Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son

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VamPyroX said:
Let's also not forget... Jesus was also married and it is rumored that he had children of his own.
No evidence in the Bible!
CyberRed said:
Jesus is the Son of God.
And, Jesus is God.
If, Jesus married with that woman named Mary, then this earth will NOT be made by Him, because of sin itself is made an error.
Once it makes a mistake, our image will be misplaced.

Sooo, it is impossible for Jesus to marry a woman, because He was perfect as spotless. Too holy to marry. It explains why He is God. He is Sovereign God.
Amen! Amen!
mld4ds said:
I think you misundertood. That has nothing to do with Eve and fruit.....
No, I disagree with you, but I agree with CyberRed

you need to remember that the gospels were writen 45 to 300 years AFTER jesus was dead!
next you need to remember not all of the gospels were included,becouse they were to complex for the people of the time.

in the gospel of thomas"jesus said, whoever does not love his mother and father will not get into the kingdom of heaven,and whoever does not HATE is mother and father will not get into the kingdom of heaven".....this confusses alot of people... but it simply means, you get the angrest at the people you love the most.

also jesus name is not jesus!!! it was yeshua!!! jesus is a greek word, slang for king,christ is greek for savior.. the greeks whould insult the early belivers ..where is this king ? your savior? your jesuos christos? ..

the gospel of mary ,and other say jesus was married....and jesus never said he was perfect! maybe he was,the perfect husband,and dad,and friend...but he never claims to be.
he only said he was here to take away our do not need to be perfect for that....just willing.

the so called book of peter and book of pual were writen by people who had never met jesus and had converted later! come on!!!! the book of thomas which was writen by jesus brother, tom,talks about him when he was a kid... and he was not very nice! which makes sense! if you where a kid with great power of course you are going to be an asshole!.so he left israel to learn about himself and god.....and does not return until he has learned self control ,and his reason here.......
did you know "the eye of needle " that he talks about is a place! not just a metafor!
"if a man strikes you,turn the other cheek".
turn the other cheek does not mean let the person go ! the word was strike, ergo BITCH SLAP. you back hand a person lower than you! you PUNCH an EQUAL!!! turn the other cheek means force the other person you are not lower than them...he was talking to the jewish people who were 2nd class citizens!! force the romans and greeks to know you are = to them!!!!

our problem is all of this happened 2000 years ago and the culture,language,customs,the whole world has changed..and people still take the bible as word for word!!!"suffer the little childeren to me" suffer ? suffer!!! wtf???? suffer means BRING!!!!

and jesus was jewish..the #1 job for jewish mom is to make sure you get married.why would mary not do her job???
why does a jewish woman cry when her baby is born? because it is not engaged yet!!!
so for the love of god stop taking the word of man for the word of god! gods words where the 10 comandments..they are all you need to know! yes life is very complex now,but the rules are simple.

and just so you know god says nothing about speeding on your motorcycle i am going to guess that it is ok! :thumb:
vfr said:
you need to remember that the gospels were writen 45 to 300 years AFTER jesus was dead!
No. The entire New Testament was written within 70 years of Jesus' death and resurrection.

next you need to remember not all of the gospels were included,becouse they were to complex for the people of the time.
I don't know what you mean that they were not all included. What time period are you talking about? What do you mean "too complex" for the people of the time"? They were written BY people of that time, so why wouldn't the people of that time understand?

in the gospel of thomas...
There is no Gospel of Thomas in the Bible.

also jesus name is not jesus!!! it was yeshua!!! jesus is a greek word, slang for king,christ is greek for savior.. the greeks whould insult the early belivers ..where is this king ? your savior? your jesuos christos? ..
The entire New Testament was written in Greek, so obviously all the names were the Greek versions of the Hebrew names. Then, they were translated into English, which uses a different alphabet and transliteration of the names. It was not "slang".

the gospel of mary
There is no Gospel of Mary.

he only said he was here to take away our do not need to be perfect for that....just willing.
Not true. God could accept only a sinless perfect sacrifice to pay the debt of sin. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice.

the so called book of peter...
"And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers." Matthew 4:18

"And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever." Matthew 8:14

"Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;" Matthew 10:2

"And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." Matthew 14:28

Should I continue? I think it is obvious that Peter personally knew Jesus during His lifetime.

...and book of pual were writen by people who had never met jesus and had converted later! come on!!!!
Do you mean Paul? He met Jesus on the road to Damascus.
"And he [Paul] fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he [Paul] said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he [Paul] trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do."
Acts 9:4-6

the book of thomas...
There is no book of Thomas.

if you where a kid with great power of course you are going to be an asshole!
That is just plain blasphemous language.

"if a man strikes you,turn the other cheek".
turn the other cheek does not mean let the person go ! the word was strike, ergo BITCH SLAP.
You are being so crude.

"suffer the little childeren to me" suffer ? suffer!!! wtf???? suffer means BRING!!!!
"Suffer" means "allow".

and jesus was jewish..the #1 job for jewish mom is to make sure you get married.why would mary not do her job???
Mary's number one responsibility was to obey God and raise her son in a godly home.

why does a jewish woman cry when her baby is born? because it is not engaged yet!!!
More crude "humor".

pual was on the road to damascus....jesus was dead for 2 years!!!! he never met him!!! this is not the same paul!
there is a gospal of thomas , gospal of mary,gospal of philip ,the apocalypse of peter, the apocalypse of paul....just because some people did not agree with it does not mean it is not writen!!!
the gospal of mary is the oldest dated record found yet...writen aramaic! not greek!
the second oldes, gospal of thomas, also in aramaic ,was found for the second time in 1945 in egypt..................
as for being to complex.. most people did not understand jesus.. most people were not educated!!there were no free schools back then!! which is why he needed to use parables..... and just becouse YOU do not agree with some thing does not mean that it is crude or blasphemous!
i think anyone who claims to be a christan then yells out out FAGOT!HOMOS GO TO HELL! are be blasphemous and hopefully will get bitch slapped by jesus.. for not loving their neighbor.
and god said be fruitful and mulitply.. he did not say get married first. so i think he knew i loved my girl friend more than on earth and would not punish me for living with her.
but you were right i made a mistake about petewr i was typing ahead of my train of ever there are 3 peters in the new testament...
out of all the books writen about his life... the left out his brother!!!! and theb woman he was closest too!!!! who did jesus go to after the resurection? mary magdalean!!!! come on !!!put on your thinking cap!!! in those 2 books paul says to peter simon...WHY DOES HE LOVE HER MORE THAN US?PETER SAYS >>>IS IT NOT CEAR TO YOU?

get a grip no mater how holy he was he still eat ,shit ,and pissed with everty body... that was the point of him being here!!! not to be mr perfect.. that is a falsehood put forth by the church way after he was dead.
his whole point was ..BELIEVE IN HIM. thats is accept him as a sacrfice
what most people do not understand is half of what jesus said was POLITICAL !!!!!! turn the other cheek, give to ceaser, ect ,ect........... and thats not crude ..its a fact.
and the only way you will ever KNOW the truth is build a time machine and go check it out!

do you really think that a book writen 2000 years ago with phyical proof or actulal first copy, by the writers can be taken at face value? i mean atleast there is PROOF of moses in the desert. proof of the camp site and the alter that was built..
there is very proof of jesus other than a few books....and in my opion they they left out the books by the people who knew them best..
and if you do think those books are real..ask your preist!there are copies in the vatican. .. the place that has put forth more hate, more intolerance ,more bullshit than place on earth...the place that was to be the most holy....NOW THAT IS CRUDE!!!
vfr said:
...ask your preist!there are copies in the vatican. ..
I don't have an earthly only high priest and mediator is Christ Jesus.
I really don't care what the Vatican has or doesn't have copies of. I don't go to them for truth.
vfr, there is no gospal of mary or gospal of thomas in catholic bible.

jazzy said:
vfr, there is no gospal of mary or gospal of thomas in catholic bible.


that was point thomas means twin,and 99 % of the time if you were named thomas you where the 2nd kid born of twins.
the apostle james was a younger brother..and they left out his book too. and mary,who may have been one of the strongest preachers of the faith..also left notice a patern here????????? any book that has jesus looking a little human is left out... they say he can not have been married... why not ?is it a sin to be married? is it a sin to have sex? no! :roll: anyone who thinks that needs help! if some believes the bible to be word for word fact needs to get a life.. the books before moses, were from the epic of gilgamesh!! :scatter:
vfr said:


that was point thomas means twin,and 99 % of the time if you were named thomas you where the 2nd kid born of twins.
the apostle james was a younger brother..and they left out his book too. and mary,who may have been one of the strongest preachers of the faith..also left notice a patern here????????? any book that has jesus looking a little human is left out... they say he can not have been married... why not ?is it a sin to be married? is it a sin to have sex? no! :roll: anyone who thinks that needs help! if some believes the bible to be word for word fact needs to get a life.. the books before moses, were from the epic of gilgamesh!! :scatter:

I suggest u to read and check the bible to find the truth.
vfr said:

I wonder why you are so angry in your response? What is causing your pain? It is affecting your reasoning ability.

What is the point of your wild accusations? :confused:

that was point thomas means twin,and 99 % of the time if you were named thomas you where the 2nd kid born of twins.
IF Thomas was a twin, what makes you think the other twin was Jesus? It could have been another brother. The name "Thomas" proves nothing in itself.

the apostle james was a younger brother..and they left out his book too.
Huh? The book of James is in the Bible. It didn't get "left out". Take another look at your Bible. notice a patern here?????????
Yes, but it is not the one you want.

are you blind? well?did you read what wrote at all? are you one of those people who have no knowlage of the bible out side of what your preist/rev/minister tought you?

truth? which one? the story of the adam and eve was from an african myth, the fllood ...from the epic of gilgamesh.every biblical scholar will tell you that.
the book of moses has become more and more real as hard proof had become to light.
so as i said you should read the bible!!! and the other gospals and you dicide for your self .. if you think the teachings of juses are different will be wrong!!! just more!!
they fill in the gaps the bible has .!!! i am going to stop replying to this thread because it seems like every body here has a very narrow mind!

i mean there may be proof the jusus traveled to england as a teenager and went to india before he returned home..did any one here know that?

did any one here ever think that maybe god had more kids? i mean why would he be such a prick and only give the word to one small area? maybe god showed his face as budda in the east and as the thunder god in the west? why cut off the people in south america? was he too busy? bored. just some cosmic kid whose mom said its time for dinner, and we are left to run the petrei dish?
why did he stop showingb him self to people? where have all of the angels gone?
i mean 2000 years with no.." the word of god came to me"
why did he stop coming by? the eskamos had to wait 1700 years to get the word... does god consider those people dambed? they never heard of jesus... and the word of the church was spread in violent disgraceful way in history of the world.. i sure god is so happy about that!

even jesus said question your faith!!do not follow blinded. understand your faith and reaferm it! i can promis you there is no one here who more faithful than me ..... and i get pissed at the fact so many people shout and scream ,and KILL for the TRUTH!! god said be fruitful and mutiply...a nice way of saying ..get a life!
vfr said:
are you blind?

well?did you read what wrote at all?

are you one of those people who have no knowlage of the bible out side of what your preist/rev/minister tought you?

the story of the adam and eve was from an african myth...

the fllood ...from the epic of gilgamesh.every biblical scholar will tell you that.
Some biblical "scholars" promote that story. Most traditional and historical scholars do not support the Gilgamesh theory.

the book of moses has become more and more real as hard proof had become to light.
I'm not quite sure what you are saying here. Are you referring to the Pentateuch? It has always been true; it doesn't require "hard proof" from worldly sources.

so as i said you should read the bible!!! and the other gospals and you dicide for your self .. .
I have read and do read the Bible. I do decide for myself. No problem.

i am going to stop replying to this thread because it seems like every body here has a very narrow mind!
Or maybe you are beginning to realize that you really can't support your arguments.

i mean there may be proof the jusus traveled to england as a teenager and went to india before he returned home..did any one here know that?
I have read all those wild stories before; they have been around a long time. Satan has been trying to deceive people ever since he twisted God's words in the Garden of Eden. Nothing new.

did any one here ever think that maybe god had more kids?
God said that He had only one begotten Son. God doesn't lie.

i mean why would he be such a prick and only give the word to one small area?
Why do you think it necessary to use crude nasty language to describe holy God?

i mean 2000 years with no.." the word of god came to me"
why did he stop coming by?
God didn't "stop coming by". He is ever present. He communicates with us thru His Word and prayer.

the eskamos had to wait 1700 years to get the word... does god consider those people dambed? they never heard of jesus... and the word of the church was spread in violent disgraceful way in history of the world.. i sure god is so happy about that!
Wherever hearts were willing, God knew, and He made a way for His Word to reach those people.
Reba is doing good and I would do samething what she is saying. Good to go , Reba.
CyberRed said:
Jesus is the Son of God.
And, Jesus is God.
If, Jesus married with that woman named Mary, then this earth will NOT be made by Him, because of sin itself is made an error.
Once it makes a mistake, our image will be misplaced.

Sooo, it is impossible for Jesus to marry a woman, because He was perfect as spotless. Too holy to marry. It explains why He is God. He is Sovereign God.
So, if we want to be like Jesus/God... we should not marry nor should we be having sex with others. In that case, we would all cease to exist. In other words, procreation is a sin.
Askjo said:
No evidence in the Bible!
You're right. There's no evidence in the Bible. It's supposedly because The Pope didn't want it to be in the Bible. Remember, when they find something that they think belongs in the Bible... it gets added later. Who usually approves of this? The Pope! So, if someone finds something that could be in the Bible and The Pope doesn't approve of it... then it never gets added. So, who's to say whether The Pope is right for doing that or not?
VamPyroX said:
You're right. There's no evidence in the Bible. It's supposedly because The Pope didn't want it to be in the Bible. Remember, when they find something that they think belongs in the Bible... it gets added later. Who usually approves of this? The Pope! So, if someone finds something that could be in the Bible and The Pope doesn't approve of it... then it never gets added. So, who's to say whether The Pope is right for doing that or not?
That might be true for Catholics but other people (including me) don't use the Catholic Bible, and don't accept the Pope. Never have, never will.
VamPyroX said:
So, if we want to be like Jesus/God... we should not marry nor should we be having sex with others. In that case, we would all cease to exist. In other words, procreation is a sin.
Marriage was not in God's plan for Jesus. That doesn't mean it isn't in His plan for other people. God wants some people to marry, and some people to remain single and celibate.

As Paul said in I Corinthians 7:6-9 :
"For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."
VamPyroX said:
So, if we want to be like Jesus/God... we should not marry nor should we be having sex with others. In that case, we would all cease to exist. In other words, procreation is a sin.

Jesus was born SINLESS. We were born SINNERS. That's a big difference in this picture. He can move mountains and we can not. He can heal people who are blind to be able to see, deaf to be able to hear, cripple to be able to walk -- we can not. So therefore, there's no sex involved in His Life. No sin. He is the Lamb of God we killed. He has the power to do things a king or queen can not do.

Jesus is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords of this whole world and universe. One day, YOU will kneel down before Him and confess that He is the Lord with your own conscience, knowin' that He is God ! :)
CyberRed said:
Jesus was born SINLESS. We were born SINNERS.

well thats not very fair is it. now we see who Gods favorite is.
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