Do you think you are the only person that is anxious or nervous? Everyone is nervous about everything. People understand this. To underscore how nervous you are, tell people that you are nervous. Explain your actions, goals and anything else that may help you get where you want to be. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Do you think Im not nervous at my job? How bout when you are the first guy through the door on a search warrant when you KNOW the guy on the other side has weapons?Or when chasing a guy with a gun. He runs around a corner and you loose sight of him. When I turn that corner, is he going to blow my head off?
How bout everytime I meet a deaf person and wonder about their opinion on a CI on my daughter?
No one is 100% sure about teverything all of the time.
Look at life from this perspective, you do thing simply because they have to get done. Here is an example.
I think I said it earlier in a post, but I called in sick to work today. I feel like shit. I earned the sick time to take the day off, so its no biggie. I would really have liked to lay on the couch all day or srew off in the net. But, instead, I got up a 8:30 this morning and continued to work on an ongoing project in my backyard. I had to build two 10 ft x 2 1/2 foot frames for some steps for my pation. The wood I use is 6in x 6in peices of wood that are 12 feet long. I cut em to size, set them in place, filled them with 1 plus yards of gravel, anoth 3/4 yard of sand,then set the pave stone inside the frames.
relaxed for a little while (earlier, above posts) them I went to the store to start dinner. I have to make dinner tonight, and pick up Lilly in another hour or hour and a half because my wife is working late tonight. SHe is working a 12 hour day today. Why? Because she has to. It sthat simple.
Why am I tellying you all of this? That too is easy. This is the life of someone who does things simply because they have to. There is no choice in any of this. Why is there no choice? Because my we are a responsible. self sustaining family that does not depend on ayone but ourselves for anything.
That is what life as an independant adult is about. You work your ass off. Then when you are done working, you barely have enough energy left to enjoy what you are working for. Why is it thi9s way? Simple. So my daughter is cared for in the best way that we see fit. Buying a nice house in a nice neighborhood in a good school district is not cheap.We do not have the $ pay someone for the improvements we want so I do them. Besides taking care of Lilly, the only other reason we work this hard is because we both KNOW that by the time we are old enough to receive $ from Social security, IT WILL NOT BE THERE BECAUSE SOOOOO MANY PEOPLE USED THE SYSTEM AND NEVER PAID INTO IT!. Becasue of that, I have to work even more so I can be able to retire and have a decent life for my daughter, wife and myself.
To do any of this, you cannot worry about being nervous, or anxious. You do simply because you have to. This is how the rest of the world survives.
Sorry for the rant.