Quite honestly, i'm definitely going to have to agree with mew. Your broad assumptions, judgemental attitude and lack of proof in most circumstances make it very difficult to believe anything you say. I just ingnore what you say most of the time like most other people do. I just so happen to know mew can't stand people who judge or group people up so to speak, so i forgive her big mouth. =d
mew, se comportă acum și doar de mers pe jos!
We were not talking about misconceptions, she was the one who brought up the word DIAGNOSIS. I am referring to Deaf kids being DIAGNOSED ( Which a diagnosis comes from a LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL ) as mentally retarded instead of Deaf. And I quote "You do know back in the '70's a LOT of unaided MILD and other HOH kids were misdx as mentally disabled right?"
My point was to say yes, maybe 40 50 years ago this was possible to be mis-DIAGNOSED, today.... it's not common... incredibly rare. We check kids hearing in elementary school for a reason... I sincerely do not believe what you see on a daily basis is MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS who are LICENSED treating the Deaf as mentally retarded. I am not doubting the population may do this. However the general population treating the Deaf like this is still NOT a MEDICAL diagnosis!
The point you just made had nothing to do with what I was arguing about. Medical diagnosis and the treatment of the Deaf and HoH by society are two VERY completely different things.
I don't even know why I bother to insert my opinion in subjects DD comments on anyway, it's a waste of air. Clearly she blows tons of hot air out her a$$ and everyone knows it as seen on a thread yesterday. I should just take the others advice and ignore her like most of the forum people do. What can I say, I love to correct others stupidity and ignorance.![]()
Deaf (hard of hearing) man can’t communicate with public defender- Committed to mental institution
Thu, 2012-03-15 11:30 — victor
Deaf (hard of hearing)man can’t communicate with public defender- Committed to mental institution
Lancaster, CA March 2, 2012
Victor Trujillo of Palmdale California was judicially committed for an indefinite period to a state mental institution because his public defender claimed she was not able to communicate with him.
On Jan 10, 2012 Nicole Campbell, a public defender in Lancaster California, claimed in court that she was unable to properly communicate with her client and she questioned his competency to stand trial. Mr. Trujillo had already replaced Ms. Campbell as his attorney with a private attorney due to incompatibility, but he was unable to afford a private attorney on a second charge.
Mr. Trujillo brought this incompatibility issue to the judge’s attention, and after removing the audience from the court, Judge Zacky decided to suspend his trial and to have Victor’s competence evaluated by two court-appointed doctors over the next six weeks. His next court date was set for Feb 23, 2012
Victor, who has been hearing impaired since he was a child, was interviewed over the telephone at the LA County Jail and found to be “not mentally ill” by both doctors, but “unable to assist his lawyer in his defense”.
When Victor returned to the LA County Superior Court in Lancaster, Judge Zacky ruled that he was to continue to have Ms. Campbell (who is not an attorney for the hearing impaired) as his council unless he could retain a private attorney. Judge Zacky then committed Victor to a state mental health institution to be “treated voluntarily or involuntarily.” No future court appearances have been set.
Victor was severely beaten in the Los Angeles County jail and spent five days in the hospital. He now fears for his life.
This raises many questions about our system in LA County, especially concerning the hearing impaired and the disabled.
How does one treat “Not mentally ill” in a mental institution?
How many other hearing- impaired people have been committed to mental institutions by the LA County Court system only for a lack of ability to communicate?
Yet, I will still say.... I refuse to believe the first reaction of even MOST hearing people is to think a deaf accent means you're retarded. People in general are a lot more understanding than you give them credit for. If you as a person are out to assume every hearing person thinks we're retarded for a deaf accent, you're missing out on life. Even hearing as a majority.... you're missing out, and I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry that clearly every hearing person you've ever met thinks you're mentally retarded, but have you ever considered it may not be the "deaf accent" that makes them think this? Maybe spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar might be the reason?
Right there, that bold part.... that's your downfall. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you had some form of paranoid schizophrenia, like all the hearies are out to make you feel mentally inadequate or mentally retarded... because that's all you ever seem to banter on about. While I am not a licensed psychologist and studied emergency medicine over psychology, I realize I can't diagnose you. See what I did there?Seriously though, if you could back up all your stuff with PROOF, people would be more inclined to take your words more seriously. In case you missed the thread earlier on this week about people giving advice to not argue with you because it's a waste of time and everyone knows it's BS.
I was born Deaf, I was raised Deaf and I will ALWAYS be Deaf! I am damn proud of it too... However, if the only thing you can do is assume, attack and generalize group every hearing person into one huge lump like you do in nearly every single post, I feel sorry for you. I truly feel absolutely sorry for you. To live your life bashing, hating and/or assuming all hearing people do these things makes you no better than a racist! What do you think they do? They bash, hate and/or assume every person from that race in general are the same. You seem to do the same thing with the hearing in a lot of posts. I refer back to the bold section again. You're not stating a LOT, you're not stating MOST, you're saying "The first response from a hearing person upon hearing a deaf accent is they're mentally retarded." From a hearing person, so all hearing people. When I make a point, I ALWAYS make sure to say MOST and bold it, or say most but not all, I never generalize people into groups such as you do! I'm sorry, I'm Deaf but my parents are hearing, my siblings are hearing, most of my family is hearing! Am I to assume they assume my Deaf friends are retarded because they have a Deaf accent? If you say no, think about your assumptions then. All those hearing people who work with the Deaf, interpreters, families that have Deaf kids, siblings, uncles, mothers, brothers ect.... That's a lot of people to all be assuming someone's mentally retarded from a Deaf accent. You need to think your words through more instead of slapping a generalized statement on a group of people. If you go doing that, you're no better than the people we fought for women to have rights, for blacks to have rights and for gays to have rights. You're generalizing and assuming.... and that's not right. Again, I feel sorry for you, and I pity your life that you have to go bashing on a group of people to make yourself feel better or whatever gratification you get out of it. If you don't like the hearing, FINE. Don't hang out with them if they'll all just think you're retarded. However, don't come generalizing and bashing a group of people with no FACTS to back up what you say and expect everyone to jump board. You're so desperate for attention and approval from the Deaf community I can't tell you if it makes me sick, sad or want to laugh. Get mad, it's fine... Unlike you, I really don't give a sh** what people think about me.
I hope you eventually can see people need to be treated on an individualized basis, and stop grouping them as a whole. I have tattoos and piercings everywhere, and ride a motorcycle... I know I love when people think I'm a drug dealer or something to have no clue I'm going after my masters as a MD. See what generalizing gets you, I'm going to be the "thug drug dealer" that saves their life or loved ones life some day... and I'm okay with that.
it is still happening despite what you say and lives have been adversely affected and ruined because of the belief that deaf people with poor speech skills are dumb. I have good speech but I get treated as a 3rd class citizen too often because my speech is not perfect.
This is from last year.
Deaf (hard of hearing) man can
Sounds like severe or profoundly deaf and not about mild hearing loss. Sad, though.
it is still happening despite what you say and lives have been adversely affected and ruined because of the belief that deaf people with poor speech skills are dumb. I have good speech but I get treated as a 3rd class citizen too often because my speech is not perfect.
You said "I was born Deaf, I was raised Deaf and I will ALWAYS be Deaf!" The bold is the one thing that I have trouble with especially when said by someone 26 (that is the age you said you are earlier in this thread). None of us know what will be developed in the future and at 26 you could have a lot of years ahead of you!
it is still happening despite what you say and lives have been adversely affected and ruined because of the belief that deaf people with poor speech skills are dumb. I have good speech but I get treated as a 3rd class citizen too often because my speech is not perfect.
Or perhaps it may have been someone who was TOLD by the "experts" that they could function like a mild loss person, but unfortuatly they fell through the cracks?That is the problem with oralists....they think that oralism can be done any and everywhere.....It requires very specialized circumstances......If any little thing is "off" it will not work the way the oralists/proinclusionists think.....There are even folks with REALLY good hearing perception who do not have the world's best speech/spoken language.
Sounds like severe or profoundly deaf and not about mild hearing loss. Sad, though.
So you think it is okay for the judge to commit this deaf guy to mental institution even though he is NOT mentally ill?
I would absolutely refrain from making any opinions on that, our information is incomplete, and the source probably biased, and why it's incomplete.
What was his crime? actually crimes, because the other lawyer was for an additional charge it says. Why can't he communicate with his lawyer, there are other means of communication other than talking and listening. Why can't they use pen and paper? Maybe he really is incompetent eh? Sounds like the guy has other issues than just being deaf, so nope, I'm reserving my judgement and opinion until we have more information, and a more unbiased source.
Exactly.........it still happens...even if a person might be incredibly intelligent, it still happens QUITE A LOT.
Koko,perhaps you don't see it or perhaps you're still so fixtated that being oral made you *special and a sucess* that you think that hearing people think you're special too...How do you know that they're not actually thinking you're not exactly bright b/c of a deaf accent, but they're too polite to actually SAY it?