If deafness is a disability then how come we can do everything a hearing persons can? Deaf can have sex, walk, read, write, ride bikes, fly planes, watch tv, listen to music, etc.
“Deaf often say that they are not disabled, but still they accept the card for free use of the bus.”
Yes, deafness is a disability in the sense that a deaf person does not have the ability to do things that people with intact hearing do: use the telephone, listen to music, etc. It's my view that "disabilities" are measured against what a human being with the accepted natural abilities of sight, hearing, locomotion, etc. is able to do. A person who loses or is born without one or more of the natural abilities is considered "disabled" in the sense that they are lacking one or more of these abilities. It's just a label, and I've never been offended by or felt humiliated by being labeled "disabled" or "handicapped". It's a term, like "white", "black", "Asian", etc.
As far as accepting freebies from governments, keep in mind that many of the assistive devices that any disabled person relies upon to allow them to function in the "normal" world can be very expensive, and most insurance does not cover these devices, so the person pays for them out of pocket. If governments paid 100% for hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive signaling devices, seeing-eye/hearing ear/seizure/etc. dogs, state-of-the-art prosthetic limbs, etc., then I'm sure a lot of disabled people would decline free bus passes or whatever "normal" people see as handouts to what they see as lazy people. :roll:
Just food for thought here: deaf can use the telephone or listen to music; they simply do it differently that an average hearing person would.
I'm talking about the difference between "normal" and "disabled". "Normal" means using the telephone with the receiver to the ear and having a conversation with another person. "Normal" means having the stereo on a volume below "earth-shaking".
The purpose of the military is war. What do you think the military do? The military for whom you work are warriors. Their mission is war. If there were no wars or threats of war, then you wouldn't have a job.Of course I work for military but not for war...![]()
The purpose of the military is war. What do you think the military do? The military for whom you work are warriors. Their mission is war. If there were no wars or threats of war, then you wouldn't have a job.
You missed the point I was making.
Yes, deafness is a disability in the sense that a deaf person does not have the ability to do things that people with intact hearing do: use the telephone, listen to music, etc.
I'm talking about what a "normal" person perceives as a disability.
I didn't miss your point at all, but I do believe you are missing mine. Exatly what is "normal" and "abnormal". Hearing may be normal to you, but abnormal to a deaf person.
Deafness is a disability because of the social barriers and social construction that have deemed it a disabiity, not because of anything inherent in deafness.
I was going by how I interpreted the original question-"is being deaf a disability or not?". I think that the answer is yes, to "normal" people, deafness is a biological disability, and some people choose to make it into a social disability.
I believe that how deaf people perceive themselves affects how other people treat them: if you act totally helpless, then people will treat you that way. If you act like you can do anything they do, just differently, then they'll respect that. I hope I'm making myself clear.![]()
I didn't miss your point at all, but I do believe you are missing mine. Exatly what is "normal" and "abnormal". Hearing may be normal to you, but abnormal to a deaf person.
Deafness is a disability because of the social barriers and social construction that have deemed it a disabiity, not because of anything inherent in deafness.
Goes back to what I said earlier.
The function of language is to communicate ideas and or describe reality.
It is not a perfect tool but it is the best one we have.
When people try to make reality conform to language everything gets screwed up.
When people ask questions that are based on language, logic, cultural bias, definitions, or presuppositions, they set up situations that cannot be answered correctly or honestly.
To put it another way: The question is out of context and cannot be answered until it is put in context with a real situation.
Being under 5' and weighing 90 lbs is a disadvantage to a man wishing to play football, but is not if he wants to be a jockey.
My perception is this, deafness to one person is a disability when I believe ignorance has to be the worst disability.
Nothing more disabling than blindness, deafness or losing a limb than ignorance.