Interesting Rant

The anti-CI sentiments in general have calmed down. I have worked with kids with CIs, all with different experiences and levels of success. I agree with DD that a kid needs to have a full toolbox--plenty of communication options.

It's not easy as a parent to make those most critical decisions---decisions which will have affect the child's future so seriously. It's no wonder parents who are criticized for those decisions lash out from the stress. SP's post seems to have been an explosion of frustration.

I hope someday these issues won't be so divisive, and the Deaf and hearing communities will find more common ground. So difficult.
:shock: A lot of "f**k you's" made by Subway Prophet. It makes me wonder if that parent had used that word around his daughter often. :whistle: He needs to take up anger management classes. :giggle:
Oh boy.....we're being discussed over there!!! . . .

Gosh, sure hope they're talking about me and Snickers. I personally don't care what's being said, as it's not important, as none of them are over here discussing it. Heh, they've all probably been banned, which makes me glad they're not over here polluting us! :P
deafdyke: check your e-mail and turn on private messaging here at AllDeaf. We have been trying to contact you for several days. The situation at Straight Dope is being taken care of. You will be provided a sponsored membership, and FunnyName can be unbanned, but you have to reply to our e-mails. Reply to mine first before you talk to Marley or TubaDiva.
deafdyke: check your e-mail and turn on private messaging here at AllDeaf. We have been trying to contact you for several days. The situation at Straight Dope is being taken care of. You will be provided a sponsored membership, and FunnyName can be unbanned, but you have to reply to our e-mails. Reply to mine first before you talk to Marley or TubaDiva.

I think Deafdyke is on vacation..she did make a thread about being gone for a while.
I love Daffyd's posts especially #200 and #215

This person has seen the same things I have seen in my professional field.

Way to go!
There is so much utter ignorance and stupidity in the replies I read that it is impossible to respond. Blind ignorance is alive and well on the site.

But here's the one that gets me! And this quote is directly from Subway Prophet, who claims to have interaction with and knowledge of the Deaf community.

"Children of a Lesser God was made by hearing people, for hearing people."

Totally inacurrate. So much for his knowledge.

Oh, well. I guess ethnocentric, audist morons need a place to gather, too.

i dunno , there Some truth in there, it is misleading somewhati can recall an occassion of a webpage/forum/blog i saw which discussed how misleading that film is, I wil try when i have more free time