Its time to bring back the draft.

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ravensteve1961 said:
They were actuly towards you.

GO ask people which it suits best on you or me.
I suggest you to create a new thread with poll.
Which one is stupidest comments ever, Crazy or Rave?
Beowulf said:
For your information, Reba, applauding is a Vietnamese custom to welcome guests or to show appreciation to the host.
She was not necessarily applauding the gun.
If you watch the entire video footage, it is obvious that she was excited about trying out the same weapon that shot down American flyers.

She was there in her hoped-for capacity (since she was a highly visible celbrity at the time) to bring about an end to an illegal and immoral war.
No, she wanted to encourage a communist victory.
"On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michigan audience of some two thousand students, 'If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist.' At Duke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding 'I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. ' Washington Times July 7, 2000 "

She made false accusations against American veterans, and lied about the condition of our POWs in the Viet Cong camps.

That is PATRIOTIC, not the other way around.
Because of her words and actions, people spit on and cursed returning American veterans. How is the "patriotic"?

Supporting an illegal and immoral war makes you a traitor, in my book.
Just as a soldier has a duty and obligation to disregard an illegal order, so does a citizen.
If you want to protest a war, you target your protest at the policy makers and leaders, not the individual soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen.

"Jane Fonda also helped in the organization of a production group called the F.T.A. (F*** The Army). This group helped to set up coffee houses near military bases where they would perform anti-war derogatory-type sketches for the visiting soldiers. The coffee-house sketches were intended to counterpoint the U.S.O. shows, such as Bob Hope and other U.S.O. sponsored performers whose performances increased morale and gave positive support to American soldiers. Some of the F.T.A. coffee house employees would mingle with the soldiers to help them to 'relax and unwind', while encouraging the soldiers to desert."
This absolutely happened. One of these "coffee houses" was set up outside the base at Great Lakes. I was there, I attended some meetings, I met the "employees", I heard their speils, I read their literature. Everything they said was anti-military. It happened.
In 1972 Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden and others traveled to North Vietnam to give their support to the North Vietnamese's Government. When she returned to the United States, she advised the news media that all of the American Prisoners of War were being well treated and were not being tortured.

As the American POWs returned home in 1973, they spoke out about the inhumane treatment and torture they had suffered as prisoners of war. Their stories directly contradicted Jane Fonda's earlier statements of 1972. Some of the American POWs such as Senator John McCain, a former Presidential candidate, stated that he was tortured by his guards for refusing to meet with Jane Fonda and her group. Jane Fonda, in her response to these new allegations, referred to the returning POWs as being "hypocrites and liars."

The Wall Street Journal (August 3, 1995) published an interview with Bui Tin who served on the General Staff of the North Vietnam Army and received the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam on April 30, 1975. During the interview Mr. Tin was asked if the American antiwar movement was important to Hanoi's victory. Mr. Tin responded "It was essential to our strategy" referring to the war being fought on two fronts, the Vietnam battlefield and back home in America through the antiwar movement on college campuses and in the city streets. He further stated the North Vietnamese leadership listened to the American evening news broadcasts "to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement."
Hmmm, interesting, I agree.
But why are we suddenly shifting our venom to Jane Fonda?
Time to get over it, I think, and focus on current abuses given Bush's blessings.
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