I'm ready to getting married.

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Okay, first: alldeaf.com crowd. You guys should be ashamed at yourselves. Read below.

Now, Prime Boss. Are you fucking serious? Getting married? That's fine. Any retard can get married. But allow me to tell you why I am in such disgust.

First occurrence:
Thursday 9th of April 2009: You decided it was okay for your cat to go out on the prowl outside. That decision resulted in the cat getting pwnd by a moving vehicle. You swore you would protect your cats from future issues.

Second occurrence:
Somewhere in this area four of your cats were put to sleep without your approval.

Third occurrence:
Friday 13th of November 2009: There was flooding due to Hurricane Ida. You swore to protect your cats but they were outside!!! :eek3: They almost fucking drowned but thankfully they were smarter than their owner and just sat their asses on the porch. You decided to "take care of them until the dangerous flood has reduced." When that episode passed by, you decided again not to take care of your poor cats. Which leads to the next occurrence.

Fourth occurrence:
Four days after the previous occurrence, Nov. 17th, 2009: You go on a trekkie forum (not a pet lovers united, vets online, or any animal related websites) and post about your cats. You let them be outside cats. (Look at April 11th 2009) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? You swore that you will not let anything bad happen to your cats by letting them be outside and you let them go outside. The result this time, tick infestation! You also said there was nothing to do but put them to sleep!

In conclusion:
I seriously think your children will be infested by malaria, polio, rabies, mad cow disease, and to top it off with the unprecedented third version of swine flu before they're 2 with your oh so awesome guidance.

Oh, did you know what the image below is?

Yes, that happens when Aunt Flo visits every damn month. I hope you're man (or eh, trekkie?) enough to handle it.

Man... I want my last few minutes of life back.
I am sorry but...

x2 LOL
At start of thread I was wishing you well but not anymore.
From your comments halfway through thread I find you are seriously imature or seriously perverted. either way i hope this Shari {assuming she is not a figment of your warped imagition] is a fast runner!
You don't want to date or get to know girl. you just want her to marry you and start pumping out kids. you are truly nuts and have no respect for women. i suspect you will die an old lonely man...on less you grow up and change you attiude

This thread is joke ..yes?? You can not be serious!!
It's time for me to be serious about this once and for all.

A thread of mine has produced a great deal of misunderstanding, I don't like how many of you took my thread into some kind of joke here. Allows me to explain all this to clear the misunderstanding here.

Did I ever said that I'm going place my knee down on the floor to asking her to marry me like RIGHT NOW??? I never said that this is woman that I wants to marry. This is me who wants to getting married in the future, this is I who's ready to settle it down.

You see, I had a recent dream about me being married to a beautiful girl ever on the earth. This isn't something that you understand. Yes, I'm madly in love with Shari with all my heart, because she's very beautiful, almost as if I knew her from past life in different time, you know?

I don't take marriage for playing a game here. I take marriage very seriously. Since I'm madly in love with her, words failed me so many times no matter how I tried to respond, here I am search for right time to ask her.

Today, conflict of love has took a toll, because there's another girl who really likes me so much. Her name is Schyler, but I'm going to call her Skyler, so she's very beautiful young woman, she's really tall like I am. We talked for a short time.

Right now I'm not sure who I will end up being married to. Sure, I like both girls. But there's no way in hell would I be immature or being perverted here, I'm very quiet guy here who don't talk that much. I respect a humanity of women here, I'm not one of them who would like to rape and kill them!

Geez...many misunderstanding here. Here's my recent dream that I told my dear friends! Perhaps you will finally get the big picture here! Oh, and "Posts from Hell", how dare you mock this thread? Do not hijack my threads in the future, thank you very much.

Here's recent story:

Earlier this morning, I had a strange vibe that I haven't felt that for long time. A dream of mine was no stranger than the previous dreams that I had in the past, but this recent dream of mine is getting louder and louder to reach out to me to telling me something.

All of a sudden, a beautiful wedding band ring was placed on my ring, a vows that I took so seriously. Not too many people in my dream were so happy with my selection of this love, because they wanted me to go with a good, strong black chick who's going to bleeding her love for me.

I argued with them that this is my decision to marrying her for rest of my life and told them that I couldn't resist her beautiful lighting-blue eyes, her sweet personality sure know how to balance to matched my personality.

So many things go on and on from here.

Then, all of a sudden, this recent dream has vanished in a thick air, I woke up with groggy eyes and still seeing my wedding band ring on my finger. It's something that I didn't expected to see. Clearly I'm ready to settle down to getting married.

What is my recent dream trying to tell me? A weird vibe has continues to rolling in like an earthquake! Almost as if I can't stop that strong vibe as it's getting louder and louder! I'm scratching my head to determine what's my dream is tried to telling me. All am I seeing this beautiful white woman with lighting-blue eyes. I feel like I already know who she is..

What's going on? I hope you can tell me!

Don't you ever laughing or mock my dream. It's very easy to tell that I'm ready to getting married. That's why it's getting louder and louder as I couldn't escape the urges.

*it's a pix of batman spitting coffee cuz he's laughing
25 kids... makes me think of this poem...

There was an lady who lived in a shoe...
She had so many children....
Her uterus fell out!

~Andrew Dice Clay (comedian)
Thread becoming moot..... closed.
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