First of all, don't quit this job until you have secured another job. If you must, use sick days and vacation time to arrange interviews at other prospective employers.
It has been my experience that you are more likely to get hired if you are currently working rather than getting hired straight from the living room couch.
Secondly, consider the amount of time you have put into your job. I assume not more than 2-3 years for you Jake? I would consider hanging on for another 2 years. The longer you remain at a single job while you are young, the more likely you are to work yourself into something better while young.
You say your current job pays you well? If you are considering to purchase a house, I suggest you hang on to this job. In order to get a good loan for your house, you're not just going to need a good credit history, but they also look at your job history and income as an indicator of your ability to make payments and setting your final interest rate on the loan.
If your'e feeling burnt out at this job then I would first ask your manager if there is anyway possible you can change jobs within the company. If after six months you are still not satisfied, then by all means go ahead and start pursuing new job leads (but have a definite goal in mind.) but with the overall shitty economy, do NOT quit your current job until you have secured another job elsewhere, meaning the final contract papers have been signed.