My name is susan and i am new (duh) to this site. i was recently told by my ENT, audiologist, and an ear specialist, that i have a bilateral sensorineurol (sp?) and conductive hearing loss. I don't quite understand or know the numbers yet, like decibles, etc. I have struggled with major dizziness and ringing in my ears all of my life. i have also had chronic ear infections. i finally decided it was time to see someone. i finally had someone validate the fact that i have a hard time hearing. My family thinks I don't "pay attention enough" my brother, who is a doctor, says that hearing aids are for the "deaf people" how do i get my family to understand? Also, i might have a cholesteatoma. my audiologist and ENT want me to get hearing aids. i am going for an MRI to see about the cholesteatoma. anyone had that surgery? are hearing aids hard to get used to? sorry for the long rant--just kinda overwhelmed. :roll: