In the foot steps of Hear Again and typeing...

Ahahah and all this time I was wishing I could use the television monitor for my computer screen. It actually exists! That's what a CCTV is! <lightbulb>

It is basically a tv with a camera under it, and a sliding tray where you put your book, and buttons or knobs to make it bigger.
I made one to loose weight.

What is your least favorite thing about being blind?

<laugh> Been asked this twice.

My least favorite thing is people's attitudes. The fact many people think you can't do anything as a blind person.

You mentioned something about having to walk dogs at night without a cane?
<laugh> Been asked this twice.

My least favorite thing is people's attitudes. The fact many people think you can't do anything as a blind person.

You mentioned something about having to walk dogs at night without a cane?

I understand, and yes, that is annoying, but my least favorite part is people not thinking i can do anything.

What is your favorite thing about being blind?
What's the funniest reaction someone has had to your blindness?