Mod Note:
First and foremost, THIS thread WILL be locked up!!
Secondly, I happened to be away most of the day, just recently coming online, first checking my PM's and then coming directly to this thread.
As I see it,
both sides DO have every reason and right for what and how they 'each' feel--
BUT, the 'catch' is this: The way it's being handled or how it's being done is the bottom line, and that bottom line is what purposes 'are and is' for having rules set herein for
This on-going fued between two members here NEEDS to
end or find somewhere else to go to--this sort of drama just isn't productive for other members, lurkers and/or potential new members.
Without further ado, not pinpointing at either member above the other in the way this was conducted and handled that's simply 'wrong'...for one, bashing, insulting the way another member posts, whether THAT member feels helpful, giving such advice, or isn't responding/replying via PM's, etc., isn't respecting or entitling that person's rights to express their own opinions or actions--each member here have that 'right' to express an opinion in a manner that is not only deemed different, whether it's the truth or not, but also, such opinions should NOT be forced upon others--problems will exist from time to time when such opinions get quite heated or argumentative,
THIS is when contacting a moderator like myself or any of the other mods,
Alex and we'll do all we can to quash such issues where flame-wars, insulting, bashing, etc., can cease or such actions as giving warnings, getting a ban to absolve such issues if necessary. It's helpful if each member here who may have problems or dislike/disdain toward another member here to either refrain from posting negative replies OR enable the 'ignore' option--....
Please, PLEASE--let's learn to get along here, to agree to disagree or simply refrain from hitting the 'submit reply' key--such actions seen throughout this thread only can spell not just problems between two people, but bring on others to jump on the bandwagon, the drama that unfolds surely can get really ugly fast and that's not the sort of image
Alldeaf strives to maintain, but to allow all our members the opportunity to express opinions, to share ideas/thoughts, (WITHOUT forcing it upon others), etc., having peace and the right to post here in AD--once again, the key word: RESPECT!!
C.C.Sinned--your mockery doesn't serve well, go elsewhere outside of AD that caters to the likes of it, otherwise don't do it here, thank you!
If any member have any further questions or concerns relating to either this thread or other issues, pls. don't hesitate to ask any of the mods or
Thank you!!