is it me


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
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im new too this web site but i like it alot, and i like reading all this, i have never talked too other deaf people before, but i do have a queston, i do have good hearing aids, but i stell cant understand what they are saying, i fell like i mite as well not be there, does anybody out there fell the sameway. thanks, fred my spelling sucks,,,,
Yes, that is a familiar story, I have found I was trying to cling to the hearing world when really I was more suited to the deaf world. I suggest you find a deaf club and learn your local sign language. Not only will it give you communication options but you will likely find people in a similar situation as yourself. The feeling you are not alone or defective is a great one and worth every hour of practice at signing. Slowly my self-worth increased to the point where I will not be ignored, either talk to me or leave! :welcome: :)
I understand sometimes you pretty want to ASL sign Language!
I feel you. Why not learn Sign language and work more on your hearing with listening practices? That way you'll be working towards hearing world and deaf world. Plus, you'll feel more open to the world*. Lame wordings beg for better one lol
Remember, just because you have hearing aids (or cochlear implants) doesn't mean you're suddenly "cured" and can now "hear" like a hearing person.

Sure, you can hear better... but does it mean you can understand better? No. Understanding takes time. At first, a lot of sounds may not be familiar and it takes time for you to recognize what those sounds are.

I have one hearing aid and I hear very well, but I do sometimes struggle with understanding what I'm hearing if it's not said clearly. That's why I combine my listening skills with lipreading.

If a person speaks clearly, then I can understand that person without reading lips. However, if that person has an accent that I'm not very familiar with or speaks at a different tone (faster, slowly, higher, lower, mumble, etc)... I may not understand that either. It varies.
one thing I hate is when people see me wearing my hearing aid they assume I'm cured.

They don't realize a hearing aid is only an amplifier, not a translator.

Just like glasses, it will assist you but it wont cure you.

I have the same issue, I can hear sounds but even with my aid I can't understand much of whats being said. I also want to reach out to the local deaf community and learn ASL.
one thing I hate is when people see me wearing my hearing aid the assume I'm cured.
They don't realize a hearing aid is only an amplifier, not a translator.

Just like glasses, it will assist you but it wont cure you.

I have the same issue, I can hear sounds but even with my aid I can't understand much of whats being said. I also want to reach out to the local deaf community and learn ASL.

That happens frequently, and even more so with a CI.
I love my audiologist, he told me first thing "they are kind of like glasses" quote was from him. He wanted to be clear it may get worse for me. But a true honest audiologist wont bully you into buying one, but will tell you the odds of things to happen with a hearing aid.
im new too this web site but i like it alot, and i like reading all this, i have never talked too other deaf people before, but i do have a queston, i do have good hearing aids, but i stell cant understand what they are saying, i fell like i mite as well not be there, does anybody out there fell the sameway. thanks, fred my spelling sucks,,,,

I feel a bit invisible many times.

I just wait and let people come to me.
personally, I couldn't go through with the CC. I've had complete hearing loss on my right since I was young, I'm afraid of the awkward change as I've heard its not the normal sound, and not the sounds of a hearing aid but different.

It still amazes me that people think that some people look to us like we're broken or something.
personally, I couldn't go through with the CC. I've had complete hearing loss on my right since I was young, I'm afraid of the awkward change as I've heard its not the normal sound, and not the sounds of a hearing aid but different.

It still amazes me that people think that some people look to us like we're broken or something.
personally, I couldn't go through with the CC. I've had complete hearing loss on my right since I was young, I'm afraid of the awkward change as I've heard its not the normal sound, and not the sounds of a hearing aid but different.

It still amazes me that people think that some people look to us like we're broken or something.

I know. You would think that a civilized society would be beyond that, wouldn't you?
I know. You would think that a civilized society would be beyond that, wouldn't you?

They don't know. It's common to have them ask "what is that on your ear?" or just say what they heard about CI/HA.
or how some people say "oh you should get it! why not get it?"

Does people understand things cost money? lmao
They don't know. It's common to have them ask "what is that on your ear?" or just say what they heard about CI/HA.

True, that. One of my college students was continually asked if he was listening to an Ipod, despite having a terp in class with him.:giggle: