It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

No, I missed Maine and Connecticut. My dad was a navy lifer so we were stationed in or traveled through the other 48.

What's the foreign country in which you've stayed the longest--and how long?
No, I missed Maine and Connecticut. My dad was a navy lifer so we were stationed in or traveled through the other 48.

What's the foreign country in which you've stayed the longest--and how long?

I spent 3 weeks in Mexico back in High School...........that was fun!!!

What countries are in your Family tree???
What countries are in your family tree???

Always wanted to stay longer in Mexico.

My family is nearly 100% British. On my father's side, a great-great-great grandfather was sent to the American colonies from a debtor's prison in Nottingham. My mother is from English stock settling in Florida to distill turpentine from pine trees (although I've heard they distilled other spirits, too). I'm told there's some branches leading back to Danish and Seminole girls.

Who's on your kiss list on New Year's Eve?
Always wanted to stay longer in Mexico.

My family is nearly 100% British. On my father's side, a great-great-great grandfather was sent to the American colonies from a debtor's prison in Nottingham. My mother is from English stock settling in Florida to distill turpentine from pine trees (although I've heard they distilled other spirits, too). I'm told there's some branches leading back to Danish and Seminole girls.

Who's on your kiss list on New Year's Eve?

My husband of course............if the kids are awake, them too.

Do you wear the funny new years hats and act crazy to celebrate?
No, but I want to.

Do you like to take cross country trip in a car?

Secretbend, I'm sorry we missed your question. You actually posted before me, but I didn't see it, so I beg your pardon.

Yes, I like cross-country trips. My next is east through the 90-mile panhandle of Idaho, 650 long miles across Montana, to the cliff carvings in South Dakota. Then south to Colorado to see friends. West to Idaho to visit ISU, my alma mater, then back to Oregon to see Crater Lake before coming home.

To answer Schermy's last question, I look funny in any hat, but as wild as I will get New Year's Eve will be slamming down sparkling grape juice.

What national monument / national park did you like most?
Secretbend, I'm sorry we missed your question. You actually posted before me, but I didn't see it, so I beg your pardon.

Yes, I like cross-country trips. My next is east through the 90-mile panhandle of Idaho, 650 long miles across Montana, to the cliff carvings in South Dakota. Then south to Colorado to see friends. West to Idaho to visit ISU, my alma mater, then back to Oregon to see Crater Lake before coming home.

To answer Schermy's last question, I look funny in any hat, but as wild as I will get New Year's Eve will be slamming down sparkling grape juice.

What national monument / national park did you like most?

Yellowstone National Forest. So easy to get lost in!

If you had a choice to go to a hearing college/university, which one will it be?
Yellowstone National Forest. So easy to get lost in!

If you had a choice to go to a hearing college/university, which one will it be?

I am hoping to go to UT college to study aerospace engineering, that's why I'm moving to Austin.

How do you like to spend your time?
I am hoping to go to UT college to study aerospace engineering, that's why I'm moving to Austin.

How do you like to spend your time?


I spend my time meditating on the beach, watching the waves continually pound the coast. Or in the arms of someone special.....:giggle:

When you go on vacation, what is the most important thing that you HAVE TO take with you?

I spend my time meditating on the beach, watching the waves continually pound the coast. Or in the arms of someone special.....:giggle:

When you go on vacation, what is the most important thing that you HAVE TO take with you?

I have to take me!! I think that's important. :giggle:

What is your favorite tv sitcom of all times?
Nope. But I don't live far from there.

What did you ask "Santa" for Christmas?
What did you ask "Santa" for Christmas?

I posted a note in LARGE LETTERS on my bulletin board asking Santa for The Chase by Clive Cussler or T Is for Trespass by Sue Grafton. Got my fingers crossed.

Are you planning getting pierced for jewelry in 2008? If so, where?
I posted a note in LARGE LETTERS on my bulletin board asking Santa for The Chase by Clive Cussler or T Is for Trespass by Sue Grafton. Got my fingers crossed.

Are you planning getting pierced for jewelry in 2008? If so, where?


What are you having for Christmas dinner?

What are you having for Christmas dinner?

I thought tenderloin but now my mom says rib roast........I don't care because I am vegetarian. But already I eat too many cupcakes from my roommate. :P

Do you have special Christmas dessert (not just cookies)?
Lemon cake with Cream cheese Forst! Yummy!!

What did you ate lunch today>?
Mac-n-Cheese mixed with hamburger. (quick and easy for the kids

Do you wear Hearing aids?
Yes I like live events

yes I do like concerts and stuff. I like Nine Inch Nails and Metallica and all kinds of rock and things like that. I listen to stations like alt nation 21 and lithium 24 on serius satellite radio.

My question,,,,, How big is a tuna fish?
Ha ha ha, like “how high is up?” Just got back from a fish museum on the Oregon coast. Of the largest 15 species of tuna, one kind of tuna averages 450 pounds per fish. Another averages 35 pounds per fish. The tuna in the aquarium was 300 pounds, about 900 small cans of tuna for people and the remainder for and equal number of cat food cans, said the sign. They must use everything!

What was your best Christmas present?