i'm new here, too


New Member
May 5, 2009
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My name is susan and i am new (duh) to this site. i was recently told by my ENT, audiologist, and an ear specialist, that i have a bilateral sensorineurol (sp?) and conductive hearing loss. I don't quite understand or know the numbers yet, like decibles, etc. I have struggled with major dizziness and ringing in my ears all of my life. i have also had chronic ear infections. i finally decided it was time to see someone. i finally had someone validate the fact that i have a hard time hearing. My family thinks I don't "pay attention enough" my brother, who is a doctor, says that hearing aids are for the "deaf people" how do i get my family to understand? Also, i might have a cholesteatoma. my audiologist and ENT want me to get hearing aids. i am going for an MRI to see about the cholesteatoma. anyone had that surgery? are hearing aids hard to get used to? sorry for the long rant--just kinda overwhelmed. :roll:

:wave:Hello and welcome, feel free to stop by say hello anytime and enjoy your time at AD, sure you'll find any info you desire here.:cool2:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. As a matter of fact, the hearing aids are for the Hard of Hearing and for the Deaf with powerful hearing aids plus CI (Cochlear Implant) which is like any other hearing aids. Hearing aids helps us to hear in the environment sounds, not clearly when it comes with lipreading. Some of us prefer ASL ( American Sign Language) a whole lot better. Anyway, I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Hello and welcome.

I had radical mastoidectomy surgery on my left ear at the age of nine, over thirty years ago. I believe that this is the surgery you will need if you have a cholesteatoma.
Hi, Photogirl, I'm new too, just joined yesterday, I'm afraid that I cannot help you as I'm not so up to date on the medical stuff, Just hope that you will get the help and support that you need
WELCOME!! Always nice to see new AD'ers, enjoy your stay!!
Welcome to AD.

As you go through this forum you will find many others going through the same situation of family members denying the fact that one actually can not hear.

I am surprised by the fact, a doctor, a member of your family is even denying the facts that hearing aids may help.

Good luck and you will find many threads that may be helpful to you.