Jclarke v. Dixie Photo Comp (Friendly)

:P just making sure. ;) Here's my opinion.....the best digital camera will not make your photography skills better, it's your skills that make the photos better. If you know how to configure your digital camera to get the most of it, even with a old camera. Newer/higher megapixel cameras technically will just make a better quality picture for print/detail. I currently have a Olympus C-765 Ultra zoom and it's 4 megapixel CCD with 10x optical zoom. It's my 3rd digital camera since the first one I had back from 2000. Some of you have seen a few of my photography from my camera, it's not the camera making pictures better. I did it with my own skills.

Angel said:
Aww cute little girl, was that your daugther Dixie?...
Yep that is her! She's 4 today, :dance2:

seqouias said:
sorry, guys its no race for who is doing the best photography. just take it easy and learn to shoot picures for fun. you don't rally have to do it. you would just share your work, that's all. by the way you did a nice job with photography.

I have been doing digital photography for a long time, anyhow. I got few thousands pictures saved in my dvd-rw.
I should build a website to share my photography work, just for fun.

just making sure. Here's my opinion.....the best digital camera will not make your photography skills better, it's your skills that make the photos better. If you know how to configure your digital camera to get the most of it, even with a old camera. Newer/higher megapixel cameras technically will just make a better quality picture for print/detail. I currently have a Olympus C-765 Ultra zoom and it's 4 megapixel CCD with 10x optical zoom. It's my 3rd digital camera since the first one I had back from 2000. Some of you have seen a few of my photography from my camera, it's not the camera making pictures better. I did it with my own skills.

Its a friendly competition between me and Mr. Clarke, nothing serious -'cept the photography, hehe.

I know the the camera doesnt make the photographer, but I was done with my point and shoot, I wanted something that allowed me a little more control. I wanted to get creative with my shots. Besides I hope to someday have professional looking shots.

And Im adding more photos to the list:




Cool, Dixie....those are really beautiful pictures you took. When was your first digital camera you ever had? How many different digital cameras have you had, too? I'm curious, :P
Cool, Dixie....those are really beautiful pictures you took. When was your first digital camera you ever had? How many different digital cameras have you had, too? I'm curious, :P

This would be my 4th personal camera and my 2nd digital camera.

my first digital camera was a point and shoot called the Pentax Optio30. It was alright, but it was also one of the first digital cameras that came out within an affordable price range.

Today the plant manager had the first digital camera made by Sony (the Mavica) out, looking at that one and comparing it to todays digitals and my camera- oh my goodness we have come a looooong ways in quality improvement. I think the first Sony Mavica had a 3 second video capability, with around 2 or 3 megapixels and it was large and clunky, it takes a 3.5 floppy disk with FAR FAR less storage than my 1G memory stick.
Sony Mavica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This would be my 4th personal camera and my 2nd digital camera.

my first digital camera was a point and shoot called the Pentax Optio30. It was alright, but it was also one of the first digital cameras that came out within an affordable price range.

Today the plant manager had the first digital camera made by Sony (the Mavica) out, looking at that one and comparing it to todays digitals and my camera- oh my goodness we have come a looooong ways in quality improvement. I think the first Sony Mavica had a 3 second video capability, with around 2 or 3 megapixels and it was large and clunky, it takes a 3.5 floppy disk with FAR FAR less storage than my 1G memory stick.

Wow, really? I remember seeing the Sony cameras with floppy disks, lol. Those were funny cuz it only holds a little space on each floppies.

I had a Sony DSC-S30 with a swivel LCD panel which I can take a portiat of myself or take pics of things at a weird angles, too. It was a 1.3 megapixel, too. The digital cameras I had was Olympus Camedia (first one), 2nd was a Sony DSC-S30 and right now I have a Olympus C-765 Ultra zoom. I will upgrade with a newer digital camera in the near future. I hope for something with at least 10 megapixels. Did you know that film is equalivent to 20 megapixel?

I had several film cameras but I don't really remember which one, haha.
Wow, really? I remember seeing the Sony cameras with floppy disks, lol. Those were funny cuz it only holds a little space on each floppies.

I had a Sony DSC-S30 with a swivel LCD panel which I can take a portiat of myself or take pics of things at a weird angles, too. It was a 1.3 megapixel, too. The digital cameras I had was Olympus Camedia (first one), 2nd was a Sony DSC-S30 and right now I have a Olympus C-765 Ultra zoom. I will upgrade with a newer digital camera in the near future. I hope for something with at least 10 megapixels. Did you know that film is equalivent to 20 megapixel?

I had several film cameras but I don't really remember which one, haha.

I had no idea what megapixels were equivalent to film, but we're getting there! Im sure there are sill some well known photographers out there that still prefer film over digitals still but once we start seeing 15 megapixels and more in an affordable price range we're going see the complete eradication of film cameras altogether because the quality would be very comparable to film.
I had no idea what megapixels were equivalent to film, but we're getting there! Im sure there are sill some well known photographers out there that still prefer film over digitals still but once we start seeing 15 megapixels and more in an affordable price range we're going see the complete eradication of film cameras altogether because the quality would be very comparable to film.

Yeppers, digital cameras already have been selling very fast due to easy use and management. You don't have to waste $ on film if you made mistakes, ya know? Tho, professionals will sometime prefer film over digital due to quality.
The close up (CU) shot of your daughter looks so cute. The other rest, is excellent. I remember that floppy disk cameras I used it at high school for the digital photography. For my new camera, it is my 2nd one, my first one was the Kodak C90 I think which is 3 MP and 8x zoom and it is crap, what happened to it right now? My brother threw it away in a great distance when he was angry and destoryed it. Before I bought the new camera, I have my Nokia N95 with 5 megapixel camera intergrated.

Yep that is her! She's 4 today, :dance2:

Its a friendly competition between me and Mr. Clarke, nothing serious -'cept the photography, hehe.

I know the the camera doesnt make the photographer, but I was done with my point and shoot, I wanted something that allowed me a little more control. I wanted to get creative with my shots. Besides I hope to someday have professional looking shots.

And Im adding more photos to the list:





Happy Birthday to yur DD! :) she sure got an adorable face! :)

beautiful pics! beautiful cat and dog aww cute! i used to have 2 poodles in the past. Brought back alot of memories.. ha..
Ive got some more photos uploading. I am taking my camera with me to the football game tonight to see what I get with the action shots. Hopefully nothing too blurry. To see the pics, please visit my deaf blog, the link is in my signature, click-n-go!

Also I cannot wait until tomorrow, we're having Maddie's birthday party! YAY! It will be alot of work, but also very much worth the effort. :) I will have photos of the party up later, probably Sunday.
I will hopefully be going photosnapping later today ;)
I can't wait to see your photos. Im still waiting on that video to upload though so I can finish my blog entry and go to the game. I hope I can get some good action shots.
Good luck on getting these action shots, it should be good ;)
Ive got some shots, but I just have to upload them sometime in the next day or two. I took photos today of Maddie's birthday party, I got some nice shots, and others that would have been nice if it had not been blurred by poor lighting and shaky hands.
Ive got some shots, but I just have to upload them sometime in the next day or two. I took photos today of Maddie's birthday party, I got some nice shots, and others that would have been nice if it had not been blurred by poor lighting and shaky hands.

Does your camera have picture stablilization?
yes, but part of it was low blood sugar. When it gets low my hands get shaky - so by that point I have to go find something to eat or end up on the floor. ;)
yes, but part of it was low blood sugar. When it gets low my hands get shaky - so by that point I have to go find something to eat or end up on the floor. ;)

Ahh, I understand.
Your dd is a beautiful little girl, Dixie, and your landscapes remind me of when I was living in middle TN.