Sigh...have you ever taken an art appreciation course, or studied classical art? Do you know anything about historical culture? Do you know that a painting is art, NOT "live news video"? Did you not read the Bible verses that describe the Last Supper?
In each of the paintings you reference, none of those figures looks like an ancient Hebrew woman as depicted by a Renaisance painter. Compare paintings of women done at that time in similar settings. They don't dress the same as the men. They usually have their heads covered. Their facial features are different from the men's. Women (even wives) didn't sit at dinner with the men. They served the men, and then ate later, separately. Men commonly wore "shawls"; have you ever seen Orthodox or Hasidic Jewish men wearing their prayer shawls?
If you get your "history" from paintings, then I guess you would also believe a painting if it showed FDR shaking hands with an alien and Hitler in a dress.
It is rather amusing (and sad at the same time) that you are willing to "believe in" some guy's interpretation of a painting, but not believe the Word of God.