I'll be Gone...

If i ever see cheri ill give her a real good kiss.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
HAHAHA!!! :nana: They never won in Memphis...
We got the best BBQ in Memphis.


Hon, We never went to Memphis yet, that doesn't mean we will not win that one...

IcedTeaRulz, It would be a very nice pleasure to meet you. :hug:

Are you trying to hit on me? :Ohno:
SpiceHD said:
good luck on your trip and return safely!

Spiceygirl that thread was made last year.... :giggle: *knocking on head* (anyone home in there).....
ravensteve1961 said:
If i ever see cheri ill give her a real good kiss.

I'm going to bring my camera for this! :mrgreen:
o.O it was last year?!? DOH!!!!! lol i must be really airhead today :-P have been busy wiht my bf's son.. and he worn me out ..

*grin sheeplish and shrugs* guess its one of my blonde moments :-P
ravensteve1961 said:
Here you go angel" tosses her the camera"

I hope I make $$ out of that photo of you and Cheri kissing! :D
TweetyBird said:
i still wait for blonde twins come in alabama! for sure i will zoom see them!

:ily: Me 2 my sweetie!
Well, if you two come to my area, I will be sure to stop by. If you don't have baby back pork ribs, that's alright, I will still stop by to say Hi at least, and hope I don't hold up the line of customers! Hehe
Tousi said:
Well, if you two come to my area, I will be sure to stop by. If you don't have baby back pork ribs, that's alright, I will still stop by to say Hi at least, and hope I don't hold up the line of customers! Hehe

Awww How sweet Tousi.. :)

^Angel^ said:
I hope I make $$ out of that photo of you and Cheri kissing!

Erm, I am going to get you for that....
Tousi said:
Well, if you two come to my area, I will be sure to stop by. If you don't have baby back pork ribs, that's alright, I will still stop by to say Hi at least, and hope I don't hold up the line of customers! Hehe

Aww Can I give you a hug too?... :o
^Angel^ said:
Aww Can I give you a hug too?... :o

I think he will be too nervous to get a hug from both of us the same time.

^Angel^ said:
Chase me while you can!

*reading & finding a easy way to caught ^Angel^*
:rofl: at Cheri and Angel , i wish i should see them like that way they are .. that sound they are so fun TWIN Sisters!! :rofl:


TOF :lol:
Cheri said:
*reading & finding a easy way to caught ^Angel^*

If you are reading a book that tell you how to catch me, then how come you're reading a book called " How to catch hottie guys in their thongs " ?....

Nice try sis!.. :nana:
IcedTeaRulz said:
Cheri and angel,

I'm curious...have u been at Hall of Fame rib fest?

Yes I have in Canton, Cheri only been there a few times cause sometimes we have two shows on the same weekend, I'm usually do the rib fest in Canton while Cheri goes to Michigan to do that one.....