In the Year 2050…


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Sep 27, 2003
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This is a repost, but I can’t bump the original thread because I can’t find it. I was thinking that with 2005 being less than a day and a half away, it would be both fun and revealing to look 45 years into the future and predict what alldeaf will be like in the year 2050. I’ll start by throwing out a few of my own predictions.

In the year 2050:

Vampy will dedicate his 500,000th post to his urologist and the hot 60 year old cootchie mama that fills his prescriptions at the Wal-Mart pharmacy.

bbnt will overdose on Viagra and experience a sustained 4 hour erection—his first in 10 years. In his uncontrolled excitement, he will start a thread about it in the General Chat forum, complete with pictures. Sadly, nobody will care and the thread will get 17 views and zero replies.

The gray twins will be posting pictures of their great-grandchildren, and their granddaughters will be the new alldeaf flirts.

At the age of 106, Tousi will still be the oldest member of alldeaf.

Malfoyish will be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her groundbreaking collection of essays on being deaf and old in America. Her book will be entitled I’m Still Deaf, and I Don’t Give a Shit What You’re Saying Anyway—Now Get Your Fat Ass Out of the Way, Because You’re Blocking the TV Set. It will spend over a year on the NY Times bestseller list.

ravensteve will finally get his CI, marry his audiologist’s receptionist, and go on to have a large, albeit slightly dysfunctional family. He will continue his daily rants on alldeaf, but they will pretty much be limited to complaints about the quality of his cable service.

Does anybody else have predictions as to what alldeaf will be like 45 years hence? You can start your post with the sentence In the year 2050…
Levonian will be dead already since apes don't live that long. ;)
Levonian will have passed away because he never got his syphilis treated
In the year 2050...

Oakley will be in the mental institution :crazy:

DreamDeaf will be famous for the AllDeaf christmas songs and for making everyone have weird dreams in their sleep
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In the year 2050...Ill be dead cause thats 90 years old ill be. Of course in the year 2050 there will be no more deaf babies because of the hair cell regeneration will be grown again. Stem cells will cure 70% of dieases. Oil will no longer be used cause cars will now run on hybid electro power. MARS will be colonized. Communism will be a thing in the past. And theres only one national store WAL-MART youll do all your shopping at WAL-MART.
In the year 2050...

Roadrunner will be known as Roadwalker since he'll be using a walker to get around due to his knee caps going bad.

Ravensteve will be making his daily rants, only it'll be about how he don't like having the Liberals controlling his medicine prescriptions.

Malfoyish may be longer Malfoyish and may be Potterish instead.

Liza will finally get her wish and join the Slytherins only to find out that nobody is in it.

The life of Steven Spielberg will be taught in American History classes and published in all of the history textbooks.

So will be James Cameron, who is a Canadian.

George W. Bush will still to this day be known as Dubya.

Cheri will be longer blonde, but Angel will remain to be. (Thank goodness for hair dye)

USA will be no longer be USA, it will be USC. (United States of Canada). ;)
Lol, Banjo, you have been making too many trips to the Canadian fridge!


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What alldeaf will be like in the year 2050? I may have a list.

Oddball would finally married bbnt, Oddball kept bbnt on a leash and walk him daily. :giggle:
DreamDeaf would lead to a famous deaf singer nationalwide. :applause:
Levonian would buy a land on some Island where it's all about bananas. It would have a banana sea, banana hotel, banana clothes, banana boat. Mayflower would be the Queen of Banana Island. ;)
Meg marry the first guy who treat her like a queen, brought her a house that cost billion of dollars. She never had to work again, be a postwhore in AllDeaf.
Taylor got to a high level of being a cheif of the Police Department, Don't pissed him off or else.
Reba would have people build her a church and preaches there. She would be the famous AllDeaf preacher.
Magatsu will be the first deaf democrat President of the United States and still bashes on the republicans in AllDeaf.
nozobo will get his own film in gay porn in Hollywood, shows his videos in all over Penisarium forum. :naughty:
Deaf258 will have his books of poems published, It would be at all bookstores in the world. :P
Katzie recovered that she has a lost sister in AD that would be me! :hug:
Beowulf will have a house crowd of women, He is losing his mind and doesn't know which woman to choose, Because the Doctor advise him he would lose his penis. So, he comes in AD asking for our feedbacks on what to do. :eek:
TweetBird will lose her feathers from all those cats in AllDeaf.
Nooo, If I have ANY gray hair, it will be dye BLONDE! :pissed: ...nice try Levonian!

In the year of 2050:

Our oldest Moderator Vampy will finally settle down, get married and have little vampires running around in AD....

bbnt will still be hanging around and teased a few more new members that are coming in and out of AD and finally settle down by marry the woman who been stalking him for years------> Oddball

Levonian and his lovely wife Mayflower will finally have children and grandchildren of their own, and will be part of the family history of AD...

Alex and E will finally tied the knot and their children will be running AD once Alex and E retired....

Malfoyish will be one of the famous Deaf writter in history, sold million of her books, inculding her first copy of " Harry Potter and the Malfoyish " which was the number one hit in NYC...Her husband finally retired and still posting in AD while she working on writting her next book called " Why do blondes think they're smart ? "... :lol: ..

DreamDeaf will settle down with the woman of her dreams, she will be the next famous Deaf singer who sold million of copies of her most goofy Alldeaf Christmas songs , her top number one hit was " I'm Getting Nuttin' For Christmas "

Oceanbreeze will become the MOST popular member in the history of AD!!

Meg will finally find the man of her dreams!!! psst? I aren't telling you until the year of 2050 comes along!

Zesty will be in Meg's wedding as she also found the man of her dreams who is a member of AD.....

Sabrina will countine to post Vampy's baby pictures up in AD even his nude ones too.....Get ready girls!!!

I will post more later, gonna to fly here since time is running out for me!!!

Will be back! ;)
Let see,,Angel & cheri would both have grey hairs. And making girls scout cookies. Cheri might weigh over 300LBS :D
ravensteve1961 said:
Cheri might weigh over 300LBS :D

:eek: Wanna play now? the year 2050, Ravensteve will be Too old. WAY too old, he wouldn't have nothing left from belt to below. :giggle:
No cheri,,Im being realistic. Ill be here in 2050.
Cheri would settle down with a nice guy and have a huge house in Cailfornia and get pregnant again..this time a baby girl! :eek:

Angel and Roadrunner would finally get married and have grandchildren running around keeping them busy.

Oakley_04 and Nozobo would be tied to the knot.

Lev and his wife would travel all over the world.. never have to worry about staying in one place.

Alex and E would have at least 3 kids.
In the year of 2050, I wouldnt care cuz I would be dead by then cuz I would be 89 yrs old. So PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill be reincarnated. And this would be me in 2055 9 years old.

And ill become a high school basketball and football star.Scoring 33PPG in basketball and a sack artist in football. Then ill go on play for FSU. and be drafted ether by the Orlando magic or the baltimore ravens.