It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

If money didn't matter what's the ONE thing you'd like to buy for yourself?

Let's see . . . new ears or new eyes? I'm not as as brave a Helen Keller when asked which sense she'd rather regain. I'm coping with deafness, but I'm worried about decreasing eyesight. If I had the money, I would hire the best eye surgeon's best efforts.

It's been asked before, but now it's a different person's turn:

What's your first New Year's resolution?
Let's see . . . new ears or new eyes? I'm not as as brave a Helen Keller when asked which sense she'd rather regain. I'm coping with deafness, but I'm worried about decreasing eyesight. If I had the money, I would hire the best eye surgeon's best efforts.

It's been asked before, but now it's a different person's turn:

What's your first New Year's resolution?

My first new years resolution is to stop putting up with other people's crap!!

Do you prefer raw or cooked vegies??

(Chase...........smelt fishing is soooooooooooo much fun!!!)
I like raw veggies with a dip . . . and I don't really care who the dip is.

(Schermy, are smelt down south where you are . . . or up north where you're heading in 2008?)

What's your favorite dessert dish for Christmas dinner?
I like raw veggies with a dip . . . and I don't really care who the dip is.

(Schermy, are smelt down south where you are . . . or up north where you're heading in 2008?)

What's your favorite dessert dish for Christmas dinner?

Christmas cookies...........and lots of them!!!! :giggle:

(Chase........smelt fishing is done at night sitting by a small fire with some beer on the docks discussing da Bears!!!)

Are you allergic to anything?
(Chase........smelt fishing is done at night sitting by a small fire with some beer on the docks discussing da Bears!!!)

Are you allergic to anything?

No, I'm too old, half blind, and AllDeaf (get it?), but not allergic to a single thing, thank goodness.

(So fishing is lakeside somewhere in nighttime Illinois slamming down Hamms, the fire to attract the smelt. Got it. My kind of fishing!)

I'm done Christmas shopping. Are you?
No, I'm too old, half blind, and AllDeaf (get it?), but not allergic to a single thing, thank goodness.

(So fishing is lakeside somewhere in nighttime Illinois slamming down Hamms, the fire to attract the smelt. Got it. My kind of fishing!)

I'm done Christmas shopping. Are you?

I only have to get a little something for my son's teacher and then I'm done!!! yeahhhhhhhh

Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are a naturalized exotic in Lake Michigan. Originally transported from the east coast and stocked in Crystal Lake, Michigan, smelt were first reported in Lake Michigan in 1923. The smelt population expanded and reached high levels by the early 1940s.

Smelt begin spawning in Lake Michigan as early as March 17 or as late as April 28. The peak of the run, and the best fishing, lasts about a week, usually starting between April 10 and 20. Regulations for smelt fishing apply to the type of equipment used; there are not bag limit or length restrictions. The smelt fishing season is March 1 through April 30.

An Illinois sport fishing license is required to fish for smelt. The best places to fish for smelt are along the Chicago Park District property and at beaches from Waukegan to the Illinois-Wisconsin state line.

Who will you enjoy seeing the most at christmas?
I only have to get a little something for my son's teacher and then I'm done!!! yeahhhhhhhh

Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are a naturalized exotic in Lake Michigan. Originally transported from the east coast and stocked in Crystal Lake, Michigan, smelt were first reported in Lake Michigan in 1923. The smelt population expanded and reached high levels by the early 1940s.

Smelt begin spawning in Lake Michigan as early as March 17 or as late as April 28. The peak of the run, and the best fishing, lasts about a week, usually starting between April 10 and 20. Regulations for smelt fishing apply to the type of equipment used; there are not bag limit or length restrictions. The smelt fishing season is March 1 through April 30.

An Illinois sport fishing license is required to fish for smelt. The best places to fish for smelt are along the Chicago Park District property and at beaches from Waukegan to the Illinois-Wisconsin state line.

Who will you enjoy seeing the most at christmas?


( I have to respond to the Christmas Dessert question My favorite is plum pudding as it reminds me of the character in the 'Christmas Spirit' who sang the jingle, "Plum pudding, puddin' plummy, have a slice of good-n-yummy!" I just that was hilarious! :lol: )

What New Year resolution did you keep?

( I have to respond to the Christmas Dessert question My favorite is plum pudding as it reminds me of the character in the 'Christmas Spirit' who sang the jingle, "Plum pudding, puddin' plummy, have a slice of good-n-yummy!" I just that was hilarious! :lol: )

What New Year resolution did you keep?

The only resolution I kept was to be the bast mom I could be.

Do you ever keep your resolutions??
Do you ever keep your resolutions??

I kept 'em in '07. I retired (although my boss delayed it a few months). I compiled research on bees and wiccans for a mystery novel. My resolution for '08 is to write the novel.

Science fiction? Whodunnits? Romance? Westerns? Chic lit? What's your favorite genre when you have time to read novels?
I kept 'em in '07. I retired (although my boss delayed it a few months). I compiled research on bees and wiccans for a mystery novel. My resolution for '08 is to write the novel.

Science fiction? Whodunnits? Romance? Westerns? Chic lit? What's your favorite genre when you have time to read novels?

I'd have to go with Whodunnits!!!!!!!! I love the Adventure of it, however, I do read a little of everything.

If you had to pick a biography to read...........who would it be about?
Took bees to Calaveras County, California, and rediscovered Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Too many writing greats to mention claim Mark Twain is the cornerstone of American literature.

Which over-the-counter pain killer works best for you?
Took bees to Calaveras County, California, and rediscovered Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Too many writing greats to mention claim Mark Twain is the cornerstone of American literature.

Which over-the-counter pain killer works best for you?

Jack Daniels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle: :giggle:
(OK may be Motrin!!)

What do you do when you get a cold?
Arrrggghhh! I get a horrible cold every 18 to 24 months.

If I don't take anything but too many pain-relievers and overdoses of cough medicine, I work most days but in abject misery for two weeks.

However, if I call in sick and stay home to take pain-relievers and cough medicine, my boss comes to get me most days to handle emergencies, and I'm in absolute misery for two weeks.

In fact, no matter what I do, I'm in total misery for two weeks.

On that happy note, what's your outfit to brave the late fall outdoors today?
Arrrggghhh! I get a horrible cold every 18 to 24 months.

If I don't take anything but too many pain-relievers and overdoses of cough medicine, I work most days but in abject misery for two weeks.

However, if I call in sick and stay home to take pain-relievers and cough medicine, my boss comes to get me most days to handle emergencies, and I'm in absolute misery for two weeks.

In fact, no matter what I do, I'm in total misery for two weeks.

On that happy note, what's your outfit to brave the late fall outdoors today?

Ha ha..........Flip flops and jeans with a t shirt...........and I'm still a little too warm!!!

Candy canes..........traditional peppermint or cherry flavored?
Candy canes..........traditional peppermint or cherry flavored?

Got a dozen (no, only ten now 'cause I ate two) old-fashioned peppermint candy canes hanging on my Christmas tree. Great pepperment/pine scent throughout the apartment.

Who's your favorite officer/crew-member aboard The Enterprise, whose mission is to go boldly where no one has gone.*

*original ship's log entry altered to conform to standard rules of English discouraging split infinitives and redundant prepositions--also avoids sexist terminology.
Got a dozen (no, only ten now 'cause I ate two) old-fashioned peppermint candy canes hanging on my Christmas tree. Great pepperment/pine scent throughout the apartment.

Who's your favorite officer/crew-member aboard The Enterprise, whose mission is to go boldly where no one has gone.*

*original ship's log entry altered to conform to standard rules of English discouraging split infinitives and redundant prepositions--also avoids sexist terminology.


Who is your favorite "Golden Girls" character?
Rose, I love her weird stories.

Which Star trek shows do you like best? example. Star Trek - Star Trek TNG - Voyager - Etc....

The original Star Trek of course but I do have a soft spot for TNG!!

Do you believe in Aliens?
The original Star Trek of course but I do have a soft spot for TNG!!

Do you believe in Aliens?

E.T. convinced me that there might be something out there.

If money was no object, where in the world would you move to?