Info on STEM CELLS from scientific source

GWUMC Events: "Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Cochlear Ganglion Precursors for Transplantation as a Treatment of Deafness"

"GWUMC Events
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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"Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Cochlear
Ganglion Precursors for Transplantation as a Treatment of Deafness"
department: Medical Center Communications and Marketing
when: Thursday, 10/01/2009 (Noon - 1:00 PM)
where: Ross Hall: 401 Physio Conf Rm
who / speaker(s): Chunyu (Hunter) Cai & Kent Morest

ANAT 221: Special Topics in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative
Medicine & The department of Anatomy and Regenerative Biology Present:

Chunyu (Hunter) Cai & Kent Morest

"Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Cochlear
Ganglion Precursors for Transplantation as a Treatment of Deafness"

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 pm
open to public: No"
source: Events • The George Washington University Medical Center

Is it only for doctors to attend the lecture? It says that it is not for a public - "Open to public: No." :(
Is it only for doctors to attend the lecture? It says that it is not for a public - "Open to public: No." :(

Exactly. It is because it is still in the research phase, and they are reporting their research findings to the medical community. The treatment is not available to the general public.

Anyone else notice that this is sponsored by the dept of Communication and Marketing? Anyone else see sales pitch hiding in there?
Exactly. It is because it is still in the research phase, and they are reporting their research findings to the medical community. The treatment is not available to the general public.

Anyone else notice that this is sponsored by the dept of Communication and Marketing? Anyone else see sales pitch hiding in there?

That's cause there's money to be made.
Exactly. It is because it is still in the research phase, and they are reporting their research findings to the medical community. The treatment is not available to the general public.

Anyone else notice that this is sponsored by the dept of Communication and Marketing? Anyone else see sales pitch hiding in there?

Yes, I saw that word. You have sharp eyes!
Cochlear Repair

"Cochlear Repair
According to an Italian research team publishing their findings in Cell Transplantation (17:6), hearing loss due to cochlear damage may be repaired by transplantation of human umbilical cord hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) since they show that a small number migrated to the damaged cochlea and repaired sensory hair cells and neurons".
source: Expecting A Baby
stem cells hearing loss México?

another forum, pioneer of stem cells, referred to as stem cells treated by the total bilateral hearing loss. The clinic, he says, is in Mexico. I have no further information. I've only read the forum for stem cell pioneers.
see: ICMS Offshore guide now available - Stem Cell Pioneers

!"Clinic Name
Inbicto Ortholab AKA “The Ramirez Clinic” (Nepsis Institute affiliated)

Tijuana, Mexico near the US-USA border

Ballpark: Bone marrow harvesting, lab processing & Intathecal infusion: $16-17KUSD, stereotactic implant $23-25K.

Patients Treated
900 including cord blood by Dr Ramirez (2003-Present)

Primary Stem Cell Type used

Primary Stem Cell Type Classification
Bone Marrow multilineage progenitors, mesenchymals, etc.

Stem Cell Source:
Bone Marrow

Conditions Treated
Neurodegenerative (ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s ), cerebral palsy, TBI, osteoarthritis, spinal cord injury, kidney failure, bronchiectasis, Emphysema, some cardiovascular, bilateral total hearing loss (Hair cell related), degenerative disc disease, many ocular (eye) diseases, some GI and genitourinary tract" :hmm:
I read that your post stated, "900 including cord blood by Dr. Ramire" which means that they get the cord from his wife? :scratch:

I am pretty sure that the patients have to get their own bone marrow out during the surgery in order for a lab to extract and process it something so that a doctor will implant it in their body for a second surgery. This is probably not related for the cochlear.

Here is the link that you might be interested to look it up, and I saw on Oprah's TV show with Dr. Oz. It's amazing and famous story... Unfortunately, no closed caption on the video clip. (I watch Dr. Oz's TV show almost everyday. He has a lot of interesting to talk about.)

Dr. Oz Goes Inside a Tissue Regeneration Lab - Video -

Stem Cell Research -
I eagerly await more and more information which will become possible with time. I am curious if anyone has any idea on the rate of improvement. Today it appears that 75% of those get at least a 10db improvement in their hearing. Average improvement is 20db and a lucky few get over 30db improvement!

Any candidate today can go out and be a pioneer in getting stem cells for deafness. Any idea when there will be a guarantee, say if you don't improve at least 10db youll either get additional stem cell treatments free or get a partial refund?

Im also wondering if they have treated anyone who was born deaf like I was. I read somewhere that they did and the infant experienced a huge improvement in hearing!

Are the stem cell clinics expecting a growing number of patients who wish to treat their hearing loss or deafness? They should have their results posted as testimonal and provide "before" and "after" audiograms. There's plenty of testimonals for stem cell treatment of blindness and many other conditions so we know stem cells does work.

That link is broken. But you did post in AD that the center is located in Tijuana, Mexico. They have treated 900 patients since 2003(wow that's early!) and they can treat total deafness now! How many patients have they treated for deafness/hearing loss and how much improvement was achieved and what % didn't improve? Were any who were born deaf treated? The cost of $20,000 is way cheaper than CI!

I could fly to San Diego(or some other airport) and visit Phi4sius who lives in CA. Together we could drive to Tijuana once or twice a week for cord blood stem cell treatments. This would save us thousands in travel and hospital fees over going overseas to China or some other country!

Phi4sius says we could get our chance as early as 2010! Would we see a dozen case studies per stem cell clinic and overall over 100 who have successfully been treated for deafness? I know it's available today if you want to be a pioneer and find a 20db improvement acceptable but no guarantees yet. I would be happy with as little as 20db improvement, it's a realistic expectation.
Au revoir! Have fun with rehabs and therapies! (And quite possibly trips to the mental ward if you can't handle the sensory inputs from the new stereocilia.)
Stem cells can repair/replace/regenerate any cell in the body. This is why I am waiting for stem cells. Not only will it replace my missing hair cells in my ears, itll repair my auditory nerve. I suspect my auditory nerve isn't in great shape for the higher frequencies since it's been so long since I heard the highs. But im not worried if stem cells doesn't give me usable high frequency hearing. HearAgain hears better with 6 high frequency electrodes disabled. I can always try out transpositional HAs. Only 10% of speech information takes place above 2000Hz. Stem cells would also repair any other defects in my body besides improving my hearing. I could consider it a general health tuneup :cool2:

I have commented by email that the treatment for deafness in Beike stem cells in the auditory nerve does not in the hair cells in the cochlea. Therefore not yet addressed in the hearing cells or ciliary regeneration in the cochlea. Currently they seek the auditory nerve, but not if the damage is in the cochlea.
I don't understand what you mean, but todays stem cells is able to regrow at least a few hundred hair cells. It improved the hearing of this 4 year old who had SNHL. Stem cells will improve my own SNHL due to me missing most of my hair cells.
I don't understand what you mean, but todays stem cells is able to regrow at least a few hundred hair cells. It improved the hearing of this 4 year old who had SNHL. Stem cells will improve my own SNHL due to me missing most of my hair cells.

I have this doubt and hope that progress also in the hair cells.
Beike has informed me that the only cure auditory nerves, not the hair cells in the cochlea. Sensorineural deafness, if I mistake not, is in the hair cells and / or auditory nerve. Some people only have losses in having healthy hair cells or auditory nerve. Also people who have problems in the hair cells and auditory nerve. From what I Beike stem cells with enhanced auditory nerves, but not in hearing cells in the cochlea. Anyway you have to keep asking.
New Stem Cell Therapy May Lead To Treatment For Deafness

They were able to formulate conditions that allowed for the progressive differentiation into neurons and hair cells with the same functional electrophysiological characteristics as cells seen in vivo.

"The results are the first in vitro renewable stem cell system derived from the human auditory organ and have the potential for a variety of applications, such as studying the development of human cochlear neurons and hair cells, as models for drug screening and helping to develop cell-based therapies for deafness," say the authors.

My comments: Stem cells can regenerate both hair and nerve cells! Perhaps they meant that their stem cells can give more of an improvement for nerve than hair cells? The thing is most deaf people have SNHL which means damage to the hair cells. Those with damage to the auditory nerve would not get good results with CI anyway. For them, stem cells is the only choice if they want to hear speech/sounds.

Furthermore, stem cells gives an average of 20db improvement in hearing for most people who have been pioneers for stem cells. Most deaf people have a functioning auditory nerve so the 20db improvement in hearing must be comming from regenerating perhaps a thousand hair cells. Normal hearing is 15,000 hair cells. Stem cell studies on animals have proven that stem cells does regenerate hair cells!
I agree with you, plus there are more studies on hair cell regeneration in the cochlea. Beike however informs me that only about auditory nerve. You can check by asking you if you want Beike on its website or by email to representatives of Beike. For example there is a question on the web Google Traductor

"Hello, you listen to the words of a normal nerve, the cochlea damaged stem cells are currently no treated, efficacy can not be predicted, please forgive me".

Anyway for example in Mexico (no details) refers to the hair cells, and there are many reports of possible treatments hair cells ... not lose hope.
Method for regeneration of neurites from neurons of adult and aged spiral ganglion...

"Método para la regeneración de neuritas a partir de neuronas adultas y envejecidas del
ganglio espiral, para la recuperación auditiva
Universidad española patenta un método para la regeneración de neuritas a partir de
neuronas adultas y envejecidas del ganglio espiral, que incluye tanto una disociación
mecánica como enzimática con tripsina a 37°C, la adhesión de los explantes a superficies
cargadas positivamente y un medio de cultivo acondicionado que incorpora suero de caballo,
L-glutamina, los suplementos B27 y N2 simultáneamente y el factor de crecimiento GAP-43.
La invención se puede aplicar en medicina regenerativa para solucionar problemas
relacionados con hipoacusias y diferentes sorderas neurosensoriales incluida la presbiacusia.
Solicitar información detallada de la patente a"

google translation:

"Method for regeneration of neurites from neurons of adult and aged
spiral ganglion, auditory recovery
Spanish University patented a method for the regeneration of neurites from
adult and aged neurons of the spiral ganglion, which includes both a dissociation
mechanical and enzymatic trypsin at 37 ° C, adhesion to surfaces of explants
positively charged and conditioned culture medium incorporating horse serum,
L-glutamine, B27 and N2 supplements simultaneously and growth factor GAP-43.
The invention can be applied in regenerative medicine to solve problems
associated with sensorineural hearing loss including deafness and different presbycusis.
Ask for details of the patent"

Since you posted this bloody tadbit (in the above post) in response to my questioning whether or not Deaf culture is dying... and since experimental, non-approved, medical technology has nothing to do with the cultural shaping of things, I think it's more apt to state it here:

Okay, let say that people did figure out how to restore hearing. How are you planning to make it so that those adults can cope with the new sense of hearing? Will they even ever understand what those new sounds means?

Are their brain going to be able to handle the new sensory inputs? How much rehabs will they need? Will they go mentally insane once exposed to new stimuli?

What would be more devastating if the results are not yielded: restoring full hearing to someone that have a 30-80% speech score back to 100%, or reversing the process by destroying the stereocilia to total deafness if the person can't tolerate being fully-hearing?

These are questions that cannot be answered until it's too late. And frankly, I rather focus on the "now" than focus on what might happen a few years later.

It's nice you're looking for a cure, but you're not seeing the psychological and sociological side of things. All this means for now is that the elderly or those who lost their hearing post-lingually have something to look forward to.