Information about Atheist

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The human body is nothing but a set of chemical reactions. (see this article for a description of how the reactions work) The chemical reactions powering a human life are no different from the reactions powering the life of a bacterium, a mosquito, a mouse, a dog or a chimp. When a human being dies, the chemical reactions stop. There is no "soul" mixed in with the chemicals, just like there is no soul in a bacterium, a mosquito, a mouse, a dog or a chimp. Why would there be an afterlife for the chemicals that make up a human body?
Can u explain to me how come I had many recalled past lives?
1) 3) I don't feel like soul, or even... where's it? I don't believe in god or hell but just act like neutral and hard to remember about back in 1991 when my grandma influenced me on strong christian views but I lost her, though after not respect to gay people.

I am sorry your grandmother hurt u badly. No one should be hurt by their remarks. U asked where is it, your soul. If I tell u here then I will be called nut here. In the middle of night I sometime got up and walk away from my own body. I saw myself sleep and saw myself standing watch me sleep. That is how I knew I have a soul.
The question of who created God in the very first verse, Have you ever read it?

Genesis: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) He's creator of the whole universe. It tells nothing about who created God, God had no beginning, have you seen anything about God had a beginning? No, so there's your answer, God wasn't created by anyone, He has always existed. ;)

I do not think she gets this. I sometime find it hard to pix God as infinitely.
People who believe they have lived past lives as, say, Indian princesses or battlefield commanders are more likely to make certain types of memory errors, according to a new study.

Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

I will check this website. Honestly I do not believe in reincarnation. Those memories were showed to me by me observe their lives, God's. God lived in all and I get to see them thru His eyes. But there is something else, there is possible that memories do carry in my blood, my ancestors. There is no proof of any of them, just theory and pov.
his view on reincarnation is just as valid as yours on god.....using the bible as proof when the bible itself is in question is ridiculous. it would be like me using a book about reincarnation as proof....

its not only typical of atheist, ITS THE VERY DEFINITION. if an athiest were a satanist, then they would be believing in a higher being, thus negating the label athiest. the 2 lables are not interchangable.

thats your view, and you have a right to believe that. but believing doesn't make it true.

your assuming we believe humans have souls to begin with.

you have some very serious misunderstandings about athiests. you are the typical religious sheep that gobbles down whatever your pastor throws out at you without taking an objective look at his words and deciding for yourself what they mean. or educating yourself about the world around you...the fact you call athiest satanists proves this statement.

im not anti-religion, or angry at it. i happen to be an athiest, but i had never heard of deism before this thread. after researching that a bit, its intriguing. on a very basic level i believe a god does not interfere with our daily lives, events set in motion and left alone would fit my view, since i can't explain some things, just as noone can explain things with certainty. i think the theory of evolution doesn't contridict deism, as one could say "god simply set the events in motion, and they happened on their own from there.

whatever you believe, trust in that. and do not think that athiests are a bunch of immoral satanists. we aren't. we have families, we are good people, we help old ladies cross the street the same as any christian. our society in this coutry is based off christian ideals, just because we don't believe in christianity does not mean we weren't raised according to those beliefs and still fit into a society that believes in the just and right things.
we simply have a different view on what happens after death.
You misunderstood me...I did not say that athiests are satanists at all..
I just said the word "unless" meaning they DO PRACTICE if you DONT
practice it then you are NOT satanist. I realize not all athiests are, and i
realize a lot of athiests are nice and decent people who have good jobs and
have families and all so dont get me wrong. They just simply dont believe
in God, period. Thats fine, i respect it is their prerogative. Like it
is my business that I believe in God and i go to church, right? You dont
have to say that we read our Bible is ridiculous, ok..that is our right, not
yours. So kindly refrain from saying things like that, thanks.
Have a good day!
1) It's found from personal opinion, also I got know about this word but it wasn't in Christian views and it does found in other religions, some people who are atheist did believe that and some are nothing.

2) Not to worship is satanlist? That's Christian views again but Christian is doing bad when toward on people who is atheist but.... I'm not means you or other ADers do that. You used to live in Oklahoma then that's area with heavy christian views but in Western NY is just normal or nothing. I wish that they need stop to label me as satan, there's nothing to wrong with atheist.

3) I don't feel like soul, or even... where's it? I don't believe in god or hell but just act like neutral and hard to remember about back in 1991 when my grandma influenced me on strong christian views but I lost her, though after not respect to gay people. not saying you are a satanist at all..Just because you are
an athiest does not mean you are satanist UNLESS you do practice it..
but you said you dont do any religion like Wicca. I dont label you as a
Satanist or evil at all, Pacman. I just think you are confused but you just
keep searching deep in your soul and you will find it someday, ok?
Good day to you.
You said that all Atheist should refrain from saying you're ridiculous for reading the Bible. You call us "confused" for not believing in God? Hypocrite.
Defee, if you believe in God, you have chosen to reject Allah, Vishnu, Budda, Waheguru and all of the thousands of other gods that other people worship today. It is quite likely that you rejected these other gods without ever looking into their religions or reading their books. You simply absorbed the dominant faith in your home or in the society you grew up in.

In the same way, the followers of all these other religions have chosen to reject God. You think their gods are imaginary, and they think your God is imaginary.

In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he/she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to "believe" in one of them.

The following quote from Stephen F. Roberts sums up the situation very nicely:
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

Remember, atheism entails the absence of belief in the existence of God or other deities. One cannot practice satanism or anything that is supernatural while being an atheist.

It's always strange to note that people associate with atheists as evildoers, wicked, lost, paranoid, confused while on the other hand religious people believes in an invisible man in the sky with a white beard.
Defee, if you believe in God, you have chosen to reject Allah, Vishnu, Budda, Waheguru and all of the thousands of other gods that other people worship today. It is quite likely that you rejected these other gods without ever looking into their religions or reading their books. You simply absorbed the dominant faith in your home or in the society you grew up in.

In the same way, the followers of all these other religions have chosen to reject God. You think their gods are imaginary, and they think your God is imaginary.

In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he/she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to "believe" in one of them.

The following quote from Stephen F. Roberts sums up the situation very nicely:

Remember, atheism entails the absence of belief in the existence of God or other deities. One cannot practice satanism or anything that is supernatural while being an atheist.

It's always strange to note that people associate with atheists as evildoers, wicked, lost, paranoid, confused while on the other hand religious people believes in an invisible man in the sky with a white beard.

You dont understand...I only believe in one God, my Heavenly Father,
not Allah, Budda, etc. cuz that is different kind of religion, dont you
understand so of course i dont worship Allah, Buddah, etc. geez.
As for me thinking atheists as evildoers, of course i dont think they are,
I already told you guys, I DO NOT THINK THAT WAY..I realize a lot of
atheists are nice, decent people who have jobs and families..they happen
to be people who dont believe in God, that is fine with me...i RESPECT
THAT, GEEEEZ. It must be somebody else saying that, NOT ME.
If i want to believe in God, that is my business as well it is your business
to be atheist! ok? You respect me and I respect you!!
Have a good day!!
You dont understand...I only believe in one God, my Heavenly Father,
not Allah, Budda, etc. cuz that is different kind of religion, dont you
understand so of course i dont worship Allah, Buddah, etc. geez.
That's... exactly what I was conveying in my last message. You reject all other gods except the God you currently worship. I'm going to refrain from making a remark on your reading comprehension skills. Just try to read slower next time.

As for me thinking atheists as evildoers, of course i dont think they are,
I already told you guys, I DO NOT THINK THAT WAY..I realize a lot of
atheists are nice, decent people who have jobs and families..they happen
to be people who dont believe in God, that is fine with me...i RESPECT
THAT, GEEEEZ. It must be somebody else saying that, NOT ME.
Well you did say atheists are confused, as apparent from an earlier quote:
Defee said:
I just think you are confused but you just
keep searching deep in your soul and you will find it someday, ok?
And then you went on about satanism. ;)

If i want to believe in God, that is my business as well it is your business to be atheist! ok? You respect me and I respect you!!
Have a good day!!
Fair enough, but this is the On-topic Debate subforum, where we debate what we say. So basically what I'm doing is debating what you're writing. You can worship God all you want and I'm not going to attack you personally, but I will attack the points you bring out in here.

1. You claim you reject all other Gods except your own God. Your religion claims it is the absolute correct religion of all religions. Other Gods say their religion is the absolute correct religion of all religions. How do you know which one is the most absolute correct?

2. You called me "lost" for saying "if". Perhaps you missed the point of my post. If it were true, you would be calling several million philosophers out there "lost". They all say the word of "if".

3. You say that we do not know if we have a soul but you do know that we do. Prove it then.

4. You say you don't care for my answers because you know what my answers would be. That's strange. Some people here have accused me of believing the "Koran" and being a "Muslim". I also have jumped in to defend Christianity. This is the only thread of me jumping in to defend Atheism.
Some of you know that I definitely don't believe God nor Jesus in heaven at all period. You assume that I am atheist? I absolutely don't believe Satan nor demons in hell. Again you assume that I am atheist?

I don't believe there is heaven nor hell period.

Prove me please, if God create hell, tell me where it is somewhere place?

God is a Man. Also, Satan is a Man.
Some of you know that I definitely don't believe God nor Jesus in heaven at all period. You assume that I am atheist? I absolutely don't believe Satan nor demons in hell. Again you assume that I am atheist?

I don't believe there is heaven nor hell period.

Prove me please, if God create hell, tell me where it is somewhere place?

God is a Man. Also, Satan is a Man.

:ugh: If you say so.
Some of you know that I definitely don't believe God nor Jesus in heaven at all period. You assume that I am atheist? I absolutely don't believe Satan nor demons in hell. Again you assume that I am atheist?

I don't believe there is heaven nor hell period.

Prove me please, if God create hell, tell me where it is somewhere place?

God is a Man. Also, Satan is a Man.

If you need wait for approve then you must be agnostic.
:ugh: If you say so.

Oh well, Just lay him off.

Don't worry about him to bash on any religions, that his personal.

Not worth to argue but just better to dream about your soul or believe in religion if you want too.
Faint of heart? Thats not the point! Its you and other mean
spirited people who come in here and say hateful things about
our grammar and stuff...makes me wonder if you and other guy
are HEARING!! If so, then you are being insensitive and maybe
ignorant...if it happens again, making fun of our grammar, then
i will have to report you to the Mods, do you understand, mmmm?

I asked you that you need to ignore them but report to mod can be good or bad options, if they do then would lock up the thread, that what I don't want. That's fine with me if you want ask mod (RR is recommanded) to remove his post, that your choice.

Also, I don't understand about him too. not saying you are a satanist at all..Just because you are
an athiest does not mean you are satanist UNLESS you do practice it..
but you said you dont do any religion like Wicca. I dont label you as a
Satanist or evil at all, Pacman. I just think you are confused but you just
keep searching deep in your soul and you will find it someday, ok?
Good day to you.

Sure, I got it.

Also, thanks for not label me as negative, such as satan because I have never to get in practice with them.
Some of you know that I definitely don't believe God nor Jesus in heaven at all period. You assume that I am atheist? I absolutely don't believe Satan nor demons in hell. Again you assume that I am atheist?

I don't believe there is heaven nor hell period.

Prove me please, if God create hell, tell me where it is somewhere place?

God is a Man. Also, Satan is a Man.

I have suggest for you to ask Netrox if he know about how god is create on earth.
Even without referring to a holy book, the very definition of God remains a philosophical issue. You would have to decide who and what God is.

That's exactly my point. I proved there's no God because people don't EVEN know what God is supposed to be!!!
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