stories of for drugs just because, or being raped, but wanting it again for one more.hit......ive seen it all...the terps must of thought good thoughts of their fellow man after terping those mettings...(shakes head).. then in front of everyone, some meetings have a few people others are huge, the na conference in paris france had tens of get a key chain, different colors for different amount of days clean, everyone claps, all hug you,,"keep coming back", "just for today" ll come together and chant.."its worth it, if you work it, so work it,your worth it"!!! Almost like getting revved up for football game...With cheers and hows....its a specticle i was forced to go to that nonsense in deafie school, id be picked up at our dorm i went....sucked....,but i will not deny some are helped by that method. I wasnt...but many are.

Even I, if I had an addiction, I'm not about to broadcast it...As if everybody wants to know!...They don't....What's the motive of him admitting Porn addiction to the Public?....Not caring how his religious family, wife & children must feel?....Get real here....he's disgracing his own family for the hell of it.....when he knows that Porn addiction is a bad addiction....and dragging his family into the mud.....

I dont find it unreasonable a public celebrity will aso shsae all his skeleons when outed.
Why is this hard to grasp? Woukd it better for him to hide?
He is a celebrity to many he is known. This only makes sense, and is natural given the american specticle..
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