Yes, there have been a few documented cases of trauma that has manifested as deafness. They're known as somataform disorders. Mental and emotional trauma is manifested as a physical complaint such as deafness, blindness, paralysis, etc. The diagnosis is pretty rare, though.
I also used to wear my hearing aids turned off to block out the hearing that I had because I was alergic to sound. Still am in fact.
Allergic to sound? I don't understand. Can you explain what you mean by that? Are you referring to a "hypersensitivity" to sound?
Yes, there have been a few documented cases of trauma that has manifested as deafness. They're known as somataform disorders. Mental and emotional trauma is manifested as a physical complaint such as deafness, blindness, paralysis, etc. The diagnosis is pretty rare, though.
Yes, I think I mean Hypersensitivity. My dad tells me that I've always reacted badly to loud noises even as a kid, but it got a lot worse after I lost my sight. Now I react badly to any noise. I think due to the fact that I started to wear really powerful hearing aids. I found loud noises such as the hover or someone shutting the door literally painful. I used to have a lot of migranes before I stopped using the hearing aids altogether. The only thing that's ever worked to desensitize my sound problem is cannabis but it also makes you weak and stupid so that's no good. Especially now I lead a drug free lifestyle. Free from drugs like alcohol and canabis anyway. I try to be totally drug free but I'll take medical drugs if it can't be avoided.
Only 10% of deaf people inherited their deafness from their parent(s), according to the common statistic.
Thanks for the explanation.I understand what you're going through. I've always had recruitment and have been overly sensitive to loud sounds for as long as I can remember. Even now that I have CIs, there are days where I'm overly sensitive to sounds even though my processors are designed to make loud sounds comfortable. Environmental sounds like motorcycles, lawn mowers, car horns, leaf blowers and chainsaws tend to bother me the most, but if I'm having a particularly "overly sensitive" day, even soft sounds can be annoying.
And that is due not so much to a "hearing" issue, but to a cognitive processing issue.
And that is due not so much to a "hearing" issue, but to a cognitive processing issue.