is hoh still part of deaf or what?.

ooooo.......almost forgot. It's not your audiogram that says how Deaf you are. It's more cultral attitudes. There are people with PERFECT hearing who use ASL as a primary language due to things like tracheostomies, apraxia etc. Aren't THEY culturally Deaf, even if they don't even have a unilateral loss?
I'm HOH with almost perfect oral voices, doesnt mean that im not Deaf. I am still always proud to be Deaf as no matter what. I felt that Deaf Culture has influenced me so strongly and i grew up and love it.

Aye, we do have oppression from the cultures in the world where we are working on the attempt to exposure. We just need people who able to stand up strong and bring the light to exposure to cultures that Deaf cultures is part of the world. We need to empower to Deaf people who able to build the confidence without falling behind, we do stand behind and push them up and stand strong on solid grounds. As i say it before, 'Deaf Power'. We still always welcome them to join our culture where we able to help them to grow.

feel free to firing the opinions :]

you said, "We still always welcome them to join our culture where we able to help them to grow". hmmm.

well, they rejected me cuz i'm hoh. same things for the color of the skin and same things for gay people. i'm trying to be friendly with deaf but they rejected me cuz i'm hoh. they're not open minded. but remember that more hearie rejected both deaf/hoh even color of the skin, sexual orientation or sexism. same with deaf who reject hearie, gay or different religious or whatever. why deaf reject hoh? so, hoh is not part of the deaf world.

off the topic, no need to quote me, i mean it. peace
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That's interesting cuz I was born profoundly deaf since birth but I am still not fully accepted by many Deaf people cuz of my oral upbringing. Many of them think I am HOH but I am probably much more deaf than they are. LOL!

Those people who said that to u are stupid...

me too
HOH are part of deaf. I'm HoH and I'm oral and signs ASL. I wears CI but still be deaf when not wearing CI.

It depends on individuals. I met some HoH who are very oral and they act like they are hearing (they look unnatual when they talks). They bragged what they can hear and understand ect blah blah oooh blahh :roll:. In my mind, They don't realized that they are missing something special about deafness. They don't understand struggle what deafie had. I had been 'dis' by HoH groupie (hearing wannabe) because they think I'm not smart enuf. I didn't care much so I move on. Many hearing people find me as a "hidden" or "silent" genius (I acted dumb cuz I don't want to admit I'm genius). I don't show off my intelligent until I do things.

When a deaf person approaches me and signs with me. I signs like deafie. But when I'm at work supervising or working in craft position, I talks like hearing. My speech are not perfect because it's the way I hears and say what I hears :rofl: When I see my deaf co worker there, I signs with voice off.

HoH IS still part of Deaf.

HOH are part of deaf. I'm HoH and I'm oral and signs ASL. I wears CI but still be deaf when not wearing CI.

It depends on individuals. I met some HoH who are very oral and they act like they are hearing (they look unnatual when they talks). They bragged what they can hear and understand ect blah blah oooh blahh :roll:. In my mind, They don't realized that they are missing something special about deafness. They don't understand struggle what deafie had. I had been 'dis' by HoH groupie (hearing wannabe) because they think I'm not smart enuf. I didn't care much so I move on. Many hearing people find me as a "hidden" or "silent" genius (I acted dumb cuz I don't want to admit I'm genius). I don't show off my intelligent until I do things.

When a deaf person approaches me and signs with me. I signs like deafie. But when I'm at work supervising or working in craft position, I talks like hearing. My speech are not perfect because it's the way I hears and say what I hears :rofl: When I see my deaf co worker there, I signs with voice off.

HoH IS still part of Deaf.


I used to be one of those hearing wannabes who truly believed that I was hearing and didnt need ASL. Boy, was I ever in denial so those hearing wannabes are more likely in denial themselves anyway.
in respose to mega...about being hoh depends really i think...there are some hoh that went to a deaf school...but in my case, my grandparents, parents, siblings are deaf and i am hoh like you but did not go to a deaf school, i went to a hearie school....for many years, i have done this, when im around deaf people, i will not wear my hearing aid, and i am deaf just like them, but when im with hearies, well naturally ill wear mine....but still i get the feeling that i dont belong in either, they still sorta push me away....and im in the middle....but am sure its just me that feels that way...and there are some rude people regardless deaf or hearies....u just go where u feel comfortable....
I'm hoh myself and orally skilled as well, I speak perfecly well and read lip so well and hear well with C.I. ,, but when I take C.I. off I am tone deaf. I was hoh when I wear hearing aid. But hearing loss got worst so C.I. was best option for me. I still use ASL signs as well. So since you posted that some of them rejected me is cuz you are hoh. Don't worry about them that rejected you. They are not true friends and nice people, there are plenty of nice people out there for you to make better friends because you are different from them. Be strong and be yourself and be proud of who you are. I think you be fine and over-come that.
have a good evening everyone. i think this is it. off the topic.
we dont need to overcome ourselves, we need to overcome the stupid hearism and deafism in society
I know I'm late in talking about the topic. I'm a HOH the hearing loss in my left ear isn't too but I'm 50% deaf in my right ear. My hearing loss wasn't discovered until I was 3. Over the years I would deaf kids at audiologist's offices, speech therapy and around my city and they accepted me well and I remember them always want to try my hearing aids. I speak pretty well and I have met a few deaf people in recent years who accept me even though we are different levels. HOH is sort a part of the deaf culture we all are hearing challenged in some way.
I have a mild hearing loss. Hearing people accept me as hearing. Deaf people usually accept me as deaf even though I am late-deaf. It all depends on who you are talking to. Just because some Deaf people rejected the OP for being HOH, doesn't mean all Deaf people would do that.
I am HoH. I had very very little contact with deaf people. The only time I'dmeet deaf people were the few times I went to a deaf/HoH camp. It was hard to communicate because of the language barrier (sign/speech) but we managed anyway. I miss those days.
I think HOH is part of deaf. I also think if you are friendly and nice to people, you can make friends with anyone. Don't dwell on the few people who might reject you.
Honestely, HOH are still part of deaf since HOH couldnt hear fully as hearing people does, but i careless if HOH arent part of deaf or hearing, HOH are still in BOTH/part of our(deaf/hearing) worlds :]

I am hoh and I can hear pretty much without my hearing aid in my right ear. You said couldnt hear fully? Then how do you explain that I can hear phone ring, truck went by, kids yelling, dogs barking while im sleeping and waking me up etc. I do understand some of it as I am accusomted to the noises growing up. I only can hear high pitch noises but not the low noises.

Keep in mind that lot of individuals have different level of hearing loss. it can be low pitch, high pitch, tone, and so many etc. not all are same. it varies on individuals on how severe it is. some of them have small loss and yet they still can hear? so some can hear fully even slight loss of hearing loss.

anyway back to topic.. hoh have same meaning as Deafness. both are hearing loss.

lot of my friends have accepted that I can hear some and it helped them somewhat like when teacher are not in classroom and i have to listen for their footprints if they are coming or not or interpret for them if they want to order foods etc. so I have no plms with it...
I thought hard of hearing is the same as deaf.

I've been bought up in the hearing world so I had to learn to cope with communicating by talking. I also get along with many fabulous deaf people as well as hearing people. I never ever looked down at anyone who's not oral or signs. I feel thats disgraceful. I treat everyone fair and equal.

I really don't get why some deaf people have something against hearing people. We get people deaf or hearing that are really unfair, thats life and we have to learn to be tough and brush them off.
I am hoh and I can hear pretty much without my hearing aid in my right ear. You said couldnt hear fully? Then how do you explain that I can hear phone ring, truck went by, kids yelling, dogs barking while im sleeping and waking me up etc. I do understand some of it as I am accusomted to the noises growing up. I only can hear high pitch noises but not the low noises.

Keep in mind that lot of individuals have different level of hearing loss. it can be low pitch, high pitch, tone, and so many etc. not all are same. it varies on individuals on how severe it is. some of them have small loss and yet they still can hear? so some can hear fully even slight loss of hearing loss.

anyway back to topic.. hoh have same meaning as Deafness. both are hearing loss.

lot of my friends have accepted that I can hear some and it helped them somewhat like when teacher are not in classroom and i have to listen for their footprints if they are coming or not or interpret for them if they want to order foods etc. so I have no plms with it...

i said footprints? LOL i meant to say it was the sounds of their shoes coming thru the hallway. I must have been very tired when I posted that last night! :laugh2: so excuse me! heh! :P
hear, cannot hear, and everything in between

Sound waves coming from WIND is stronger than air coming out of talking mouth.

WIND can speak for itself with own opinion without anyone having to fight to understand what it is saying

Since WIND is stronger than air, it blows air away coming out of a talking mouth.

Ears that cannot hear are not going to understand words anyway used by air coming out of talking mouth when WIND is stronger and blows them away.

Since there are negative electrical discharges involved with this air because of the distance between talking mouth that is using it and ears that cannot hear while wearing microphone scopes for ears, this cancels the words used by air.

One cannot move forward UNTIL WIND is considered before PART TWO or hearing while that is no matter, in this case, because time of the end is near for myself while I know where I am going after that. In the meantime, I'll use a microphone scope for MOUTH with earphones or speaker system ONLY while keeping ears plugged because of WIND strength that caused pressure to come OUT the same way that it went it while also having an inner ear fluid leak with negative electrical discharges. My eyesight or primary means for survival did not fair well at all with this direction for life while I also know that I don't need to justify anything for anyone since I am well qualified to speak up for WIND consideration concerning my own ears that comes before not having to do the same thing concerning having generalized intracranial pressure or water on the brain based on fluid movement. While I cannot tell the fluid with internal operating system how to act, I go slow to keep pressure minimized while knowing how I will die if and when I find myself in a position where I have to move fast. All communication definitions come AFTER this FACT since one doesn't need to see and hear to know what ALL microphones like and to have Faith in what WIND has done, is doing, and WILL do. And, I bless persecution while not being troubled about sorrows that must come to pass before I get to where I am going since all this does is speed my getting there while there is no telling what WIND WILL do to the rest of the air coming out of a talking mouth that doesn't consider it for themselves since nothing last without consideration.

Disrespecting WIND is no different from disrespecting the ocean while both elements have own mind. It doesn't matter if air out of a talking mouth wants to put itself on a boat in middle of ocean before ocean causes boat to sink while air chooses to forget about an element with own mind that it cannot tell how to act. And, because WIND has own opinion concerning communication definition, it can be somewhat difficult to sit here and listen to everyone talk about this, that, or the other when it seems to be irrelevant when it all goes PAST considering WIND. How many people do you know really care about what another is saying while they are laying on their death bed? So, the only thing that I can say about anything is to say to the air coming out of a talking mouth is to listen to the WIND speaking to them because their words are empty without it. One will either do this or they won't while it does not matter which choice is made since one is not ignorant while the other is. Each will receive results accordingly while Superman is the only one that can use his X-ray vision in his movies while he uses his mouth to tell the WIND how to act. There is no such thing as career or job searching, at this point, after having life expended for the sake of microphone scopes for ears leading to death bed to say, "What?" Or, so-called favorite word.