honestly, I don't really see a point where you have to be posting in a message board that's for the deaf and as for you, who is begining to get deaf as well, won't appericate the way life occurs on him...
if you don't like it, at least just *bleep* off.
(sorry, I've been cussing alot lately

of course, I'm pretty much pissed off when you say that hearing is the most "beauiful" thing in your body...by golly, I was born deaf and have asthma problems, but least I have tons of other ablities to do...such as walking, running, climbing, see, smell, and able to catch things with my hands, etc...I even have weak eyesight and I wear glasses, but I'm just glad that I can still see. do I whine about my eyesight? my ashtma attack? even my deafness? WELL? then what about other people? does cheri whine? does vampy whine? does Banjo whine? is this a "whinning" message board? the answer is obvious : HELL NO!
dammit, if you are gonna whine just once, and I mean JUST ONCE! I'm gonna scream my lungs out to death and beg the moderator to ban you (FOREVER!) but of course, I could ignore you, but I like to read EVERYONE's posts so just to totally undertand what the main topic is about, and if someone throws in something that doesn't even make sense or is offensive, then someone has something to give from their piece of their mind. so whenever someone say something inapporicate or offensive, then it's doesn't belong in such an conversation where it would obviously offend other people, including me.
good night.