Is Islam a Threat?

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Teresh said:
I have to give you credit. I laughed pretty hard at that.

Still, what that tells me is that you really don't understand your holy book very well.

You don't know nothin', really since you admitted you are not Christian. So I have nothin' to discuss with you any further.
CyberRed said:
You don't know nothin', really since you admitted you are not Christian. So I have nothin' to discuss with you any further.

It's rediculous to assume that one has to be a member of a given religion to know something about that religion. Given that this thread consists largely of Christians talking about Islam, that's a pretty dangerous POV to take.
Tousi said:
Lucia, since I am in a hurry, here's my most concise way of responding to your above post.:

NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS BUT, APPARENTLY, ALL TERRORISTS (9/11 and other recent years' acts of terrorism) ARE MUSLIMS.

The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, the National Liberation Front of Tripura and possibly the Nagaland secessionists in India and God's Army in Myanmar/Burma are all well-known Christian terrorist groups.

Nationalist groups include FARC in Columbia, the Communist Party of the Philippines, the ETA (Basque Separatists), Front de liberation du Quebec, and Shining Path in Peru.

There's also Aum Shinrikyo (Aum Supreme Truth, Aleph), which hasn't committed any acts of terror since the 1995 sarin attack on Japanese subways, but is still undergoing an internal debate over future goals and activities. The EU still considers them a terrorist organization.
Rose Immortal said:
I've heard some people claim that Islam is a "Christian heresy" because it does acknowledge Jesus as a prophet and teacher--yet I don't find the ideological similarity. Just how close would you say the similarity between Judaism and Islam runs?

Well, they're both purely monotheistic. While some Jews will say Christianity is a form of idolatry due to the worship of Jesus and polytheistic from the doctrine of the Trinity, none would say that Islam is a form of idolatry nor that it is polytheistic. Muslims don't consider Jews to violate this rule either, though at the same time, they consider it an incomplete revelation. Islam additionally recognizes all the Jewish prophets (and some that Judaism does not), and like Judaism, does not elevate them above the people so much as see them as being the communicators for God to the people of the world.

The structure of Islam, at least, Sunni Islam, the most common form, is not unlike Rabbinical Judaism. The imam in a particular group is not elevated (in a spiritual sense) above any of the other Muslims in the group. The imam simply leads prayer, he is not imbued with any special powers or privileges.

Islam, like Judaism, has its own calendar. The Muslim calendar is purely lunar, while the Jewish calendar used to be lunar (as of Hillel II, it is lunisolar) and all holy days and special observances are in accord with that calendar irrespective of whatever calendar is used by the nation in which Muslims live. Islam also recognizes the sabbath on the seventh day, like Judaism, though prayer is typically on the preceding day.

There are other points, but that's kind of a primer of my opinion.

CyberRed said:
You don't know nothin', really since you admitted you are not Christian. So I have nothin' to discuss with you any further.

Just because I'm not a Christian doesn't mean I don't understand Christianity.
Tousi said:
Lucia, since I am in a hurry, here's my most concise way of responding to your above post.:

NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS BUT, APPARENTLY, ALL TERRORISTS (9/11 and other recent years' acts of terrorism) ARE MUSLIMS.

Hey Tousi -- thought I'd chip in.

It's easy to associate terrorism with recent events in world history, but the scope of terrorism is far, far beyond muslim-related ethnicities. Radovan Karazdic, Ratko Mladic, The Malayan Anti-Japanese Peoples' Army and the Chechens come to mind. Here's a list of non-muslim terrorist organizations you'll be interested in:


Christian Terrorist Organizations

* Army of God
* Freedomites (1902-present) Active in Canada, notable for their longevity
* Nagaland Rebels (1947-present) Active in predominantly Christian state in Hindu majority India. Involved in several bombings in 2004. Goal: Independence from India after annexing parts of neighboring Indian states and Burma if it has Christian majority.
* National Liberation Front of Tripura (1989-present) A group that seeks the independence of Tripura from India to create a Christian Tripura.
* Lord's Resistance Army Christian/Pagan terrorist group that operates in northern Uganda, it seeks to overthrow the Ugandan government and create a country based on the ten commandments.
* God's Army A terrorist group in Myanmar.

Hindu Terrorist Organizations

* Shiv Sena: A Hindu militant group, Shiv Sena or "The Army of Shiva". [1]
* Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) a conservatibe fascist[citation needed] organisation is behind many religous violence in India[citation needed]. Altough these are only allegations. It has confined its activities to be cultural specific.
* Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) an offshoot [2] of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). [3]
* Bajrang Dal is the youth wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). [4]

Jewish Terrorist Organizations

* Kach and Kahane Chai - Israel and United States. Note - organizations are now both defunct.
* Gush Emunim Underground - (1979-1984) Israel. Sometimes called the Jewish Terror Organization, formed by prominent members of Gush Emunim. Their principal terrorist actions were carried out between 1980 and 1984.
* Jewish Defense League - A vigilante group based in the United States. Although several members have been charged or convicted with offenses related to the handling of explosives, the group is not thought to have any current connection to terrorism.

Sikh Terrorist Organizations

* Babbar Khalsa
* Bhinderanwala Tiger Force of Khalistan
* International Sikh Youth Federation [6]
* Khalistan Zindabad Force [7]
* Saheed Khalsa Force
* Khalistan Liberation Force
* Khalistan Commando Force
* Khalistan Liberation Front
* Khalistan National Army
* Dashmesh Regiment

In Japan, there is also the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist organization and they're very homicidal.

Further, terrorism need not be founded on religion. Nationalistic terrorism (see Ireland) and ethnic terrorism (Army for the Liberation of Rwanda -- Remember the Tutsis and the Hutus?) are also complex social and political phenomena.

Also very important to consider, terrorists are not necessarily anti-american. The Rwandan terrorists, for example, probably would rather see a bunch of dead Tutsis before they think of anything else.
Teresh said:
Have you actually read the Qur'an? The book does not encourage violence.

Oh the Koran freely condemns and degrades non-Believers, Christians and Jews. It's right in the Koran. Have you read the Koran yourself? I've skimmed and was alarmed by so much hatred in the Koran. It keeps condemning over and over and made so many threats against non-muslims.

Hardly a religion of peace.

Interesting blog about the perception of Hell between the Bible and the Koran:

Christianity holds the belief that it is superior to other religions, just like Islam. The atrocities committed by Christians in their history are the result of the fact that they think that other people should follow their religion and that if people refuse to, they should die. Islam is no different from Christianity in this regard.

Of course, virtually all religions believe they're the right way but unlike New Testament, Koran promotes hatred toward people who don't believe in Allah. Naturally, we would argue that the Old Testament threatened death on non-believers or witches and that is true.

But if you read the Koran, it's almost full of hatred and it serves absoutely no purpose at all. It shows disrespect for non-believers.
Endymion said:
Hey Tousi -- thought I'd chip in.

It's easy to associate terrorism with recent events in world history, but the scope of terrorism is far, far beyond muslim-related ethnicities. Radovan Karazdic, Ratko Mladic, The Malayan Anti-Japanese Peoples' Army and the Chechens come to mind. Here's a list of non-muslim terrorist organizations you'll be interested in:


Christian Terrorist Organizations

* Army of God
* Freedomites (1902-present) Active in Canada, notable for their longevity
* Nagaland Rebels (1947-present) Active in predominantly Christian state in Hindu majority India. Involved in several bombings in 2004. Goal: Independence from India after annexing parts of neighboring Indian states and Burma if it has Christian majority.
* National Liberation Front of Tripura (1989-present) A group that seeks the independence of Tripura from India to create a Christian Tripura.
* Lord's Resistance Army Christian/Pagan terrorist group that operates in northern Uganda, it seeks to overthrow the Ugandan government and create a country based on the ten commandments.
* God's Army A terrorist group in Myanmar.

Hindu Terrorist Organizations

* Shiv Sena: A Hindu militant group, Shiv Sena or "The Army of Shiva". [1]
* Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) a conservatibe fascist[citation needed] organisation is behind many religous violence in India[citation needed]. Altough these are only allegations. It has confined its activities to be cultural specific.
* Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) an offshoot [2] of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). [3]
* Bajrang Dal is the youth wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). [4]

Jewish Terrorist Organizations

* Kach and Kahane Chai - Israel and United States. Note - organizations are now both defunct.
* Gush Emunim Underground - (1979-1984) Israel. Sometimes called the Jewish Terror Organization, formed by prominent members of Gush Emunim. Their principal terrorist actions were carried out between 1980 and 1984.
* Jewish Defense League - A vigilante group based in the United States. Although several members have been charged or convicted with offenses related to the handling of explosives, the group is not thought to have any current connection to terrorism.

Sikh Terrorist Organizations

* Babbar Khalsa
* Bhinderanwala Tiger Force of Khalistan
* International Sikh Youth Federation [6]
* Khalistan Zindabad Force [7]
* Saheed Khalsa Force
* Khalistan Liberation Force
* Khalistan Commando Force
* Khalistan Liberation Front
* Khalistan National Army
* Dashmesh Regiment

In Japan, there is also the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist organization and they're very homicidal.

Further, terrorism need not be founded on religion. Nationalistic terrorism (see Ireland) and ethnic terrorism (Army for the Liberation of Rwanda -- Remember the Tutsis and the Hutus?) are also complex social and political phenomena.

Also very important to consider, terrorists are not necessarily anti-american. The Rwandan terrorists, for example, probably would rather see a bunch of dead Tutsis before they think of anything else.

OK. So which of those groups has recently attacked America/Americans, is currently attacking America/Americans, or planning to attack America/Americans?

Which of those groups have stated their goal to destroy America/Americans, and kill all Christians and Jews?

That shortens the list, huh?
Born-again Christians believe that Jesus Christ wants us to go to all parts of the earth to spread the good news of salvation thru Christ. Thru teaching, doing good works, living lives of good example, patience, and showing a love for the people, Christians introduce Jesus to people of the world. Christians teach about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit convicts the souls of individuals unto repentance and salvation.

God and Christians rejoice when more people become saved.

God and Christians sorrow when people die in their sins without salvation.

Christians don't spread belief in Jesus by killing off non-believers. That doesn't make sense. The only way people can be saved for eternity is while they are alive, and salvation can't be forced.

Christians are rewarded by God for souls that they save from Hell.

Muslims believe they are rewarded by Allah for souls that they send to Hell.

That's the difference.
Well if you really think Islam is a threat, you might as well put into that group, Christians, Jews, Buddists, Hindu's and every other religion.
Teresh said:
Sadly, no. You need a shrink, Heath.

You are the one in need of a shrink and not me. I also noticed you like to talk fancy but you don't really know what the hell you are talking about.

The talmud is not a valid holy book and you will just keep on being in denial.

That's just something you like to tell yourself. Some of us, however, know better.

You still don't get it. Most muslims do live a peaceful life. The Quran itself is a very violent book and some muslims do act upon what it says in the Quran, however most muslims don't do that.

A Christian maybe, but you do have one thing in common with Muslim terrorists that would give you a reason to cooperate with them: You hate America and the values America stands for.

You sure have a sick mind. I love my country, USA. I am beginning to think you hate America yourself.

I'm a member of Hillel. I can assure you that we never have done anything like that, nor will we. Jews aren't like the way you seem to think they are.

Yeah right ..... :roll: then why is there so much conflict ?

There is no "conflict" between Hillel and the MSA.

I am laughing so hard because you just contradicted yourself.
Reba said:
Born-again Christians believe that Jesus Christ wants us to go to all parts of the earth to spread the good news of salvation thru Christ. Thru teaching, doing good works, living lives of good example, patience, and showing a love for the people, Christians introduce Jesus to people of the world. Christians teach about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit convicts the souls of individuals unto repentance and salvation.

God and Christians rejoice when more people become saved.

God and Christians sorrow when people die in their sins without salvation.

Christians don't spread belief in Jesus by killing off non-believers. That doesn't make sense. The only way people can be saved for eternity is while they are alive, and salvation can't be forced.

Christians are rewarded by God for souls that they save from Hell.

Muslims believe they are rewarded by Allah for souls that they send to Hell.

That's the difference.

Reba, Amen to that !!!!! :gpost:
Reba said:
Born-again Christians believe that Jesus Christ wants us to go to all parts of the earth to spread the good news of salvation thru Christ. Thru teaching, doing good works, living lives of good example, patience, and showing a love for the people, Christians introduce Jesus to people of the world. Christians teach about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit convicts the souls of individuals unto repentance and salvation.

God and Christians rejoice when more people become saved.

God and Christians sorrow when people die in their sins without salvation.

Christians don't spread belief in Jesus by killing off non-believers. That doesn't make sense. The only way people can be saved for eternity is while they are alive, and salvation can't be forced.

Christians are rewarded by God for souls that they save from Hell.

Muslims believe they are rewarded by Allah for souls that they send to Hell.

That's the difference.

Heath said:
I am laughing so hard because you just contradicted yourself.

I agree. I've noticed that myself.
America isn't mentioned in the Bible or in the Qur'an. That said, Christian teaching was traditionally (although it isn't anymore, at least not as much) to hate both Jews and Muslims.

Um... Hillel at RIT has made numerous attempts to coordinate events with the Muslim Student Association, though the MSA has generally not responded to invitations from Hillel. We're not afraid of Muslims... Judaism and Islam have more in common with each other than either does with Christianity. I wouldn't be the only person in the world that would say that Islam is just Judaism modified for the Arabian culture.

My relatives who involved in the jewish community and part of Jewish Defense League told me that they are afraid of Muslims who can bring bomb anywhere and not trust the muslims... Keep away from them! You never know that muslim person can fool you out if he/she is very nice but being an obnxious!

Second, Koran does teach muslim how to hate America, Christian and Jews because we do support Jews and Israel that why Koran teaches for any muslim wants to go to heaven, must be suicided with bombing to kill people. That is bad doctrines. The Bibile as christian way should show love toward people no matter who are etc...

Cloggy said:
The Quaran, like the bible is interpreted by people all the time. If you want to find something that condones an action, you'll find it.
CyberRed said:
Yes, there is. America is mentioned in the Bible and it is in Daniel. " The Eagle " is America's symbol.

That didn't take long.... Proof of America mentioned in the bible... When was Americ discovered???

Yeh, this is hilarious. Some proof!
Reba said:
OK. So which of those groups has recently attacked America/Americans, is currently attacking America/Americans, or planning to attack America/Americans?

Which of those groups have stated their goal to destroy America/Americans, and kill all Christians and Jews?

That shortens the list, huh?

*laughs* True. (Except on the anti-Jew terrorism, that is a bit different)

My point to Tousi was that terrorism as a term does not limit itself to anti-American terrorism. If we address the context of anti-American terrorism, we find that there are a lot, lot more terrorists with middle-eastern and muslim affiliation.

We do have domestic non-muslim anti-American terrorism (McVeigh) and foreign non-muslim anti-American terrorism, but they do pale in comparison to the prevalence of the anti-American sentiment in many arab nations.
This is a little off-topic, but I wanted to put in my two cents. :)

I recommend reading Jessica Stern's "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill." The first time I opened it, I had a hard time putting it down because it placed a different spin on the Western axis of thought about terrorism. Makes you think twice too.

This book is not limited to Islam fundamentalist terrorists, but all religious terrorists including anti-abortion crusaders and Jewish extremists. By traveling extensively and interviewing them over the span of five years, Stern came to examine the motives behind religious militants. She found out that leaders form organizations by using religion as a powerful incentive to recruit people, most of them disillusioned and disenfranchised. Those organizations thrive on money, power and attention, which doesn't make them too different from, surprise, global corporations.

It's a fascinating read!
me_punctured said:
This is a little off-topic, but I wanted to put in my two cents. :)

I recommend reading Jessica Stern's "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill." The first time I opened it, I had a hard time putting it down because it placed a different spin on the Western axis of thought about terrorism. Makes you think twice too.

This book is not limited to Islam fundamentalist terrorists, but all religious terrorists including anti-abortion crusaders and Jewish extremists. By traveling extensively and interviewing them over the span of five years, Stern came to examine the motives behind religious militants. She found out that leaders form organizations by using religion as a powerful incentive to recruit people, most of them disillusioned and disenfranchised. Those organizations thrive on money, power and attention, which doesn't make them too different from, surprise, global corporations.

It's a fascinating read!
How about Karen Armstrong 's "The Battle for God"...???
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