I personally don't feel that being hoh/deaf is a disabilty ... a communication challege at times - yes, but a disablilty not really.
I'm one of those people that "puts my money where my mouth is" on that one too .
I've bought my TTY, visual signallers ( SonicAlert stuff - door, phone, etc flashers) hearing aid, and any other adaptive devices I use all at retail price, and I don't think "society owes me" for them ... is it lousy that my phone (uniphone tty ) costs 500.00 instead of 25.00 at walmart ... YUP. But honestly many individuals have specific needs that cost more than "standard". Heck I save money since I'm not buying hundreds of CDs and various MP3players, iPods etc LOL.
I've worked full time since I graduated college, and I've never claimed or applied for a discount on my taxes etc for being hoh/deaf. I don't agree with claiming SSI purely because someone can't hear ... infact it flat out ticks me off when people do it. The only deductions I've ever taken for being hoh/Deaf have been claiming the small about for my TTYs one year on my taxes ( the gov gave me I think 25$ back because it counted as a medical expense .. yippy for me !), my addition health insurance I pay at work covered $150.00 of my HA cost and I was allowed 1/2 tuition for an ASL immersion program, which offers discounts for hoh/deaf who are learning ASL.
Of course no everyone one will feel the way I do ... and that's ok too...
personally I think that being deaf/hoh is a lot like coming from a different country that speaks a different language ... I run into communication problems ( so I carry pen and paper) , I run into ignorate people ( the same ones that make fun of other minority groups) , I get frustrated with situations that are made harder than they have to be .... but all in all - I don't really feel disabled by my hearing loss - I feel challenged.. but challenge often makes us more understanding, more accepting, and 'better' people ... if we choose to let it
If you want to say that deaf/hoh isn't a disablity .. then you have to ACT like it !
just my 2 cents