Its time to bring back the draft.

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What does that mean You are with for? Meaning you are with the banned of same sex marriage.

im sorry, thats my fault for not being clearer, i mean i am for gay marriage

as for the part about not caring about the world....its precisely that attitude which has the rest of the world pissed at us. the attitude that america only cares for itself. we are the most powerful nation on earth, its our duty and responsibility to care about other countries. we cannot become isolationist, mainly because we depend on foreign trade, but because its wrong as well. as i said before, apathy is as evil and any other evil that exists in the world today.

and beo, stop being a chicken little alarmist, the world will not end because we invaded iraq. if we ever go to war with N. korea, then you can run around screaming the sky is falling. how is this world war 3? as far as i can tell, its a coalition against insurgents... now if your talking about in the future sure...we need to invade syria and teach them some act right, and perhaps iran if we're feeling froggy enough. n. korea and china will come to us in due time tho.
Lol, Cheri, I will let you have the last word.
I am done with this thread.
Beowulf said:
When Clinton lied, nobody died.

Well thousands died what john kerry did in the vietnam. And if john kerry was a true patroit why did he partispate in jane fondas vietnam protest crusade?
ravensteve1961 said:
Well thousands died what john kerry did in the vietnam. And if john kerry was a true patroit why did he partispate in jane fondas vietnam protest crusade?

Why are you talking about the past? John Kerry was never a President like Bush who have people lives at stake. Get to the present not the "long long long time ago past". Agreed? :ty:
Many of us cannot forget the good men who were tortured and killed because of John Kerry and Jane Fonda. :(
Beowulf said:
What total nonsense.
What brainwashed fools you are...
What has that photo got to do with anything? I am talking about the testimony from the POWs themselves about the treatment they got directly as the result of Kerry and Fonda's actions.

My hubby and I personally knew some of those POWs in the Navy. It is not nonsense.
someone said:
Is it true that President Bush wanted abortion banned, he wanted same sex marriage banned. Why does he care? It doesn't effect his life. If people want to get married let them! That doesn't mean those people would have to live with you and sleep in your bed room. Why do you care if they get married or not. I don't care it doesn't effect me. Bush is the one who telling us how to live our life, by getting in our business which has nothing to do with him as his postion being the President. He suppose to take care of America not get in anyone's personal business.

Please wake up! Homosexual people do change our society and that is very dangerous. Read my post about homosexuality at "America falling from Religious" thread and It already said it all.

Those below comments came from my opinion.

President Bush is doing great job with Homosexual, Abortion and Stem Cell. He knows his roll, because he involved with his CIA and FBI or whatever group at Government's backspine. They gave info and everything about Homo, Abort, Stem and he decide with the fact info. For example with Bush on Iraqi, and CIA gave wrong info with Bush and Bush decided little to early to go war with Iraqi which he got wrong and false info from CIA. I believe CIA is good and bad in many ways. For example, I strongly believe that CIA killed JFK, Linclon, and MLK just because of "issue of american profiting their $" reason.

President Bush, He is not getting into our business of our life. He thinks about our future children's life. If we process with Abortions and many children won't be here. Imagine that your parent had you on abortion and you won't be here! That is sick! I know about rape and drugs sex or whatever, and do you know what, too bad on them because they weren't prepare for any unexpected. If you want to debate on that and please create new thread about Abortion.

If we go ahead with homosexual marriage and there will be milllllllllion of homo people on earth because they find it is too easy to find same sex for love than different sex. Therefore, do homo make children? no and expect with lesb. It will hurt our children future. For lesb sitaution, child rasing with no father, it would be tough on them.

I believe Stem cell is good and bad, but I am opposse to that just because of how our government can abuse it very easily.
I admire President Bill Clition and I believe he is better than Bush.
Afaghanistan is one of our biggest problem. We need to fix Afaghanistan or we will be total doomed by repubation how that we handles with other countries.
I believe homeland security and the patriot act is completely joke! Remember in our life and we always have 1 or more ways to get from any position/actions/thinking. Terrorist can do whatever they want and they will make us pay for nothing, for example with our security system. We waste too much $ for what? Security-ing on our country and they will still get in someday, anyway. Million and Millions people going through sercurity and I would say only 30 to 60 terrorist will be caught. I think it is joke with our spending on from our tax pocket.

I always knew that Patriot Act is wrong and it already removed or edited.


rave said:
Yall watch hannity and colmes on fox news channel where i get my info. I cant help it you didnt remember that event 1993 that car bombing at WTC. I cant help it you didnt remember that event 1997 US embassy bombed in somolia. I cant help it you didnt remember that event when the USS cole was attacked in 2000.

So what, we don't have to rememeber every details that we are attacked or whatever we do. And what is your point with, I can't help it and you don't rememeber ....?

rave said:
If you dont remember it that your problem. I know the republican party isnt about war but the democratic party is not supposed to be about liberalism. Thats not what thomas jefferson had in mind about the democratic party. The democratic party is supposed to be about american freedom and american ideas. Todays democrats are no where near like thomas jeffersons democrats were. Theyre anti free speech,Anti religion, anti military and finaly anti freedom. The republican party is about freedom and independance. Not forced bussing, Not afirimation action, Not Quotas and not taking money outta your wallet and telling you this is how it gets spent. Thats why im republican and i belive what they stand up for.

The Television news are never perfect with the information because of business reasons. I suggest you to read many books with politics and the comments that you made. It will help you to clear up you mind and understand the position of that they are saying or stating with info. If you don't like books, then History Channel can little help you out.

Oh my gosh, you got completely wrong info!!!! Republic do believe in bussiness and they believe rich get richer and poor get poorer. How? Rich works hard to invent on something or lucky to have money and used their money wisely. Poor often tend to have welfare, drugs, unwise with money and that why republic said, it is your problem. Therefore, poor get poorer, to force them work harder and be wiser with money. I know there is some poor people that really can't help with it and I am sure republican will help with those minor serious poor people. Democracy believes to be involved with poor to support them to be like rich people.

Todays democrats are no where near like thomas jeffersons democrats were. Theyre anti free speech,Anti religion, anti military and finaly anti freedom.

OMGosh! Had President Clition do that? JFK? MLK? Pleassssse! You need to rethink how our democrats are doing. I am happy what democracy is doing whatever just that I am oppossed on what they are thinking with some details on our life.

I don't get your point with Thomas Jeffersons. He was the one who wrote our consitution and our second President. To me he is like mix of Rep. and Dem. But he labeled himself as Dem.
Reba said:
What has that photo got to do with anything? I am talking about the testimony from the POWs themselves about the treatment they got directly as the result of Kerry and Fonda's actions.

My hubby and I personally knew some of those POWs in the Navy. It is not nonsense.

Oh, right.
Oh yeah, sure.
Kerry had so much power back then, he personally affected the outcome of the war while he was serving.
It was KERRY who caused the suffering of POW's.
And Fonda.
If he is that All-Powerful, why not make him President then?
And by the way, Reba, I know POW's too.
You do not have a monopoly on that or on Scriptures either.
There are innocent people being tortured right now in Guantanomo Bay but that does not matter, am I right?
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Crazymanw00t said:
believe CIA is good and bad in many ways. For example, I strongly believe that CIA killed JFK, Linclon, and MLK just because of "issue of american profiting their $" reason.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. Do the math.
AvengedSevenfol said:
as for the part about not caring about the world....its precisely that attitude which has the rest of the world pissed at us. the attitude that america only cares for itself. we are the most powerful nation on earth, its our duty and responsibility to care about other countries. we cannot become isolationist, mainly because we depend on foreign trade, but because its wrong as well. as i said before, apathy is as evil and any other evil that exists in the world today.

Sorry to say this, I am totallly opposse to that. I believe American should be not police around the world which causes more problems. I believe that we should set role model to other and they will open their eye and curious how can we be so successful. So they will copy us and be successful like us. It is biiggggerrr better to do that than be cop around the world.

and beo, stop being a chicken little alarmist, the world will not end because we invaded iraq. if we ever go to war with N. korea, then you can run around screaming the sky is falling. how is this world war 3? as far as i can tell, its a coalition against insurgents... now if your talking about in the future sure...we need to invade syria and teach them some act right, and perhaps iran if we're feeling froggy enough. n. korea and china will come to us in due time tho.

You know why they are coming to us? Because we were cop around the world. They felt that we invaded their business and force them to be on same page with us. That is wrong.

I total oppose with invading Syria. If we invaded Syria and then whole Middle East will think that we are coming because of Oil and messing their Muslim reilgious.

North Korea and we need to remove that curel leader and repair their country like South Korea is doing. North Korea is reasonable to invade because of their curel leader, while Syria what? Syria can hate us and we don't have to go war with them because they hate us. No way!
Reba said:
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. Do the math.

Yeah and I was talking about umm like CIA in old time and I dunno what they are called. The point of it is that the our government people killed our president.
ravensteve1961 said:
Avenged is 100% right on the money bout clinton! Lets face it, If i commited perjury the judge would throw the book at me. Now because of clintons actions lawyers will now make this argument. "" Your honor,If the president of the united states of america can get away with lying under oath,,Why cant my client here?""

No one lies more then Bush
That is why the FBI is turning against him by spilling the truth about his involvement in allowing torture overseas by the military.
There is apparently a very real danger that torture could eventually be used against American citizens at home, which is why we ought to be very concerned about the idiot maniac, not Jane Fonda for godssake.
Reba said:
What has that photo got to do with anything? I am talking about the testimony from the POWs themselves about the treatment they got directly as the result of Kerry and Fonda's actions.

My hubby and I personally knew some of those POWs in the Navy. It is not nonsense.

pure crap
Maybe some of you didn't know with that. CIA taught Bin Laden to be CIA and thats why we are struggling to find him. Or CIA used him to play like that role aganist us. That's why I said, CIA can be bad and good.
And he didn't.
Come on now, do you really think he could pull off anything requiring the miraculous precision of 911????
I think he was trained by the CIA and then used as a scapegoat.
Same thing with Saddam. He was trained by us since the 1950's to serve our purpose.
We need to stop thinking of our government as being almost as holy as Jesus.
Vietnam War POWs have fonda memories:


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