It happened again--deaf man shot by police

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Now I am getting pissed... and angry
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The guy couldn't hear the cops but he could see them. Had no one taught him that if he was approached by uniformed officers he should put down whatever was in his hands, show his empty hands, keep them out of his pockets, and don't approach the officers or make any sudden moves?

I don't know what level of understanding he had. Someone dropped the ball in his life skills training.

Someone also dropped the ball in the training of the police officers. Why did one cop use a Tazer but the other used a gun?

It's not that American police are trained to kill; they aren't trained enough in techniques other that lethal force.

When it does come down to shooting, police officers get a lot less training and practice than you would expect necessary. They are not sharpshooters.

If they get less training and practice they we expect would be necessary, then they need to make it a priority in their training to teach these officers how to deescalate a situation and how not to resort to using lethal force. Now in regards to the victim in this thread, if the cops couldn't disarm this individual without resorting to killing him, then they either need more training or they need to find another line of work. Unfortunately, the police never seem to take a step backward to deescalate a situation, it's always forward and they are very quick to resort to the use of lethal force.

A friend just showed me a video of a CA sheriff looking like the Terminator and shooting this man who was climbing out of his rolled over car which was on its side, with both his hands on the frame of the door: he just nonchalantly pulled out his gun and shot this guy twice. The victim who was 17, was not killed but is probably paralyzed for the rest of his life. The police withheld this video for 2 years and had ruled the shooting justified.
Magdiel Sanchez was Spanish I KNOW he was 'deaf'
but did any police even tried talking to him in Spanish ?? If not the police failed to tried to communicate in one than one way ! What if Sanchez wasn't deaf and only spoke in Spanish and didn't understand the police commands shit he would had still
been killed if he wasn't deaf !
I was at Royce City, TX midnight. I work for Lyft and Uber. I got pulled over by cop. I parked, turned on my hazard blinking light on, and my inside light on so whoever cop can see me. White male cop wore bodycam, vest, and gun. He stood by behind my driver door. He can see my inside car clearly with my light on. He asked for ID. I was take my time get my wallet behind my azz pocket. But i was frustrated get it out. Duh i have on my seatbelt. But i saw my driver mirror showed cop put his hand on his gun like he get ready shoot me. I stop moving. I asked why he put his hand on gun. He said he didnt put hand on gun. So he lied. I won't tell him what i saw thru mirror. So he moving to my driver door (not behind driver door) he showed me his hand on front belt. He lied. So i tell him i going remove my seatbelt slow and trying get my wallet. He said ok. I removed my seatbelt. I told him I going get my wallet slowly. He said ok. Then I get my wallet. He said something that I don't understand. I told him what? He repeated few times. So I read his face expression that telling me he think playing trick or dumb. I told him I sorry I am HOH sometime don't understand. He asked me do i need need interpreter. I said oh yes I appreciate. He asked Do i sign. I told him yes . I am waiting for interpreter. He started to sign unprofessional. He asked me name. I signed. He tried test me some signs. So he still didn't get me interpreter. He got id look up my info. He found nothing. He asked me why i got pulled over. Yes I think I speeding 47 on 40. He said no I was on middle of white lane before i back on proper lane. He think drunkard is driving. So he went check. I told him i was doing my uber gps. I work for uber lyft. He charged me nothing and give me no warning ticket. He told me drive safe. I signed thank and good night. I left. Oh man he put his hand on gun for me . I did my best to cooperate with cop Like my hazarad light on, my car engine was off, my car light on inside, keep my hands on wheel steer, and follow what he said then he put his hand on gun. Color of my skin not work for him.
Magdiel Sanchez was Spanish I KNOW he was 'deaf'
but did any police even tried talking to him in Spanish ?? If not the police failed to tried to communicate in one than one way ! What if Sanchez wasn't deaf and only spoke in Spanish and didn't understand the police commands shit he would had still
been killed if he wasn't deaf !

He is Deaf, so it means he is Deaf, so he can’t hear at all, so no matter about English or Spanish. Most police officers are require to take Spanish course.

I noticed that professional players stopped recite to US flag, but it is up to them. I stopped recite to US flag when I was in 12th grade because it isn’t necessary to me and I don’t believe in national anthem, so if you want to respect to our troops - just display the US flag at your home or room.

I’m all for unity but I’m saddened about numerous situations with police officers.
Magdiel Sanchez was Spanish I KNOW he was 'deaf'
but did any police even tried talking to him in Spanish ?? If not the police failed to tried to communicate in one than one way ! What if Sanchez wasn't deaf and only spoke in Spanish and didn't understand the police commands shit he would had still
been killed if he wasn't deaf !


1. The cops didn't know his name so they wouldn't have known what language he spoke anyway.
2. That's a big assumption on your part- "well he's Spanish (I assume you meant Mexican?) so he MIGHT have spoken Spanish". There are many Mexicans/Latinx people in the USA who don't know Spanish for beans as they grew up here in the USA.
3. There's a possibility that Mr. Sanchez didn't LOOK Mexican to them (if I recall it was a bit dark?). Though the pictures I've seen he is definitely Latino.

I've read elsewhere that he didn't even sign ASL.. closer to home signs/gestures.

I do agree on one part (!!!!!)- he might have been shot dead anyway whether or not he spoke Spanish, ASL, nothing, deaf, hearing.

That's all I'll say.
Magdiel Sanchez was Spanish I KNOW he was 'deaf'
but did any police even tried talking to him in Spanish ?? If not the police failed to tried to communicate in one than one way ! What if Sanchez wasn't deaf and only spoke in Spanish and didn't understand the police commands shit he would had still
been killed if he wasn't deaf !
Did any of the police present know Spanish?
He is Deaf, so it means he is Deaf, so he can’t hear at all, so no matter about English or Spanish. Most police officers are require to take Spanish course....
Only in some places. I don't think it's most. Our police officers aren't required to take Spanish.
I didn't think you believed in Jesus.

Not surprised, but nice to see you again.

Only in some places. I don't think it's most. Our police officers aren't required to take Spanish.

It looks like most big cities require basic Spanish course, nothing like college level course, but small cities and rural are less likely, but some officers chose to take it.
They going shoot anyone holding fork. Cop dont know anybody. Smh cops are insane.
If a cop can't disarm someone holding a pipe, fork, potato peeler, etc. without resorting to deadly force than they should not be in law enforcement. They carry a baton for a purpose but I guess they never were trained in how to use it or even watched TJ Hooker! Sad part is, they use deadly force on these innocent victims and then they can't understand why they have become targets, again if they can't figure it out, they need to find a different line of work!

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