Money that is saved in bank accounts in the USA is used to support the economic system of the USA by making funds available for investment and loans. Money that is sent out of the USA doesn't help our country at all.
In the USA, some benefits and services depend on the state in which they reside. All children in the USA (including illegal aliens) are allowed to attend public schools. In general (not always), illegal aliens can use routine medical services on a cash basis, or they can use "free" services at emergency rooms where they don't get turned away.
Some landlords charge higher for rents because the aliens are stuffing 12 unrelated adults into a 2-bedroom apartment, which is more wear and tear on the space, and higher utility use.
If landlords are charging higher but not reporting it to IRS, then they are breaking the law. If landlords are allowing too many people to rent a small space then they are possibly breaking occupancy laws.
Many illegal aliens without drivers licenses drive uninsured vehicles, and then cause hit and run accidents or accidents for which there is no insurance recourse for the victims. When an uninsured, unlicensed alien driver drives drunk and hits a tree at 120 mph, who pays for medical bills if he lives for a while? Who pays for his funeral and shipping his body back to his home country? Suppose an uninsured driver hits a little girl walking down the street and she needs medical care? Who pays the bill?
BTW, those aren't hypothetical events. These are taken from my daily local newspaper.
Examples from
...The coroner's office handles 12 times more cases a year now than it did two years ago, said Greenville Coroner Parks Evans. "Nine out of every 10 (illegal immigrant) deaths, we have problems with identification," Evans said.
Last month, Deputy Coroner Karie Cane was faced with identifying a 49-year-old man who had two Mexican identification cards--same photograph, different names--and no family in Greenville..."
If their families are not allowed to enter the country illegally in the first place, then they won't grow up here uneducated or poor, and they won't be here to commit crimes.
If it's so hard and risky to enter the USA illegally, then where are all these thousands of illegal aliens coming from? No, the problem is it's NOT hard to sneak in.
Those who come in on legal visas but stay beyond the expiration date, or never attend the school are also illegal aliens. Whether they come first class on a plane or wade thru the Rio Grande, they are still ILLEGAL.