is hoh still part of deaf or what?.

Ummm, okayyyyyyyyyyy.........:hmm:
Actually, Yes. Hoh is still consider as "deaf". So I am hoh with C.I. but fully deaf when I take off my C.I. but I have no problem commuicationg with both world because deaf and hearing are both part of my world whever we like it or not. We were born in to the hearing world and raise around deaf world so we get both. There is nothing wrong to have both and there are many ways to learn to commuicate. If deaf reject hoh, then that their loss. Because they are missing out on a person that can be a wonderful to a deaf person to start a great friendship. Rejecting a hoh or hearing or other deaf person for some reasons, it not gonna solve the problem by acting childish and a snob. Life is too short to waste it on being petty. :)
I've seen Ddeaf rejected hoh.
Ddeaf prefer Ddeaf only.

I'm not like look down on Ddeaf.

I'm trying to be friendly with deaf people but they rejected me is cuz I'm hoh.
And I remember a long time ago one angry deaf says, "it would be better if you're real deaf, hoh/hearie is not welcome in my group period!". me and my old friend walked away because of what he says. we thought he was kinda mean.

Does that mean I'm not part of deaf or what?. I'm confused.

I have very few deaf friend accept me as hoh.

Depends on the deaf person. When I was HOH there was deaf people who would call me a "stupid hearie" and other deaf people who would insist I was not HoH, but rather, deaf.
It varies on the individual.

I'm hard-of-hearing. I've been accepted in some deaf groups and not accepted in some deaf groups.

There would be times when I would attend a deaf assembly with other deaf clubs and organizations. If I stand up and say something, many of them would ignore me and tell me that I have no right to bring it up because I'm "not deaf enough".

So, I would secretly share my ideas with those I trust and those who listen to me... then let them bring it up in the meeting. :)

There are deaf people like that? :jaw: I thought if they knew what it was like to be oppressed, they'd not want to oppress others.
There are deaf people like that? :jaw: I thought if they knew what it was like to be oppressed, they'd not want to oppress others.

There are deaf people like that? Of course there is. I have the same experencies as he does and i'm deaf.
There are deaf people like that? :jaw: I thought if they knew what it was like to be oppressed, they'd not want to oppress others.

You would certainly think it would work that way, Redfox. Unfortunately, it doesn't, and for a couple of reasons. Fortunately, it is usually the singlular individual with such attitudes, and not the group as a whole, and one bad apple doesn't always spoil the whole batch.
There are deaf people like that? :jaw: I thought if they knew what it was like to be oppressed, they'd not want to oppress others.

Yeah, something popularily (is that a word? Lol..) known as crab theory.....
I would say all deaf and hoh are alldeaf just like this forum's name! :lol:
I'm almost 15 and My right ear is HOH, but my left ear is 100% deaf. But Yes being HOH is part of being deaf. HOH is being able to hear very little sounds. If it was someone banging a pot in front of you or next to your ear you probably hear that. But not as loud enough. And you could hear a really loud barking noise but its very little too. I would have to say my HOH on my right ear is probably 50% or less. But with the hearing aid in my right ear i can hear pretty good with it.