It happened again--deaf man shot by police

Seems to me also...the Cop could have shot him in the kneecaps.....unless the deaf man was very close to them with the metal pipe and was trying to hit them...without a video, we will never know for sure tho'.
Seems to me also...the Cop could have shot him in the kneecaps.....unless the deaf man was very close to them with the metal pipe and was trying to hit them...without a video, we will never know for sure tho'.
Police (and self defense shooters) are taught to aim for the large middle mass trunk area. Trying to hit the knees of a moving individual is not easy, and most people don't get that kind of training. That's a shot for the movies and TV, not real life.
First cop shot him with taser gun, second cop shot him with bullet gun.

Miscommunication? or misjudgement? Police pulled out wrong gun? More info will come out later on and I won’t be surprised that police will get away with justice just like Daniel Harris situation in North Carolina.